Erisa Terolli (eterolli)

Erisa Terolli

Teaching Assistant Professor

Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science

Department of Computer Science


  • PhD (2018) Sapienza University of Rome (Computer Science)


Data/Graph Mining
Social Computing


Postdoc Researcher - Max Planck Institute of Informatics (2018 - 2021)
Visiting Research Scholar - Brown University - 2017

Institutional Service

  • ADAPT S-STEM program Member
  • DEI Committee Chair
  • First Generation Low Income Mentorship Program Member
  • SWICS Student Club Advisor Chair
  • Developing Curriculum Committee Member
  • ADAPT S-STEM program Member
  • Google Developer Student Club Advisor Chair
  • SWICS Student Club Advisor Chair
  • NSF BPC Plan Workshop Member
  • First Generation Low Income Mentorship Program Member
  • Academic Ambassador Member
  • CS NTT Search Committee Member
  • DEI Committee Member
  • Academic Ambassador Member
  • CS Chair Search Committee Member


- Teaching Assistant Professor - Stevens Institute of Technology Sep 2021 - present.

Honors and Awards

- Google Anita Borg Fellowship 2015
- ICT Awards - Female in ICT 2016

Selected Publications

Conference Proceeding

  1. Guimareas, A.; Terolli, E.; Weikum, G. (2021). Comparing Health Forums: User Engagement, Salient Entities, Medical Detail. 2021 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. 2021 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.

Journal Article

  1. De Stefani, L.; Terolli, E.; Upfal, E. (2021). Tiered Sampling: An Efficient Method for Counting Sparse Motifs in Massive Graph Streams. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) (5 ed., vol. 15, pp. 1-52). ACM.


- Introduction to CS - Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021
- Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning - Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021
- Fundamentals of Computing Spring 2022