Student in lab looking through microscope

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology

The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Stevens is known for its legacy of fostering and nurturing groundbreaking, world-class innovation.

We are a community of researchers with molecular, cellular, and computational minds, dedicated to educating the next generation of science leaders and innovators and exploring transformative scientific ideas for global societal impact.

We strive to provide broad-based education and interdisciplinary training to enrich the learning experiences and global perspectives of our students as lifelong learners and future leaders and innovators.

Academic Programs

Our programs lead drug discovery exploration with interdisciplinary training, rigorous theoretical instruction, highly-valued hands-on experience, and invaluable mentorship and research opportunities.

Catalyze Your Career

Hands-on learning is built into the Stevens educational experience. Here, you'll harness your curiosity to catalyze your career.
Student in lab placing syringe into a vial
Students working in chemistry lab

Learn About Our Research

The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology is building a strong research community of molecular, cellular, and computational minds.

Four high school boys smile as they build a tower on a table

STEM Outreach at the Schaefer School

The Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science is dedicated to science, technology, engineering, and math education and enrichment at all levels. Our numerous STEM outreach and education programs are designed to instill a love of science and technology in both teachers and students from K - 12 throughout the New York and New Jersey area, and beyond.

Upcoming Seminars and Events

Department Leadership

Meet the faculty and staff leading the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Find contact information for department administrators, academic advisors and more.

Department Contacts
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Exterior of McLean Hall.
Contact the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
McLean Hall - Suite 511