Edward Stohr (estohr)

Edward Stohr


School of Business

Babbio Center 428
(201) 216-5385


  • MS (2017) Stevens Institute of Technology (Engineering (Honoris Causa))
  • PhD (1973) University of California (Information Science)
  • MBA (1969) University of California (Business adinistration)
  • BE (1959) Melbourne University (Civil Engineering)


Current Research:

Big data and organizations
Project management
Process automation and workflow management
Machine learning / AI assisted optimization

Google Scholar:
Citations 5552
h-index 32
10-index 59

General Information

Edward Stohr is Professor of Information Systems and Academic Coordinator for the Master of Science in Business and Intelligence and Analytics and the Master of Science in Information Systems programs at the School of Business, Stevens Institute of Technology. Prior to joining Stevens in 2001, he was a faculty member at NYU’s Stern School of Business for over 20 years where he served as Chair of the Department of Information Systems for 11 years and as Director of Stern’s Center for Research on Information Systems for 5 years. He has held visiting appointments at INSEAD, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Melbourne University. Professor Stohr’s research focuses on the problems of developing computer systems to support work and decision making in organizations. He has published over 100 scientific papers including articles in leading management journals such as Operations Research, Management Science, Management Information Systems Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, Information & Management and Communications of the ACM. He is the co-editor of four books on information systems and is on the editorial boards of a number of leading journals. He holds an MBA and a Ph.D. degree in Information Science from the University of California, Berkeley and a B.Eng. from Melbourne University, Australia.

Institutional Service

  • Coordinator AACSB Renewal Chair
  • SB P&T Committee for Full Professors Chair
  • School P&T Committee for Full Professors Chair
  • AACSB Accreditation Member
  • BI&A Advisory Board Chair
  • Coordinator MIS and BI&A Programs Chair
  • BI&A Program Academic Committee Chair

Professional Service

  • Senior Member of the Association of Information Systems Member


2001– Information Systems Program Stevens Institute of Technology

1979-2000 Information Systems Department, Stern School , New York University.

1977-1979 Associate Professor of Decision Sciences, School of Management, Northwestern University.

1973-1977 Assistant Professor of Decision Sciences, Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University.

1973-1973 Instructor, University of California, Berkeley.

1969-1973 Full‑time course work leading to Ph.D.. Information Sciences,University of California, Berkeley

1967-1969 Full‑time course work leading to a degree of Master of Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley.

Visiting Appointments at Other Academic Institutions

2005 Visiting Professor, University of Melbourne, (July - August, 2005)

1996 Visiting Professor, University of Economics and Business, Vienna (Summer)

1996 Visiting Professor, ISMT Department, Hong University of Science and Technology (Spring)

1987 Visiting Professor, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France (Spring semester)

Co-founder, Chair, Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Data Science

Chair, Institute Promotion & Tenure Committee

Honors and Awards

Henry Morton Distinguished Teaching Professor, 2013- Honorary Lifetime Member, Global Institute for Flexible Systems Management. · Member of the Academic Advisory Committee of the Institute for Innovation, Information and Productivity (IIIP)· Howe School Outstanding Service Award, 2006· Howe School Outstanding Service Award, 2004· Research Professor, Stern School of Business, NYU, 1998-2001· Citibank Award for Excellence in Teaching, Stern School of Business,

Professional Societies

  • SIG GlobDev – SIG ICT for Globbal Development Senior member
  • AIS – Association for Information Systems Member

Grants, Contracts and Funds

NameAgencyAmount$Start/EndPICo-PIsBusiness Continuity in the Pharmaceutical IndustryAT& T Foundation$50,0006/1/03 – 9/1/04Lou Laucirica, E. StohrPaul RohmeyerStrategic Multi-Project Resource Management, “CC-Lite”NASA$75,0006/1/04 – 12/31/04Thomas LechlerE. StohrA Methodology and Process for Managing Portfolios of Homeland Security ProgramsHomeland Security Institute$48,0003/1/05 – 12/31/05J. Hultin,E. StohrH. Fallah, Fred MurphyDefinition of the Productivity of ICT in the Era of CyberspaceInstitute for Information Innovation and Productivity (IIIP)$14,0003/1/2009 = 12/31/2010Niv Ahituv, Tel Aviv University, E. Stohr


BIA 650 Optimization and Process Analytics
MIS 710 Process Automation and Management