Corporate Sponsored Research

Research with Stevens
Research and technology development are at the core of the educational platform at Stevens. Stevens combines a strong foundation of fundamental research with ground-breaking and impactful technology development designed to address today’s most relevant scientific challenges and societal needs. Our corporate sponsors are a critical element of the university’s research and technology development enterprise. Companies seek out Stevens faculty for insight and solutions and contribute expertise while helping to define problems faced by tomorrow’s engineers, business leaders, scientists and other professionals.
Companies will receive an exclusive option to intellectual property resulting from the research they sponsor.
Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Innovation
[email protected]

Sponsor Student Research: Stevens Innovation Expo
The Innovation Expo provides invaluable experience about the startup process to students. Companies and individuals can sponsor projects and impact the education of future problem-solvers.
For inquiries, please contact Gregory Townsend, Director of Corporate, Government, and Community Relations.