Enhancing Security and Privacy in Distributed Wireless Networks Through Physical Layer Techniques

3d image of a wireless network and QR code

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Location: Babbio 219

Speaker: Xiaochan Xue, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology


Distributed wireless networks are transforming communication systems, enabling seamless connectivity across IoT, smart cities, and beyond. However, their decentralized nature and open communication medium expose them to security threats and privacy risks. Traditional cryptographic methods, while effective, often fall short in addressing challenges like resource and cost constraints. This talk explores how physical layer security (PLS) offers an innovative solution by leveraging the wireless channel's inherent properties to combat eavesdropping and signal modification attacks. We will highlight key PLS techniques we used and discuss their integration with traditional methods for a multi-layered defense.


Portrait of Xiaochan Xue

Xiaochan Xue is a Ph.D. candidate in the Analytics and Information Security for Complex Systems Lab (AISecLab) at the Stevens Institute of Technology. She received her B.S. in Communication Engineering from Jilin University in 2017 and completed her M.S. in Electrical Engineering at the Stevens Institute of Technology in 2020. Her research focuses on advancing wireless communication and sensing by integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) with 5G, Sub-6G, NextG, and beyond.