How to Raise a Citizen

Graphic, Reads: Campus Point Connection, How to Raise a Citizen, Tuesday, October 1, 6:30 P.M., Hoboken Public Library, RSVP Today!

Learn practical ways to engage your children in politics.

RSVP today!

An interactive panel discussion between:

  • Lindsey Cormack, an associate professor of political science at Stevens and author of How to Raise a Citizen (And why it's up to you to do it)

  • Jennifer Giattino, Hoboken city council president

  • Emily Jabbour, Hoboken city council member

  • Jennifer McBryan, associate dean of undergraduate studies and teaching associate professor

Cormack's latest book, How to Raise a Citizen, is an essential guide to helping our youngest community members grow into engaged and informed adults. Drawing on these insights, this interactive session will offer practical strategies for instilling civic responsibility and encouraging meaningful political dialogue at home.

Please join us for this exploration of how Hoboken parents can effectively engage their children in political discussions and nurture the next generation of active citizens.