Resolving Differences Together: Insights from the Mediation Profession

Two hands shake

Much attention has been paid to conflict management as a critical leadership skill. But, what exactly do adept conflict resolvers do? In the legal profession, even the most zealous trial attorney knows that not every case can or should go to trial. Mediators- third party neutrals trained in the art and science of dispute resolution – are routinely called in to commercial disputes to help calm troubled waters and bring acrimonious relations to a satisfactory settlement. Come learn about the mediation process and how you can adopt some of the skills of an expert dispute resolver to manage the conflicts that crop up in your professional and personal interactions, hosted by the Inclusive Leadership Certificate Program

Facilitated by Ellen Waldman, the Vice President of Advocacy and Educational Outreach at the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR). Prior to her current role, Ellen was a law professor who directed a court-connected mediation program and first year doctrinal courses. In the area of dispute prevention and resolution, she writes, trains and consults in a broad range of cases. Former chair of the International Mediation Institute’s ethics committee, and task-force member for the California judicial council’s working-group on training requirements for court-connected mediators, Waldman has been deeply involved in policy questions relating to the qualification and ethics training of mediators.

She has published more than 25 articles on numerous dispute resolution topics and crafted the first book-length treatment of ethical dilemmas in mediation, entitled Mediation Ethics: Cases and Commentaries.

Learn more about the Inclusive Leadership Certificate Program