MOvement COntrol REhabilitation (MOCORE) Laboratory
The Movement Control Rehabilitation (MOCORE) Lab investigates the optimization of functional rehabilitation through visually guided training and cognitive agency while performing movement tasks. Visual feedback is employed to maximize real-time performance and elicit training benefits in using assistive devices, such as prostheses and exoskeletons, and rehabilitative exercises. Currently, sense of agency is being investigated in virtual reality environments towards better design of protocols that improve grasp function.
Functional Rehabilitation
Feedback Control of Human Movement
Computational Biomechanics
Assistive Devices to Restore Mobility
Neuromuscular Pathology
This lab is equipped with a motion capture system, a data acquisition system, an electromyography system, a high-fidelity low-force load cells (part of pinch grasp apparatus) and specialized musculoskeletal modeling software including high-detail visualization.