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Duck Diaries: Lessons from the First Year

The first year at Stevens is a time for personal growth, independence, new experiences and self-discovery. We spoke with a group of rising sophomores who shared highlights of their first year and its positive impacts, as well as advice for incoming students.

Isabella Talamini, Class of 2027

Isabella Talamini, an electrical engineering major, chose to enroll at Stevens for the career internships, professors’ knowledge, size of the school and its proximity to the city.

Her first-year experience has positively impacted her. “It has pushed me to be more outgoing, especially in the beginning of the year,” Isabella says. “It has also made me more driven due to surrounding myself with other students who care about their education.”

One of her most memorable experiences was student orientation. “That’s where I bonded with a lot of new friends, and it gave me fun memories to look back on.”

Isabella became a member of Delta Phi Epsilon. “Joining the sorority dramatically increased the number of friends and fun experiences I’ve had at Stevens.”

What surprised her most: “I was surprised at how most professors know your name and recognize you around campus. The professors are very helpful and want the best for their students.”

Her advice to first-year students: “Never say no to any sort of activity in the first couple weeks of school. It’s important to put yourself out there in order to make friends, and those necessary connections that will stay with you throughout your entire Stevens career. Along with that, I think it is important to join a club or Greek organization.”

Georgina Fields poses with friends in Hoboken

Georgie Fields, Class of 2027

Georgie Fields is majoring in marketing innovation and analytics. Stevens’ Hoboken location and strong business school were deciding factors in her choice to enroll.

Her first year helped foster her personal growth. “I definitely became more independent after my first year at Stevens,” she says. “It also let me see many different options for career paths that I could potentially follow.”

Georgie is active in Stevens Women in Business and also joined Phi Sigma Sigma. “They both made my first year so much better. They gave me a chance to meet so many more students who became my good friends!”

She enjoys many things about Stevens. Highlights of her first-year activities include going to a baseball game, seeing a show in New York City and visiting the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center. “I also just loved hanging out with my friends in our room or sitting outside when it was nice out.”

Her advice to incoming students: “Be super-open to any new experiences! And remember that it is everyone’s first time at college.

What she’s looking forward to most: “I’m definitely looking forward to living in the University Center Complex Towers and taking classes that are more specific to my major!” 

Mia Nisivoccia, Class of 2027

For Mia Nisivoccia, a biomedical engineering major, Stevens was the ideal choice because it was close to home, and she loved the location and campus size.

In her first year, Mia says she’s grown socially. “I am more confident in my abilities to hold conversations with strangers and work in groups with students I’ve never met. My first-year experience has influenced me to aim higher and work harder to push for goals outside my comfort zone.”

She’s also grown academically. “I find the course work challenging in a good way,” Mia says. “My classes were not what I expected, but I also was not really sure what to expect considering I was a first-year student. My professors were great with providing extra resources and office hours to help.”

What surprised her: “I surprised myself by getting better grades than expected.”

Her advice to new students: “Have an open mind and do what makes you happy.” 

Students studying outside in front of the UCC

Faith Bet, Class of 2027 

Faith Bet is an electrical engineering major who chose to come to Stevens for the location, the education and the atmosphere.

Faith says her first year at Stevens has contributed to her growth. “I feel like I’ve become more open to opportunities, people and things. I have definitely become more responsible and learned better communication skills.”

Two of her most memorable experiences during her first year include living in Humphreys Hall and meeting some of her closest friends. She has enjoyed her classes and professors.

Her advice to incoming first-year students: “Don’t stress too much about the work. I think it’s more important to become socially and emotionally acclimatized to Stevens rather than being completely academically ready.”

What she’s looking forward to most in her second year: “I’m really excited to dive deeper into the education and more specifically with my major.”