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Duck Diaries: Stories from Abroad

Studying abroad is a dynamic opportunity that adds another dimension to the unique Stevens experience. Explore highlights of our students’ journeys abroad and learn how these transformative experiences helped to enrich their cultural understanding and broaden their perspectives.

From Prague and Italy to Seoul and Costa Rica, Stevens students traveled across the globe to study abroad. Read excerpts from their student essays showcasing the profound impact of their journeys and immersion in new cultures and experiences.

Picture from Carlihanny Sanchez of the architecture in Prague


Carlihanny Sanchez, Class of 2026, computer science major

Embarking on my first journey to Europe was a thrilling endeavor. Prague, the enchanting capital of the Czech Republic, became not just a destination but a profound cultural immersion.

Central to this experience was the Czech language class, which not only enriched my linguistic skills but also served as a gateway to understanding the city and its people.

From the moment I arrived in Prague, I was captivated by its rich history and vibrant atmosphere. The city's architecture, blending medieval charm with elegance, created a picturesque backdrop for my cultural exploration. I felt as though I was inside a page of a storybook. Every cobblestone street seemed to whisper tales of the past, inviting me to delve deeper into its mysteries. I wanted to become a part of the city and discover every hidden gem. I spent countless days getting lost in its magic, wandering from store to store, exploring all of its unique novelties.

The Czech language class, led by an exceptional professor, became the cornerstone of my experience. The immersive experience extended beyond the classroom, as I embraced every opportunity to immerse myself in Prague's cultural tapestry. From attending local festivals and concerts to exploring museums and art galleries, each moment presented a chance to deepen my understanding of Czech identity and heritage. I had the privilege of attending a four-season orchestra that took place in a beautiful cathedral.

My time in Prague left an indelible mark on my heart, igniting a desire to return and further immerse myself in the city's dynamic atmosphere. Beyond the enchanting façade of tourist attractions lies a world waiting to be explored—a world of career opportunities, cultural exchange and personal growth. 

Bryan Villalta in Italy during study abroad


Bryan Villalta, Class of 2024, mechanical engineering major

When I arrived in Florence, I was in awe. I was just looking outside the window of the car, and I couldn’t believe I was actually in Italy. My program was based in Florence, which is a city with a lot of history. Florence is the birthplace of the Renaissance. It is filled with art museums, such as the Uffizi and the Accademia Gallery, and there is even art out in the public. In the Piazza della Signoria, there are statues outdoors for the public to see. It's as if the art is part of the city, and it shows the importance of art in the city.

The class I took was “Cultural Introduction to Italy.” I enjoyed learning about Italian culture. It was extremely interesting, especially being in the actual country because I was able to see what I was learning about as soon as I stepped outside of the classroom. It was as if the city was a classroom, and it made it feel as if I wasn’t taking a class but exploring a culture.

Exploring Florence and Italy was amazing. Navigating a foreign environment encouraged independence and resilience. Overcoming challenges, such as adapting to a new lifestyle, strengthened my interpersonal and intercultural skills. This experience has instilled in me a deep appreciation for diverse perspectives, fostering a global mindset that I will carry forward in both my personal and professional endeavors.

Even though I study engineering, this mindset is important because of how connected the world is today. This transformative experience has not only enriched my academic journey but has left an indelible mark on my identity and aspirations.

Nataly Jimenez Cruz in Seoul


Nataly Jimenez Cruz, Class of 2025, computer science major 

After a very long 16-hour flight, two-hour wait in the airport and a one-hour drive to Korea University’s Anam International House, I was ready to begin the next three weeks of what I had not known at the time, would be one of the most influential times of my life.

I had made my first few friends from my TEAN (The Education Abroad Network) program, and we decided to get breakfast at Ediya Cafe, a Sanrio-based cafe near campus. We spoke about what classes we were taking at Korea University. We decided to go to Gangnam, one of the most trendy places to visit in Seoul. Riding on the Seoul Metro was daunting at first, but luckily someone in our group had been to South Korea before and taught us how it worked in order to arrive at Gangnam. We arrived at the famous Starfield Coex Mall, the largest underground shopping mall in all of Asia. By the entrance was an iconic statue of hands representing the Gangnam Style dance. The mall had a beautiful two-story library, with shelves reaching the ceiling of the mall and a large Christmas tree placed right at the center.

On New Year’s Eve, TEAN rented out traditional hanboks for our group to wear and walk around the Gyeongbokgung Palace. I chose a beautiful maroon skirt covered with gold-patterned snowflakes and a white and gold jacket. At the palace, all around, the scenes were jaw-dropping, and the various structures felt like I was amidst Korean history. It had snowed the day before, so the entire landmark was covered in snow, feeling like a winter wonderland.

On the last day, Korea University had invited us to a graduation ceremony in the grand Inchon Memorial Hall. During the ceremony, I looked back at everything, the new food I tried, new places and music I discovered, the friends I had made, the sights I had seen. Korea had become a part of me and my journey in life. I made tons of new memories that will stay with me forever, created connections and friendships, and was able to adjust to an unfamiliar but beautiful culture, perceiving life in a new way. 

Samuel Franco in Costa Rica


Samuel Franco, Class of 2025, electrical engineering major 

One of the highlights of my time in Costa Rica was the exploration of the Tenorio Volcano National Park, a hike in an area called Cerro de la Muerte. The park, located in the Guanacaste volcanic mountain range, was both a tourist attraction as well as a sanctuary for regional wildlife. The guide took us through this incredibly thick and rough trail, no more than two feet wide at all times. The trail was also very muddy, and it felt like we were just traversing through the midst of the forest. After hours of hiking, we finally made it to the top where we were able to see the most beautiful view of one of Costa Rica's mountain ranges.

Costa Rica's economic dependency, primarily on fertile land and rainfall, became a focal point during my research on the country's ecological landscape. The reliance on crops like coffee and pineapples for export, coupled with the impact of climate change on these crops, demonstrated the vulnerability of the economy. The intricacies between environmental conditions and economic prosperity became more and more clear the more I researched.

My time in Costa Rica was also enriched by cultural immersion. By exploring local cuisines, such as the traditional dishes of Casado and especially Gallo Pinto (rice and beans), I was able to gain a deeper understanding of the amiableness of the people. Through this immersion, the spirit of Pura Vida, the Costa Rican philosophy of a pure and simple life, resonated deeply. The emphasis on peace, environmental consciousness and community harmony became palpable in every interaction, leaving an indelible mark on my understanding of cultural values.

This journey has broadened my understanding of the complexities and interconnections of culture and nature and has also instilled a profound appreciation for Costa Rica's commitment to environmental conservation and global cooperation. Reflecting on the beautiful views, I realized that this experience has not only expanded my knowledge but has also left quite a mark on my world view. Costa Rica, with its rich biodiversity, warm hospitality and cultural richness, has become a memory and experience that I won't soon forget as I hope to revisit again one day.