Innovation Expo Vibes
Stevens' playlist captures the spirit of its 2024 showcase
You know that feeling when something gets you so pumped, you just have to make a playlist about it? That's exactly how we feel about Stevens Institute of Technology's upcoming 2024 Innovation Expo on April 26.
This annual showcase is like our super bowl — a chance for Stevens' most brilliant undergraduate minds to strut their stuff after a year of hard work on incredibly innovative senior design projects. From medical tech that could revolutionize imaging to eco-friendly products helping the planet, the ingenuity on display always blows us away.
We created an Innovation Expo playlist on Spotify. The songs capture the spirit and theme of a few dozen of the projects scheduled for display.
But this year, we're taking our excitement to the next level:Need a vibe for a tower that draws moisture out of the sky? Phil Collins has you covered with "In the Air Tonight." What about unionization ideas? Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It" screams rebel energy. Even Jimmy Buffett's ode to burger paradise made the cut for a Burger King construction overhaul.
Download the Innovation Expo app to stay on top of everything happening, and see how may design projects you can match up with their playlist tunes.
With iconic tracks from The Beatles, Madonna, AC/DC and more, we are ready for Expo day. Blasting "Eye of the Tiger" while soaking in renewable energy designs? Yeah, we're THAT excited.