Campus & Community

Stevens School of Business Holds 2023 Commencement

More than 500 candidates conferred undergraduate and graduate degrees. 

“You are my heroes!” Gregory Prastacos, Dean of the School of Business, proudly shared to a crowd of excited undergraduates, their families and friends during the Stevens Institute of Technology School of Business Naming Ceremony at the New Jersey Performing Arts Ceremony on Wednesday, May 24.  

Cheers and applause filled the room in celebration and marked the soundtrack for reaching such an important milestone. “The determination and spirit you have shown during your time here have been truly amazing! You have arrived here today ready and prepared to take on whatever challenges come your way.” 

Eden Luvishis ’23 mirrored those remarks as she addressed her classmates. “On this day of our graduation, I challenge us to remember that success is not simply a matter of luck and natural talent,” she explained. “We have all faced setbacks and obstacles, doubt and fear. But it is through our perseverance that we have achieved our goals. So let us celebrate today not in spite of our challenges but because of them.” 

That same spirit of perseverance carried through to the ceremony honoring the graduate students.    

“Many of you have come from far away countries to seek a better education and a promising future,” Prastacos said to the next generation of business leaders and innovators. “You started your studies during a pandemic, and, for many of you, these demands of your graduate education were accomplished alongside your professional work responsibilities and your responsibilities to your families. This day is an important day for you and your families, but also for us, your faculty and mentors, who are proud of you and of your accomplishments.” 

We spoke with graduates from across the School of Business who reflected on their time at Stevens and offered advice for future students.  

Brooke San Giacomo 
‘23 B.S. Finance, Information Systems Minor  

Brooke San Giacomo My time at Stevens has been academically enriching and provided me with a diverse skillset. Within the School of Business, I was surrounded by helpful advisors and knowledgeable professors who supported me both inside and outside of the classroom. Stevens has been and continues to be an environment that fosters academic growth.  

My advice to future students would be to become engaged with the Stevens community. There are many clubs and organizations on campus that you can join and even take a leadership role in. Get involved! 

Seddiqa Mohammad Hussein 
'23 M.S. in Information Systems  

Seddiqa Mohammad HusseinThe beginning of my academic journey at Stevens was an immense challenge, as just one week after arriving in the U.S., my home country of Afghanistan tragically collapsed. In the midst of this turmoil, however, I was incredibly fortunate to have the unwavering support of my professors, the Stevens family, and my friends. They helped me navigate the difficult times, bult also gave me hope and strength as I embarked on the next phase of my life. 

Get involved in clubs and organizations, as they not only develop leadership skills but also foster lifelong friendships and expand your professional network. Attend campus events, workshops, and guest lectures to broaden your horizons beyond the classroom. Take advantage of internships and programs like the Capstone Program to gain practical skills that complement your theoretical knowledge. Lastly, connect with both international and local students to enrich your cultural experience and gain diverse perspectives, creating lasting memories and friendships. 

Eden Luvishis 
’23 B.S. in Quantum Finance with Quantitative Methods Concentration  

Eden Luvishis I always felt supported and heard by my professors, advisors, and mentors and I have met the most incredible people who I am lucky to call my friends here. Looking back, I am really glad that I chose to attend Stevens because this university cares about each student individually and celebrates our accomplishments. Stevens has given me the connections, opportunities, and tools to reason through any problems that I may encounter, whether it be a research project or a mathematical proof. 

 My biggest piece of advice to future students is to step out of your comfort zone! Take that elective that has nothing to do with your major, join a club that you’ve never heard of before, and talk to people you may think you have nothing in common with. Those electives, clubs, and students led me to my future career, passions, and lifelong friends.  

James Margiotta 
’23 Analytics MBA      

James Margiotta I enjoyed my time at Stevens and within the School of Business because many of the courses were useful in the sense that they had real-world applications outside of the classroom. It was a rewarding feeling learning information that I knew I would be able to apply after my graduation from Stevens. 

The biggest piece of advice that I would give to future students about making the most of their time at Stevens is to be curious. Ask relevant questions in the classroom and make an effort to get to know others within the Stevens community. 

Alexa Mavica 
’22 B.S. in Business Technology ’23 MBA   

Alexa Mavica My experience at Stevens was truly exceptional. The Stevens community is full of driven individuals who fostered a collaborative, creative, and innovative environment both in and out of the classroom. The practical experiences offered at Stevens, such as the research opportunities, were also an instrumental part of my education that helped me apply my knowledge from the classroom to innovative research, which enhanced my problem-solving capabilities and allowed me to gain valuable industry experience. 

One piece of advice that I would give to future students is to leverage all of the resources that Stevens has to offer. The research programs, networking opportunities, and industry connections available at Stevens are truly invaluable, and taking advantage of these resources will undoubtedly enhance your learning experience and prepare you to succeed in your professional career.   

Sakshi Patni 
’23 M.S. in Finance  

Sakshi PatniStevens taught me perseverance, patience and out of box-thinking abilities to handle my next phase of life. The learning and my personal growth have been exponential.  

Get involved on campus as much as possible. Try out things out of your comfort zone, talk to as many people as you can because everyone has a story to tell, manage your deadline wisely and smile more at strangers & be kind to yourself at the end of the day. You got this! 

Deep Ranipa 
’23 Analytics MBA 

Deep RanipaMy time at Stevens, particularly within the School of Business, has been transformative. The rigorous curriculum and expert faculty have provided a strong foundation of knowledge and practical skills. Hands-on experiences through internships and partnerships have enhanced my technical abilities and expanded my professional network. 

Be proactive in seeking out new experiences and pushing your boundaries. Your time at Stevens is a valuable opportunity for growth and learning, so make the most of it by immersing yourself fully in the diverse opportunities the institution has to offer.  

Sakina Rizvi  
‘22 B.S. in Business and Technology ‘23 MBA with Project Management Concentration

Sakina Rizvi  When deciding on where to further my education, opportunities for creativity and innovation were at the heart of my decision, as I believe they are a crucial part of success. I saw these opportunities at Stevens, and I was eager to be a part of it. My experience at Stevens, and within the School of Business has been nothing short of incredible, and it has far exceeded my expectations. 

My advice for future students in regard to making the most of their time at Stevens is to truly understand and take advantage of all this university has to offer. From Stevens’ close-knit community, to its educational and professional support, to the campus itself, success is well within every students grasp. The view of the Manhattan skyline never ceased to take my breath away but, as a student, witnessing how it symbolizes endless opportunities was a different experience entirely. 

Subin Sam 
‘23 M.S. in Information Systems

Subin Sam Right from the beginning, the School of Business has made sure I have everything I need to succeed, from the Center for Student Success to the Corporate Outreach & Professional Advancement (COPA) Office. I met some really great minds during my time at Stevens in the form of classmates, faculties, non-teaching staff and the vast alumni network. Wherever I go, people have high regards for the university and the level of education offered at Stevens. 

Never shy away. You would be surprised at what you can get if you just ask! There are so many available opportunities to grow in every professional area. All you need to do is take the first step! Schedule time with professors, alumni, fellow classmates, learn. Be a sponge and absorb the knowledge around you. You have already done the hard part of getting here, now it's just minor details.   

Theodora Vazacopoulos 
’23 B.S. in Accounting and Analytics, Finance Minor 

Theodora Vazacopoulos Within the School of Business, I always felt that there was someone who could help me in any way. I was offered so many professional opportunities, whether that be with the Corporate Outreach & Professional Advancement (COPA) Office or the Student Managed Investment Fund (SSMIF), which opened so many doors for me. The Center for Student Success was probably the best resource when it came to anything major related and they made everything so much easier for myself. 

Never doubt what you’re capable of! Stevens may seem very small but there are so many ways to get involved and make the most of your experience. The best part of my Stevens experience was the people I met and I would never have met them if I never got involved.