Faculty Spotlight

Raviraj NatarajRaviraj Nataraj

Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science

What is your main academic and/or research focus?
My research centers on device-based rehabilitation of movement capabilities in the presence of neurological dysfunction. Currently, my laboratory examines the optimization of computerized interfaces, like instrumented wearables and virtual reality, used for rehabilitative training for persons having trauma to the brain or spinal cord. Previously, as a trainee, I developed feedback control systems for powered assistive devices such as exoskeletons and neuroprostheses to restore function for those with complete spinal cord injury or limb amputation.

Why did you choose to come to Stevens?
The New Jersey-New York area is vibrant with opportunities related to technology and healthcare. In particular, Stevens and its biomedical engineering department have shown a growing commitment to developing translational approaches for medical treatment. My contribution to such endeavors represents a new initiative that has the potential to integrate with those established at Stevens focused on hardware development and machine learning approaches to solve real-world problems.

What was your background prior to joining Stevens?
I have graduate degrees from Stanford University (mechanical engineering) and Case Western Reserve University (biomedical engineering). As I mentioned, I developed feedback control systems for powered assistive devices, and I did so at renowned clinical institutions such as the Cleveland Clinic, MetroHealth Hospital and the Louis Stokes VA Medical Center. Altogether, my work entailed assessing and creating solutions related to enhancing function for persons with a movement disability.

What do you like about working at Stevens?
My colleagues have been great to work with and very supportive. Despite the traffic, I also do like the proximity of Stevens to New York City, as that has provided access to unique opportunities, both personal and professional.

What is your favorite spot on campus?
The UCC has been great for networking while also periodically enjoying a gorgeous view of New York.