Laboratory for Multi-Scale Imaging
The Laboratory for Multiscale Imaging (LMSI) is a vibrant research facility that promotes learning and research activities by offering training classes and seminars within an open and multiuser laboratory space. It is open to the entire Stevens community as well as outside researchers.
LMSI provides state-of-the-art instrumentation and expertise in morphological characterization to support and elevate research, and it helps leverage Stevens' capabilities to attract further support for new and significant self-sustaining programs. The LMSI is directed by Prof. Matthew Libera, and it is staffed by full-time research scientist, Dr. Tsengming (Alex) Chou.
Location : Burchard building B-013
Enable high performance and resolution SEM imaging
Can work with various type of “dried” samples
Live quantitative EDS system embedded with ChemiSEM platform
1 nm image resolution depends on samples/imaging conditions
Can run from 20 eV up to 30 keV electron energy
Biased stage up to 4 kV bias voltage
ETD, T1, T2, T3, and retractable BS detectors

See more details on the vendor’s website:
Location: Burchard building B-012
High resolution 3D x-ray microscope
40 to 100 kV x-ray source. < 5um spot size at 4W power. 10W max. power
16 MP sCMOS (4096x4096 pixels) detector
Sample size is up to 80 mm height and 75 mm in diameter
Build in software for:
NRECON – Transforms the 2D projection images into 3D volumes
DATAVIEWER – Slice-by-slice inspection of 3D volumes and 2D/3D image registration
CTVOX – Realistic visualization by volume rendering
CTAN – 2D/3D image analysis & processing
CTVOL – Visualization of surface models to export for CAD or 3D printing

See more details on the vendor’s website:
Location: Burchard building B-011A
Fully automatic microscope controlled via NIS Elements software
Noise piece focusing
High speed and sensitivity BT Fusion sCMOS camera
4 color LEDs for DAPI, Cy3, TexasRed, and Cy5 florescent imaging
Integrated with high-speed AX confocal that has 4 color lasers – UV, Blue, Green, and Red

See more details on the vendor’s website:
Spec of the 2100Plus at Stevens
200kV LaB6 filament
High-specimen tilt (HT) pole piece
Point resolution @ 0.25 nm; Lattice resolution at 0.14 nm
HT can be selected at 80, 100, 120, 160, and 200 kV
Objective lens
Focus distance at 2.7 mm
Spherical aberration at 1.4 mm
Chromatic aberration at 1.8 mm
Minimum focus step at 1.8 nm
Spot size (in diameter)
TEM mode: 20 to 200 nm
EDS, NBD, CBD mode: 1.5 to 25 nm
X, Y: +/- 1.0 mm
Z: +/- 0.2 mm
Stage Tilt
With regular holder: +/- 42 degree in alpha and +/- 30 degree in beta tilt
With high-tilt holder: +/- 80 degree in alpha tilt only
Image shift: +/- 2.0 um
Florescent Screen
Large screen: 160 mm in diameter
Small screen: 25mm in diameter
Available holders:
Single tilt holder
Double tilt low background holder
Single tilt high-angle tiling holder
Gatan ELSA single tilt high-angle tilting cryo-holder
Digital imaging via a Gatan 4k by 4k Rio camera
BF/DF TEM imaging
BF/DF STEM imaging
Electron diffraction
TEM tomography
EDS is not available now but will be coming soon!
Regarding to basic information of becoming a self-user, hourly rate, training and etc., please click here to download the LMSI TEM Users Guide. Please contact Dr. Tsengming (Alex) Chou at 201-216-8310 if you have any questions.

Nanotechnology Workstation : combine both FE-SEM and HR-FIB, sample can be manipulated in nano-scale.
High Resolution FESEM
a GEMINI field-emission electron column that provides resolution of 1.0 nm @ 15 kV and 1.9 nm @ 1 kV.
This FE-SEM can:
magnification: 12x to 1000 kx
probe current: 4pA to 20 nA
HV: 0.1 to 30 kV
with in-lens SE detector, Everhart-Thornley type SE chamber detector, in-lens EsB (energy selective backscattering) detector, and a STEM BF/DF detector for the thin specimen.
N2 gas charge compensation device is also available.
High Resolution FIB
Resolution down to 2.5 nm @ 30 kV via this Cobra ion column
source: liquid metal gallium ion source
magnification: 300x to 500kx
probe current: 1 pA to 50 nA
HV: 1.0 to 30 kV
with Pt GIS (gas injection system) to provide both electron and ion beam induced deposition.
Introduction to 3D Reconstruction
Image stack of serial sectioned images at nano-scale can be produced on this system. Using Avizo 3D reconstruction and visualization platform, studies of 3D nano-structure can be achieved.
High Resolution STEM Imaging
Using the retractable BF/DF STEM detector, sample can be imaged in STEM (scanning transmission electron microscopy) mode via electrons have up to 30 kV energy. It provides structure information on a thin specimen.
TEM Sample Preparation
Automatic TEM sample preparation can be done using in-situ lift out method via Kleindiek nano-manipulator (model: MM3A).
Advanced Analytical Platform
A 80 mm2 Oxford SDD (silicon drift detector) EDS system provides a high through-put and high resolution microanalysis capability.
Electron and Ion Beam Lithography
Via Nabity's NPGS system, lithography can be done via either electron or ion beam.
A Leica VCT cryo-transfer system is coming soon to provide a cryo-EM capability on this system.

BioScope Resolve's seamless integration of atomic force microscopy and light microscopy reveals more detail and information of biological samples including mechanical properties. The system's unique design makes combined optical and AFM research easy with its open access to the sample, single instrument setup, and correlated data collection and analysis. Researchers can now perfectly connect real-time optical images with AFM imaging.
The new MIROView graphical interface and ScanAsyst-Cell mode ensure expert data generation, regardless of the user’s AFM experience level.
Integrates with a Nikon Ti-2 Florescent microscope with:
X-cite 120LED Boost light engine
5 filter cubes - BF, DAPI, GFP, DesRed, Cy5
4 Obj lens - 4x, 10x, ELWD20x , and ELWD40x
DIC and BF imaging
Single, integrated view and operation controls for AFM or optical microscope
Syncronized AFM images, force maps and single force curves with optical images and data
Point-and-click setup for automated force and imaging measurements
Video creation of experiments showing optical and AFM results
BioAFM accessories and PeakForce Tapping probes to meet every application
PeakForceQNM mode for accurate mechanical measurement of the materials

Regarding basic information on becoming a self-user, hourly rate, training, etc., please contact Dr. Tsengming (Alex) Chou at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Nikon E-1000 up-right florescent microscope with automatic stage control
A high sensitive monochromatic CCD camera for florescent imaging
Nikon C-1 LSCM with 3 lasers
Supporting Equipment
Gatan cryo-plunger
Gatan Dry Pumping station
Olympus optical microscope
SPI Au sputter coater
Leica Ultracut cryo/microtome
Leica HPM-100 high-pressure freezer
User Fees
Instrument | Outside Self-User | Additional Fee for Staff Assistance |
TEM | $115/hr | $100/hr |
SEM | $165/hr | $100/hr |
AFM | Upon Request | $100/hr |
Nikon* | Upon Request | $100/hr |
TEM training: 2 hrs of lectures and 2 to 4 hrs of hands on practice. $500 for internal Stevens users and $2,000 for external users
SEM training: 2 hrs of video training, 2 to 4 hrs of hands on practice. $500 for internal Stevens users and $2,000 for external users
AFM and Nikon training will be arranged upon request. Please contact Alex Chou.
*Nikon E-1000 up-right light microscope with Epi-florescent, phase contrast, and LSCM (laser-scanning confocal microscopy).
Related Publications
Buckley, C., Wang, H., O’Dell, R., Del Rosario, M., Parimala Chelvi Ratnamani, M., Rome, M., & Wang, H. (2024). Creation of Porous, Perfusable Microtubular Networks for Improved Cell Viability in Volumetric Hydrogels. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.
Burgos, A., Du, J., Yan, D., Zhou, Y., Levy, H., Ryu, J. G., & Kim, J. C. (2024). Off-stoichiometric design of a manganese-rich mixed olivine Li-ion cathode for improved specific energy. Materials Today Energy, 45.
Du, J., Tan, X., Wang, Y., Bao, Y., & Meng, W. (2024). Reducing the cracking potential of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) with the prewet expansive agent. Construction and Building Materials, 431.
Du, J., Wang, Y., Guo, P., & Meng, W. (2024). Tailoring of steel fiber surface by coating cellulose nanocrystal for enhanced flexural properties of UHPC. Cement and Concrete Composites, 154.
Effanga, V. E., Akilbekova, D., Mukasheva, F., Zhao, X., Kalyon, D. M., & Erisken, C. (2024). In Vitro Investigation of 3D Printed Hydrogel Scaffolds with Electrospun Tidemark Component for Modeling Osteochondral Interface. Gels, 10(11).
Fernando, E. Y., Sarkar, D., Rodwihok, C., Satpathy, A., Zhang, J., Rahmati, R., Datta, R., Christodoulatos, C., Boufadel, M., Larson, S., & Zhang, Z. (2024). Unrefined and Milled Ilmenite as a Cost-Effective Photocatalyst for UV-Assisted Destruction and Mineralization of PFAS. Materials, 17(15).
Li, Y., Kumar, S., Huo, T., Du, H., & Huang, Y.-P. (2024). Photon counting Raman spectroscopy: a benchmarking study vs surface plasmon enhancement. Optics Express, 32(10), 16657–16669.
Liu, Z., & Meng, W. (2024). CaCO3 coating of off-specification fly ash for upcycling in cementitious materials. Construction and Building Materials, 454.
Mohajerani, S. S., Chen, S., Alaei, A., Chou, T., Liu, N., Ma, Y., Xiao, L., Lee, S. S., Yang, E.-H., & Strauf, S. (2024). Narrowband Quantum Light Emission from Oxygen-Related Color Centers in Hexagonal Boron Nitride. ACS Photonics.
Na Nagara, V., Sarkar, D., Neve, S., Saleh, H., Boufadel, M., Giri, S., & Datta, R. (2024). Repurposing spent biomass of vetiver grass used for stormwater treatment to generate biochar and ethanol. Chemosphere, 358.
Neve, S., Sarkar, D., Warke, M., Bandosz, T., & Datta, R. (2024). Valorization of Spent Vetiver Roots for Biochar Generation. Molecules, 29(1).
Patil, S., Mbonu, C., Chou, T., Li, R., Wu, D., Akcora, P., & Cheng, S. (2024). Dynamics of poly(methyl acrylate)/poly(methyl methacrylate)-grafted-Fe3O4 nanocomposites. Soft Matter.
Rahmati, R., Mai, A., Christodoulatos, C., Su, T.-L., Braida, W., & Sarkar, D. (2024). Impact of operational parameters on degradation of nitroglycerin using biochar doped with nano zerovalent iron. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12(6).
Trout, C. J., Albertson, R., Griepenburg, J. C., & O’Malley, S. M. (2024). Influence of environmental conditions on the morphological evolution of bismuth oxide nanostructures via pulsed laser ablation in liquids. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 690, 133768.
Wang, J., & Liang, J. (2024). Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles for Facile Pattern-Controlled Surface Coatings. Biomimetics, 9(3).
Wang, W., Zhou, X., Wang, H., Zhou, G., & Yu, X. (2024). Fabrication and Evaluation of PCL/PLGA/β-TCP Spiral-Structured Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering. Bioengineering, 11(7).
Wang, Y., Bao, Y., & Meng, W. (2024). Lightweight Calcium-Silicate-Hydrate Nacre with High Strength and High Toughness. ACS Nano.
Wu, X., Zhang, T., & Libera, M. (2024). Controlling the roll-to-helix transformation in electron-beam-patterned gel-based micro-ribbons. Soft Matter.
Abraham, J., Prigiobbe, V., Abimbola, T., & Christodoulatos, C. (2023). Integrating biological and chemical CO2 sequestration using green microalgae for bioproducts generation. Frontiers in Climate, 4.
Akhavan, J., Lyu, J., Mahmoud, Y., Xu, K., Vallabh, C. K. P., & Manoochehri, S. (2023). Dataset of in-situ coaxial monitoring and print’s cross-section images by Direct Energy Deposition fabrication. Scientific Data, 10(1).
Bariana, M., Zhang, B., Sun, J., Wang, W., Wang, J., Cassella, E., Myint, F., Anuncio, S. A., Ouk, S., Liou, H.-C., Tan, M., Wang, H., & Zakrzewski, J. L. (2023). Targeted Lymphoma Therapy Using a Gold Nanoframework-Based Drug Delivery System. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15(5), 6312–6325.
Cao, K., Zhang, F., Zaeri, A., Zhang, Y., Zgeib, R., Calzolaio, M., & Chang, R. C. (2023). Advances in design and quality of melt electrowritten scaffolds. Materials and Design, 226.
Caulfield, B., Roberts, M., & Prigiobbe, V. (2023). Studying the effect of nickel, copper, and zinc on the precipitation kinetics and the composition of Ca-carbonates for the integrated process of CO2 mineralization and brine mining. Chemical Engineering Journal, 476.
Chen, J., Mir, S. M., Hudock, M. R., Pinezich, M. R., Chen, P., Bacchetta, M., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., & Kim, J. (2023). Opto-electromechanical quantification of epithelial barrier function in injured and healthy airway tissues. APL Bioengineering, 7(1).
Chen, S., & Liang, J. F. (2023). Anticancer Activity of Nano-formulated Orlistat-Dopamine Conjugates Through Self-Assembly. Bioconjugate Chemistry.
Chuang, Y.-C., Alcantara, A., Fabris, G., Abderezaei, J., Lu, T.-A., Melendez-Vasquez, C. V, & Kurt, M. (2023). Myelination dictates axonal viscoelasticity. European Journal of Neuroscience.
Du, J., Guo, P., & Meng, W. (2023). Effect of water-based nanoclay and ambient temperature on rheological properties of UHPC pastes. Construction and Building Materials, 370.
Ezeonu, L., Tang, Z., Qi, Y., Huo, F., Zheng, Y., Koel, B. E., & Podkolzin, S. G. (2023). Adsorption, surface reactions and hydrodeoxygenation of acetic acid on platinum and nickel catalysts. Journal of Catalysis, 418, 190–202.
Feng, Y., Li, R., Mbonu, C., & Akcora, P. (2023). Effect of Oligomer Addition on Tube Dilation in Polymer Nanocomposite Melts. Macromolecular Rapid Communications.
He, S., Wang, J., Yang, F., Chang, T.-L., Tang, Z., Liu, K., Liu, S., Tian, F., Liang, J.-F., Du, H., & Liu, Y. (2023). Bacterial Detection and Differentiation of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli Utilizing Long-Period Fiber Gratings Functionalized with Nanoporous Coated Structures. Coatings, 13(4).
Jeong, C., Jung, J., Sheppard, K., & Choi, C.-H. (2023). Control of the Nanopore Architecture of Anodic Alumina via Stepwise Anodization with Voltage Modulation and Pore Widening. Nanomaterials, 13(2).
Li, R., Bulucu, D., Chou, T., & Akcora, P. (2023). Enhanced Ion Conductivity in a Poly(ionic liquid)-Grafted Nanoparticle-Based Single-Ion Conductor. Macromolecules.
Liu, T., Chang, T.-L., Zhou, X., Ruppel, S., & Liang, J. F. (2023). Phase separation enabled silver nano-array. Nanotechnology, 34(6).
Liu, Z., Du, J., Steere, R., Schlegel, J. P., Khayat, K. H., & Meng, W. (2023). Cement-Based Materials with Solid-Gel Phase Change Materials for Improving Energy Efficiency of Building Envelope. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 35(11).
Liu, Z., Shi, Q., Bao, Y., Meng, X., & Meng, W. (2023). Arsenate removal using titanium dioxide-doped cementitious composites: Mixture design, mechanisms, and simulated sewer application. Science of the Total Environment, 854.
Ma, Z., Chen, J.-Y., Garikapati, M., Li, Z., Tang, C., Sua, Y. M., & Huang, Y.-P. (2023). Highly efficient and pure few-photon source on chip. Physical Review Applied, 20(4).
Mafla, C., Kolenovic, B., Centeno, D., Darwish, J., Cabinian, K., Richards, K., Cattabiani, T., Nunez, J., Drwiega, T. J., Li, W., Iwanicki, M., Sciorra, L., Li, C., & Traba, C. (2023). Application of Argon Plasma Technology for the Synthesis of Anti-Infective Copper Nanoparticles. ACS Applied Bio Materials.
Mankavi, F., Ibrahim, R., & Wang, H. (2023). Advances in Biomimetic Nerve Guidance Conduits for Peripheral Nerve Regeneration. Nanomaterials, 13(18).
Ruppel, S. S., Li, R., & Liang, J. (2023). Glucose controlled surface coating with polydopamine. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 673.
Ruppel, S. S., & Liang, J. (2023). Surface mineralization with controlled polymerization of dopamine. Journal of Applied Polymer Science.
Tang, Z., Chen, S., Osuala, C. I., Sakar, A. S., Hader, G., Cummings, A., Strauf, S., Qu, C., & Yang, E. (2023). Observations of Aharonov-Bohm Conductance Oscillations in CVD-grown Graphene Rings at 4 K. IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology, 1–7.
Wang, H., Fu, X., & Parimala Chelvi Ratnamani, M. (2023). Biomimetic nanofiber-enabled rapid creation of skin grafts. In Nanomedicine: Technologies and Applications (pp. 261–296).
Wang, J., Sun, J., Khade, R. L., Chou, T., An, H., Zhang, Y., & Wang, H. (2023). Liposome-Templated Green Synthesis of Mesoporous Metal Nanostructures with Universal Composition for Biomedical Application. Small.
Wang, W., Zhang, L., O’Dell, R., Yin, Z., Yu, D., Chen, H., Liu, J., & Wang, H. (2023). Microsphere-Enabled Modular Formation of Miniaturized In Vitro Breast Cancer Models. Small.
Wang, W., Zhou, X., Yin, Z., & Yu, X. (2023). Fabrication and Evaluation of Porous dECM/PCL Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 14(7).
Wang, Y., Goodman, S., Bao, Y., & Meng, W. (2023). Morphological, microstructural, and mechanical properties of highly-ordered C–S–H regulated by cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs). Cement and Concrete Composites, 143.
Whittaker, S. J., McDowell, M., Bendesky, J., An, Z., Yang, Y., Zhou, H., Zhang, Y., Shtukenberg, A. G., Kalyon, D. M., Kahr, B., & Lee, S. S. (2023). Self-Patterning Tetrathiafulvalene Crystalline Films. Chemistry of Materials.
Xi, Y., Choi, C.-H., Chang, R., Kaper, H. J., & Sharma, P. K. (2023). Tribology of Pore-Textured Hard Surfaces under Physiological Conditions: Effects of Texture Scales. Langmuir.
Yang, X., Yan, D., Chou, T., & Kim, J. C. (2023). Electrochemical properties of a titanium-substituted KVPO4F cathode for K-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
Zhang, F., Cao, K., Zaeri, A., Zgeib, R., Buckley, C., Ma, Y., & Chang, R. C. (2023). Design, fabrication, and characterization of tubular scaffolds by way of a melt electrowriting process. Additive Manufacturing, 62.
Zhang, R., Napolano, R., Xi, B., Salazar, A. M., Shi, Q., Zhao, Y., & Meng, X. (2023). Mechanistic insights into Cr(VI) removal by a combination of zero-valent iron and pyrite. Chemosphere, 330.
Zhou, G., Chen, Y., Dai, F., & Yu, X. (2023). Chitosan-based nerve guidance conduit with microchannels and nanofibers promotes schwann cells migration and neurite growth. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 221.
Anwar, A., Petrino, D. J., Alstine, N. Van, & Yu, X. (2022). Biodegradable Electrospun Nanofibrous Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering. In A. Rasooly, H. Baker, & M. R. Ossandon (Eds.), Biomedical Engineering Technologies: Volume 2 (pp. 693–711). Springer US.
Caulfield, B., Abraham, J., Christodoulatos, C., & Prigiobbe, V. (2022). Enhanced precipitation of magnesium carbonates using carbonic anhydrase. Nanoscale.
Feng, Y., Wu, D., Li, R., & Akcora, P. (2022). Rheological properties of crosslinked unentangled and entangled Poly(methyl acrylate) nanocomposite networks. Polymer, 255.
Fu, H., Chou, T., Potapenko, D., Bonvalet, P., & Archibald, S. (2022). Comparison of Different Microscopic Sample Preparation and Imaging Techniques for Visualization of Connective Tissue Components in Peripheral Nerve. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 28, 1376–1378.
He, S., Wu, D., Chen, S., Liu, K., Yang, E.-H., Tian, F., & Du, H. (2022). Au-on-Ag nanostructure for in-situ SERS monitoring of catalytic reactions. Nanotechnology, 33(15).
Kakanuru, P., & Pochiraju, K. (2022). Simulation of shrinkage during sintering of additively manufactured silica green bodies. Additive Manufacturing, 56.
Li, R., Han, Y., & Akcora, P. (2022). Ion channels in sulfonated copolymer-grafted nanoparticles in ionic liquids. Soft Matter.
Liu, S., Li, R., Tyagi, M., & Akcora, P. (2022). Confinement Effects in Dynamics of Ionic Liquids with Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles. ChemPhysChem.
Liu, Z., Du, J., & Meng, W. (2022). Achieving low-carbon cementitious materials with high mechanical properties using CaCO3 suspension produced by CO2 sequestration. Journal of Cleaner Production, 373.
Mir, S. M., Chen, J., Pinezich, M. R., O’Neill, J. D., Huang, S. X. L., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., & Kim, J. (2022). Imaging-guided bioreactor for de-epithelialization and long-term cultivation of ex vivo rat trachea. Lab on a Chip, 22(5), 1018–1031.
Na Nagara, V., Sarkar, D., Elzinga, E. J., & Datta, R. (2022). Removal of heavy metals from stormwater runoff using granulated drinking water treatment residuals. Environmental Technology and Innovation, 28.
Robbins, J. P., Ezeonu, L., Tang, Z., Yang, X., Koel, B. E., & Podkolzin, S. G. (2022). Propane Dehydrogenation to Propylene and Propylene Adsorption on Ni and Ni-Sn Catalysts. ChemCatChem.
Ruppel, S. S., & Liang, J. (2022). Tunable Properties of Polydopamine Nanoparticles and Coated Surfaces. Langmuir.
Sui, C., Zilberberg, J., & Lee, W. (2022). Microfluidic device engineered to study the trafficking of multiple myeloma cancer cells through the sinusoidal niche of bone marrow. Scientific Reports, 12(1).
Sul, O., Seo, H., Choi, E., Kim, S., Gong, J., Bang, J., Ju, H., Oh, S., Lee, Y., Sun, H., Kwon, M., Kang, K., Hong, J., Yang, E.-H., Chung, Y., & Lee, S.-B. (2022). An Ultralow Power Mixed Dimensional Heterojunction Transistor Based on the Charge Plasma pn Junction. Small.
Sun, J., Wang, J., Hu, W., Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., Hu, X., Chou, T., Zhang, B., Gallaro, C., Halloran, M., Liang, L., Ren, L., & Wang, H. (2022). A Porous Bimetallic Au@Pt Core-Shell Oxygen Generator to Enhance Hypoxia-Dampened Tumor Chemotherapy Synergized with NIR-II Photothermal Therapy. ACS Nano.
Tang, R., & Du, H. (2022). Fabrication of anodic aluminum oxide on silica optical fiber with nanopore channels oriented off surface normal. Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
Wang, H., Zhou, X., Wang, J., Zhang, X., Zhu, M., & Wang, H. (2022). Fabrication of channeled scaffolds through polyelectrolyte complex (PEC) printed sacrificial templates for tissue formation. Bioactive Materials.
Wu, D., Ge, Y., Li, R., Feng, Y., & Akcora, P. (2022). Thermally Activated Shear Stiffening in Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Composites for High-Temperature Adhesives. ACS Applied Polymer Materials.
Zhang, F., Cao, K., Zaeri, A., Zgeib, R., & Chang, R. C. (2022a). Design, fabrication, and analysis of spatially heterogeneous scaffold by melt electrospinning writing of poly(ε-Caprolactone). Journal of Applied Polymer Science.
Zhang, F., Cao, K., Zaeri, A., Zgeib, R., & Chang, R. C. (2022b). Effects of Printing Sequence on the Printing Accuracy of Melt Electrowriting Scaffolds. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering.
Zhang, F., Cao, K., Zaeri, A., Zgeib, R., & Chang, R. C. (2022c). Effects of scaffold design parameters on the printing accuracy for melt electrowriting. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 81, 177–190.
Zhao, W., Libera, M., Prysak, M., Katz, J., & De Stefano, L. (2022). An in vitro model of microbial contamination in the operating room. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials.
Asawa, K., Kumar, S., Huang, Y., & Choi, C. H. (2021). Guiding light via slippery liquid-infused porous surfaces. Applied Physics Letters, 118(9), 091602.
Chen, J., Mir, S. M., Pinezich, M. R., O’Neill, J. D., Guenthart, B. A., Bacchetta, M., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Huang, S. X. L., & Kim, J. (2021). Homogeneous Distribution of Exogenous Cells onto De-epithelialized Rat Trachea via Instillation of Cell-Loaded Hydrogel. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, acsbiomaterials.1c01031.
Liang, J., Xiao, X., Chou, T.-M., & Libera, M. (2021). Analytical Cryo-Scanning Electron Microscopy of Hydrated Polymers and Microgels. Accounts of Chemical Research, 54(10), 2386–2396.
Liu, Y., & Choi, C.-H. (2021). Superhydrophobic Sands for the Preservation and Purification of Water. Coatings, 11(2), 151.
Sun, J., Wang, J., Hu, W., Wang, Y., Chou, T., Zhang, Q., Zhang, B., Yu, Z., Yang, Y., Ren, L., & Wang, H. (2021). Camouflaged Gold Nanodendrites Enable Synergistic Photodynamic Therapy and NIR Biowindow II Photothermal Therapy and Multimodal Imaging. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(9), 10778–10795.
Tang, Z., Chen, T., Liu, K., Du, H., & Podkolzin, S. G. (2021). Atomic, Molecular and Hybrid Oxygen Structures on Silver. Langmuir, 37(39), 11603–11610.
Wei, J., Duan, L., Wei, J., Hoffmann, E., Song, Y., & Meng, X. (2021). Lead removal from water using organic acrylic amine fiber (AAF) and inorganic-organic P-AAF, fixed bed filtration and surface-induced precipitation. Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), 101, 135–144.
Xiao, X., Ji, J., Zhao, W., Nangia, S., & Libera, M. (2021). Salt Destabilization of Cationic Colistin Complexation within Polyanionic Microgels. Macromolecules.
Chang, T. L., Sun, P. K., Zhou, X., Besser, R. S., & Liang, J. (2020). Preparation and electrochemical performances of silver (alloy) nanoparticles decorated on reduced graphene oxide, using self-polymerization of dopamine in an acidic environment. Materials Today Chemistry, 17, 100312.
Chang, W., Shah, M. B., Zhou, G., Walsh, K., Rudraiah, S., Kumbar, S. G., & Yu, X. (2020). Polymeric nanofibrous nerve conduits coupled with laminin for peripheral nerve regeneration. Biomedical Materials (Bristol), 15(3).
Fu, S., Kang, K., Shayan, K., Yoshimura, A., Dadras, S., Wang, X., … Yang, E. H. (2020). Enabling room temperature ferromagnetism in monolayer MoS2 via in situ iron-doping. Nature Communications, 11(1).
Guo, P., Meng, W., Nassif, H., Gou, H., & Bao, Y. (2020, October 10). New perspectives on recycling waste glass in manufacturing concrete for sustainable civil infrastructure. Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 257.
Hu, W., Song, X., Yu, H., Sun, J., & Zhao, Y. (2020). Released Exosomes Contribute to the Immune Modulation of Cord Blood-Derived Stem Cells. Frontiers in Immunology, 11.
Jin, Y., Zheng, Y., Podkolzin, S. G., & Lee, W. (2020). Band gap of reduced graphene oxide tuned by controlling functional groups. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8(14), 4885–4894.
Junka, R., & Yu, X. (2020). Polymeric nanofibrous scaffolds laden with cell-derived extracellular matrix for bone regeneration. Materials Science and Engineering C, 113.
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Kumar, A., Mir, S. M., Aldulijan, I., Mahajan, A., Anwar, A., Leon, C. H., … Yu, X. (2020). Load-bearing biodegradable PCL-PGA-beta TCP scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials.
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