Online Student Spotlight: Ariana Mercadante

Ariana Mercadante Stevens Online StudentAriana, a recruiter for a health services non-profit organization, is pursuing a master's degree in business intelligence and analytics.

Why were you interested in pursuing an online degree?

I was interested in pursuing an online degree since it allows me to work on my studies anywhere as well as provide flexibility for me to work full-time and do grad school part-time.

How did you learn about Stevens?

I learned about Stevens through one of my family friends who is an alumnus of Stevens.

Briefly describe why you chose the business intelligence & analytics program?

I chose the program because I wanted to gain skills in data science to further my career. I wanted to pursue this field because I want to become a data engineer.

What made you choose Stevens over other schools?

It's reputation and the ability to specialize in data engineering within the big data concentration.

What is the demand for someone with your new skills and education?

I believe that there will be more demand for data engineers as time goes on and more companies need help with creating and maintaining databases.

How has your Stevens education helped your career?

Stevens has helped my career trajectory with relevant coursework that is in demand in my field. I am looking to switch from a recruiting/HR role to a data analyst position, then work my way up to a data engineering position upon graduation. Ideally, I would like to work for an aerospace and or military contractor company. I believe that Stevens will provide me with the education and skills I need to switch careers.

How has the program's flexibility been beneficial to your career and lifestyle?

Since I work full-time and live far from Stevens, the online program has been extremely beneficial for me. It has significantly reduced my commute time and has allowed me to learn from the comfort of my own home. I find it easier to balance work and school at the same time with the online program.

Can you describe a typical course experience in the online business Intelligence & analytics program?

During my online MIS 631 and 632 course with Professor Qi, we had a lecture and a lab portion of the course. I found it extremely helpful when the lab portion reinforced the lecture content. For example, we learned how to add data into Erwin which reinforced the course concepts we previously learned in the lecture component of the course.

What would you tell someone who is considering an online degree at Stevens both as someone who is working at your company and then someone outside of your company that you know on a personal level?

Anyone who is looking for flexibility and the ability to complete your degree at your own pace should enroll in the online degree at Stevens.