Summer 2024 Pre-College Programs

Summer 2024 Programs

Summer 2024 Program Offerings

2024 Dates


Program Cost

Artificial Intelligence in Modern Society (Closed)

July 7 - July 13 (Closed)

1 Week


Biology: Genetics & Medicine (Closed)

Session I: June 23 - June 29 (Closed)

Session II: July 7 -July 13 (Closed)

1 Week


Business Explorer (Closed)

Session I: June 23 - June 29 (Closed)

Session II: July 7 -July 13 (Closed)

1 Week


Civil Engineering Design (Closed)

Session I: June 23 - June 29 (Closed)

Session II: July 7 -July 13 (Closed)

1 Week


Cybersecurity- Beginner (Closed)

June 23 - June 29 (Closed)

1 Week


Cybersecurity- Advanced (Closed)

July 7 - July 13 (Closed)

1 Week


Data Science for Social Policy (Closed)

June 23 - June 29 (Closed)

1 Week


Exploring the Human Brain with Virtual Reality: An Introduction to Neuroscience (Closed)

June 23 - June 29 (Closed)

1 Week


Exploring Career Options in Engineering and Science (ECOES) (Closed)

July 14 - July 26 (Closed)

2 Weeks


Electronic Music Production (Closed)

July 7 - July 13 (Closed)

1 Week


Engineering Bootcamp (Closed)

Session I: June 23 - June 29 (Closed)

Session II: July 7 - July 13 (Closed)

1 Week


Intermediate Computer Science (Closed)

July 14 - July 26 (Closed)

2 Weeks


Introduction to Programming : Your First Step into Software Development (Closed)

Session I: June 23 - June 29 (Closed)

Session II: July 7 -July 13 (Closed)

1 Week


Introduction to Game Design (Closed)

July 14 - July 26 (Closed)

2 Weeks


Medicinal Chemistry: Discovering Molecules that Cure (Closed)

July 7 - July 13 (Closed)

1 Week


Pre-Med Biomedical Engineering (Closed)

Session I: June 23 - June 29 (Closed)

Session II: July 7 -July 13 (Closed)

1 Week


* All programs are residential

 * Tuition: One week programs: $2,950 - 2 week programs: $4,500

* Intermediate Computer Science and Cybersecurity - Advanced require a prerequisite in AP computer science

Life at Pre-College

Students will have the opportunity to learn from Stevens faculty, connect with current students, participate in social activities and learn more about the college admissions process.

  • Academic Sessions taught by Stevens Faculty

  • Admissions/Student Life Workshops

  • Corporate Site Visits

  • Evening Research Projects

  • NYC Dinner cruise along the Hudson

  • Dinners in Hoboken

  • Social Activities

Note: Social activities and workshops are optional for students.

Below is a sample day with Stevens Pre-College for Summer 2024 *times & events are subject to change

  • 8:00 am Breakfast in Student Dining Hall (optional)

  • 9:00 am 1st Class

  • 11:30 am Lunch & Activity Break 

  • 2:00 pm 2nd Class

  • 4:30 pm Dinner on Washington St. in Hoboken

  • 6:30 pm Research Projects

  • 9:00 pm Evening social activities

  • 10:30 pm Residence Hall curfew

  • 11:00 pm Mandatory quiet hours / Bed checks

*Weekly site visits will be held during morning or afternoon class

Program Descriptions

Artificial Intelligence in Modern Society

Program Length: One Week 

This course is designed for high school students who are interested in exploring the mystery
behind Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its significance in today’s technologically advanced world and beyond. The course is designed for a one-week all-day program that covers a wide range of relevant topics for pre-college students. They will brainstorm the evolution of AI in the history of computer science. Students will learn the basics of AI through exploring neural networks, forward and back propagation schemes, and data training. They will also investigate policies and available guidelines in the US to manage possible controversies associated with the usage of AI for public and commercial purposes. In addition, students will learn high-level language and/or application software which can be used to develop and train models for artificial intelligence. Upon completing this course, students will not only understand technical terms and mathematical models of AI but also, they will be more motivated to explore the untouched potential of AI in all aspects of our life.

Biology: Genetics & Medicine

Program Length: One Week 

For millions of years, nature has shaped life on our planet by generating incredibly diverse genetic codes and specific information encoded in each species’ genomes. CRISPR/Cas9 - short for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats and CRISPR-associated protein 9 - is the latest emerging revolutionizing gene-editing technology. It also has the potential to transform medicine, allowing it to correct genetically inherited defects that result in diseases such as sickle cell, hemophilia, and muscular dystrophy and develop more effective cancer treatments. In this program, students will learn how CRISPR works and use it for editing a gene in E. coli bacteria. Discussions will center on CRISPR-based applications and the ethics of using this dynamic tool. Modules may include virtual reality for gene editing, bioinformatics to design target sequences and the modeling of the CRISPR system.

Business Explorer

Program Length: One Week 

The Business Explorer Experience is an interactive, one-week summer program that introduces students to the technology, tools and techniques used by many of the world-renown companies headquartered just minutes from our campus. Professors from the School of Business will provide students with an overview of all the major business disciplines through examination of real business cases, integrative exercises, and the use of our state-of-the-art Hanlon Financial Systems Labs. Modules may include Marketing, Finance, Management, Ethics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, and more.The program culminates with a guided visit to one of our New York City industry partners where students get a taste of corporate culture. They will meet with executives, tour the facility, and gain insight into the corporate experience. Past visits include Bloomberg, Google, and LinkedIn.

Civil Engineering Design

Program Length: One Week

With the passing of the bi-partisan infrastructure bill, the nation's transportation, energy, communications, and other infrastructure sectors are and will continue to experience a boom for the next decades. The development and delivery of these systems is becoming more complex because of challenges related to human, environmental, financial and other factors. There also is a need to develop and deliver these systems more sustainably. This program provides an overview of architectural and engineering design, project evaluation, planning and construction. Students will be able to design, prototype and test designs, assess environmental sustainability, develop project cash flows and construction schedules.

Cybersecurity (Beginner)

Program Length: One Week 

As society becomes more digital, hacks and data breaches are becoming more prevalent. The need for data security has increased in all industries including medicine, banking, and homeland security. The demand for professionals with knowledge in the areas of information assurance and computer security continues to grow. Which means that the need for more professionally trained individuals to fight cybercrime, is essential. In this one-week introductory program, you will gain a basic understanding and knowledge of cybersecurity fundamentals and system security principles.

Cybersecurity (Advanced)

Program Length: One Week 

Cybersecurity is a high-growth field currently experiencing a demand far greater than the supply of trained professionals available. The evolution of cybersecurity is a continuous race between intruders and defenders. Both use the same programming methods, tools and resources either to create a smart malware or to develop intelligent protection mechanisms. Join us this summer and learn how to Hack and Secure a system!

A background in AP Computer Science or similar coursework is required.

Data Science for Social Policy

Program Length: One Week

The emergence of digital technology has presented unique challenges to policymakers, courts, and citizens alike. The ever increasing threats to personal privacy, the economy, and even international relations require a new generation of leaders equipped to understand and respond to them in order to ensure the preservation of the core values of a democratic society. From cyberwarfare to addressing concerns about online racism and fake news, the need for timely and decisive action requires the collaboration of leaders in government, business, and technology. This course will explore these issues through a variety of hands-on activities, and will encourage students to think about how law, government, and technology affect their daily lives.

Exploring Career Options in Engineering and Science (ECOES)

Program Length: Two Weeks

So you've decided that you may want to study engineering and science when you enroll in college. The next step is determining which discipline you'd like to specialize in. The Stevens ECOES (Exploring Career Options in Engineering and Science) program is designed for students looking to explore a variety of options available to them in engineering and science. Modules may include: Biomedical engineering, Chemical engineering, Civil engineering, Computer engineering, Electrical engineering, Engineering management. Robotics, Mechanical engineering, Naval engineering, & Physics and optics.

Exploring the Human Brain with Virtual Reality: An Introduction to Neuroscience

Program Length: One Week

This course is designed for students interested in the science of the brain and its influence on behavior and decision-making. Students will gain a foundational understanding of the brain and sensory system anatomy using a 3D anatomy software. Students will also learn vital laboratory skills in molecular biology to investigate the molecular mechanisms and genetic factors that influence the brain's reward system and human behavior. Upon completing this course, students will be able to explain the parts of the brain and the impact of genetics on its functions.

Engineering Bootcamp

Program Length: One Week

This one-week crash course into various engineering disciplines will surely help you decide which option is a perfect fit for you. You will work closely with Stevens' expert faculty and collaborate with a group of peers to create your very own research project.  Modules may include: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Engineering Management, & Industrial & Systems Engineering.

Electronic Music Production

Program Length: One Week

This course is designed to teach the building blocks of contemporary music production. Classes will focus on working with Ableton, an industry standard Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), as well as Max/MSP, VCV Rack, and similar software. Students will learn foundational concepts and approaches to MIDI sequencing, sampling, synthesis and sound design, as well historic and creative context for these skills. Electronic Music Production will also cover the design of surround sound for 3D or virtual environments using WebVR, as well as the creation and presentation of electronic compositions using immersive online platforms.

Intermediate Computer Science

Program Length: Two Weeks 

If you are not new to computer science and are looking to expand upon pre-existing knowledge to better prepare you for college-level courses, look no further. This 2-week program and fresh series is jam-packed with accelerated modules such as algorithms, programming language design, scientific computing and much more to put you ahead of your peers.

A background in AP Computer Science or similar course work is required.

Introduction to Programming: Your First Step into Software Development

Program Length: One Week 

Facebook, SnapChat, and Uber started with a great idea and someone with a knack for coding and design. If you have never coded before, our expert faculty members will help you gain an understanding of the basics needed to bring your ideas to life with the Python programming language. In this introductory course, you will get the chance to work both individually and in teams to solve problems and create a small project based off your ideas. Modules may include Installing and configuring Python, variables, operators, control structures, functions, built-in data structures, and more!

Introduction to Game Design

Program Length: Two Weeks 

Develop an original video game from start to finish in just two weeks! This interdisciplinary program allows you to merge art, design, play, storytelling and computer science. You will start by designing simple card and board games to understand how games work, then quickly progress to the Unity game engine where you will develop and program 2D games. You’ll learn the C# programming language, some Aseprite, and other additional software to develop games on your own.

Medicinal Chemistry: Discovering Molecules that Cure

Program Length: One Week

This course will explore the methods involved in drug discovery and medicinal chemistry. Students will explore the literature focusing on a specific drug, they will use SciFinder to search the literature and modeling using Schrodinger computational tools. They will also synthesize Aspirin using green chemistry methods as well as do a research project focusing on the development of a specific small molecule drug. This course targets students interested in chemistry and chemical biology as well as a possible career in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry.

Pre-Med Biomedical Engineering

Program Length: One Week

Biomedical engineering is the application of the principles and problem-solving techniques of engineering to biology and medicine. This is evident throughout healthcare, from diagnosis and analysis to treatment and recovery, and has entered the public conscience though the development of implantable medical devices, such as pacemakers and artificial hips, to more futuristic technologies such as stem cell engineering and the 3-D printing of biological organs. Over the course of the week students will have the opportunity to learn about career options available within the field of biomedical engineering, speak with industry professionals, use various medical devices, learn how to analyze physiological data during hands-on labs, and learn about applying engineering principles to better healthcare and society.