In the fall of 2023, Stevens’ Executive Director of DEI, Susan Metz, convened the inaugural DEI Committee, a group of faculty and administrators representing a wide range of functional areas at the University. The charge of this newly created committee is to facilitate campus efforts to achieve Goal 6 in Stevens’ Strategic Plan. This strategic commitment states:   

GOAL 6: DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION– Attract and retain an outstanding community of faculty, staff and students from diverse backgrounds and cultivate a supportive, inclusive learning and working environment that contributes to a technologically proficient workforce that is representative of our diverse society.  

Key outcomes of the committee include: 

  1. Increased communication and awareness related to any and all updates and information relevant to diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout all areas of the campus community; 

  2. Identification of gaps and needs, along with initiatives and interventions that help to actualize our diversity, equity, and inclusion goals across campus;  

  3. collaborations with and beyond the campus community to strengthen ongoing and developing programs and initiatives.