neon colored genome

Health & Medicine

Health, Meet Tech

Stevens Institute of Technology is exploring the leading frontiers of health and medicine, developing the next medications, therapies, devices, diagnostic systems and other applications to help make our lives longer, healthier and more comfortable.

Transforming the Future of Health and Medicine

Stevens deploys a comprehensive, university-wide effort — and the very latest technologies, including AI — to address the vital health and medical challenges of our time.


RELAUNCH: Stevens' Flagship Healthcare & Medicine Research Center

The university expands its flagship healthcare research center, reorganized around five research clusters tuned to optimize societal impact.

Bristol Myers Squibb CEO Giovanni Caforio speaking at Stevens

ENGAGEMENT: BMS CEO, Pfizer SVP, AstraZeneca EVP on Campus

Stevens regularly invites today’s thought leaders in health and medicine to campus to speak, including Bristol Myers Squibb CEO Giovanni Caforio, Pfizer Senior VP for Operations Tanya Alcorn and AstraZeneca Executive Vice President Pam Cheng.

student with pipette in lab

RESEARCH: Health and Medical Innovation, Reaching Across Silos

Stevens' research in health and medicine, collected under the auspices of the Semcer Center for Healthcare Innovation (CHI), incorporates talent from across the university

Heart-Smart: Spotting Cardiac Diseases Earlier

Stevens researchers are leveraging AI, wearable sensors and other leading-edge technologies in a growing effort to help predict and diagnose cardiac diseases earlier.

Stethoscope attached to a cellphone to illustrate concept of listening to heart sounds

Listening for Trouble

Stevens researchers use AI-powered applications to sense trouble in the recorded sounds of blood flowing through our veins and arteries.

Digital code on computer screen with red-heart shape

Clearer Cardiac (and Other) Imaging

Yu Gan develops AI-based techniques to clarify medical imaging of hearts, arteries — even pregnancies.

Vital signs such as heartbeat, on a screen

Cutting the Cord: Wireless Vital Signs

Supported by NASA, Stevens develops wireless monitors that use radar and cameras to read multiple people's vital signs at once.

Stevens graduate Pam Cheng, Executive Vice President for AstraZeneca

Pam Cheng ’92 M.Eng. ’95 Brings Vaccines Worldwide

Stevens graduate Pam Cheng '92 M.Eng. '95 serves as Executive Vice President of one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, AstraZeneca

Brain Science

Stevens researchers are understanding the brain in new ways, modeling, detecting and predicting Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, epilepsy, concussions and other neurodegenerative disorders


A Bold New Angle on Concussions, Alzheimer’s, Dementia

Stevens Professor Johannes Weickenmeier approaches and analyzes neurodegenerative diseases from a new perspective: as mechanical (and predictable) events.

Image of a human brain against a blue background

An AI for Epilepsy

A Stevens researcher develops an AI-powered system that can sense epileptic seizures beginning in the brain almost immediately.


Cognitive Decline: Wear and Tear?

New Stevens research uncovers the possibility that diminishing mental capacity as we age may be caused or worsened by the physical pressures of fluids inside the brain.

Close-up of a blue eye.

Strong Vision: Diagnosing, Treating Eye Diseases

Stevens researcher Jennifer Kang-Mieler develops novel imaging and drug-delivery techniques to early-diagnose and treat diabetic ocular disorders caused by diabetes.

Cancer Research

Multiple Stevens research teams investigate a host of solid and liquid cancers.

Pink stethoscope with pink ribbon

Working to Improve the Odds for Cancer Patients

Stevens faculty and student researchers are identifying new drug candidates, developing therapeutic and diagnostic tools.

Close-up picture of cancer cells

Gold Star: New Nanotech Delivers Medicines Directly to Tumors

New research with a major medical center reveals that gold-nanoparticle packages ferry cancer drugs precisely.

Marcin Iwanicki and students in the lab

Understanding Ovarian Cancer

Two Stevens researchers use National Cancer Institute support to design new ways of imaging — and understanding — the ways in which ovarian cancers spread, even after treatment.

Rehabilitation & Sports Science

Stevens researchers use AI, VR, wearable sensors and other technologies to improve our health, performance and recovery from injury.

Professor Antonia Zaferiou in front of a computer screen in her Stevens lab

Delivering Biomechanics Research for Athletes

With MLB’s support, Stevens biomedical engineer Antonio Zaferiou analyzes pitchers’ biomechanics to reduce strain, enhance power and improve coaching

A person wearing a VR headset and arm brace equipped with sensors plays a computer game to improve coordination, strength and muscle control

VR: An Emerging New Rehab Tool

Stevens researcher Ravi Nataraj uses the new tools of VR to assist and upgrade rehabilitation from spinal-cord and other injuries.

A photo of a thumb and pointer finger holding tweezers, which are tinkering with a computer chip

Stevens Launches Center for Innovative Computing and Networked Systems

The new research center at Stevens is positioned to help shape the future of electrical and computer engineering technologies.

X-ray image of an implanted device in a human body.

Infection Detection

Matt Libera heads a leading-edge effort at Stevens to prevent and battle infections created by prosthetics, transplants and other medical interventions.

illustration of cells dividing in an embryo

The Power of Contrast: Enhancing Medical Imaging

NIH grants Stevens researcher Shang Wang $1.9 million award to improve the power of optical coherence tomography imaging techniques.

Bioinformatics: Mining Data for Medical Insights

Led by Stevens computer scientist Samantha Kleinberg, researchers mine a firehose of medical data to identify useful trends and spot disease patterns.

An abstract graphic featuring food and analytics

Monitoring Our Meals: AI for Better Health

Stevens joins a sweeping new NIH effort that will use AI to determine how what we eat affects our health.

Louis Gomez, Stevens doctoral student

AI for Stroke & Diabetic Insight

Doctoral candidate Louis Gomez develops AI-based systems to monitor and predict blood-glucose levels of diabetic patients and assess stroke patients

vital signs and ICU room

Toward Better Decision-Making in the ICU

Stevens develops research to improve accurate assessments of consciousness in intensive-care units, aiding family and physician decision-making during critical periods.

Drug Discovery

Stevens researchers are leveraging computational chemistry and other techniques to identify promising new classes of candidate medicines.

Graduate student Lucia Wang using a liquid chromatography instrument

New Cancer Therapies on the Horizon

Stevens researcher Abhishek Sharma works to ID promising new classes of cancer drugs.

Stevens student Dariya Baizhigitova ’24

A Powerful Geometry: Drug Designer Dariya Baizhigitova ‘24

This Stevens undergraduate searches relentlessly for new molecules that could one day lead to new medications.