SUCCESS – The Stevens Core Curriculum

SUCCESS — Stevens Undergraduate Core Curriculum: Essential Skills for Success — is Stevens’ core curriculum, required for all undergraduates entering in Fall 2024 and beyond.

SUCCESS prepares students with essential skills for the 21st century, including:

An infographic featuring icons that represent the main components of SUCCESS, Stevens' core curriculum: community, quantum technology, leadership and communication, sustainability, values and ethics, and artificial intelligence.
  • Communication

  • Leadership

  • Ethics

  • Diversity, equity and inclusion

  • Global citizenship

  • Computing

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Technological and information literacy

Designed to future-proof your education, SUCCESS ensures that you are comprehensively prepared, educationally resilient, technologically savvy and equipped with the knowledge and entrepreneurial skills required to succeed in the digital economy.

As with all Stevens curricula, SUCCESS is dynamic. Technologies, societal challenges, businesses and industries change; so will SUCCESS. It will evolve to ensure that it — and those who experience it — remain relevant and impactful.

Required Courses

Required courses include a series of Frontiers of Technology courses, a new First-Year Experience course and Foundations courses.

Frontiers of Technology

The Frontiers of Technology courses expose students to the most important current and emerging technologies, including AI and machine learning, data science and analytics, biotechnology, sustainability and quantum technology. Students choose three of the five topics based on their personal interests and career goals, and through the coursework learn to apply these technologies and understand their potential impacts on society.

First-Year Experience

The First-Year Experience course introduces students to Stevens and its resources, life and study skills for success, principles of modern-day leadership and ethical values. It also fosters peer, faculty and staff dialogue within small groups, enabling students to explore their identity within the Stevens community. Each section’s staff facilitator transforms into participants’ Student Success Coach, offering ongoing support throughout the undergraduate journey.


Foundations is a series of classes that help students develop well-rounded skills to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of the modern world. Courses on writing, communications, leadership and ethics, plus courses on computing and entrepreneurship, round out this foundational framework.

“SUCCESS is a revolutionary new innovation that will ensure our students are among the most comprehensively prepared, educationally resilient and technologically savvy graduates — not only in the nation, but in the world. This new core curriculum is designed to equip every Stevens undergraduate with the essential skills necessary to adapt and thrive in the dynamic 21st century digital economy.”
Nariman FarvardinPresident, Stevens Institute of Technology

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