Andrey Nikolaev
Teaching Associate Professor
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Mathematical Sciences
- PhD (2010) McGill University (Mathematics)
- MS (2005) Lomonosov Moscow State University (Mathematics)
Selected Publications
- Bassino, F.; Kapovich, I.; Lohrey, M.; Miasnikov, A.; Nicaud, C.; Nikolaev, A.; Rivin, I.; Shpilrain, V.; Ushakov, A.; Weil, P. (2020). Complexity and randomness in group theory: GAGTA BOOK 1. Complexity and Randomness in Group Theory: GAGTA BOOK 1 (pp. 1-374).
Conference Proceeding
- Miasnikov, A.; Nikolaev, A. (2020). On Parameterized Complexity of the Word Search Problem in the Baumslag-Gersten Group. Proceedings of the 45th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (pp. 360–363). New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.
Journal Article
- Nikolaev, A.; Ushakov, A. (2020). On subset sum problem in branch groups. journal of Groups, Complexity, Cryptology (vol. Volume 12, issue 1).