Anju Sharma (asharma)

Anju Sharma

Teaching Associate Professor

Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science

McLean Hall 314
(201) 216-8196


  • Other (1999) Stevens Institute of Technology (Graduate Certificate Technology Management)
  • PhD (1994) Bombay University (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
  • BS (1988) Bombay University (Pharmaceutical Sciences)


My primary research interest is in the application of microwave irradiation for organic synthesis. Using a “Green Chemistry” approach, several reactions are studied in a “solventless” environment and using microwave irradiation. Reactions can also be carried out in a shorter time without the use of complex reaction apparatus and set-up. It also includes the evaluation of how the reaction equilibrium is affected when it is conducted using microwave irradiation as opposed to traditional methods of synthesis.

I have also extended the use of microwave irradiation to studies in (microwave-assisted) polymer degradation and remodeling polymer characteristics for recycling and / or re-purposing for other applications.
Areas of Specialty: Synthesis for Drug Development

Institutional Service

  • CCB DEI Committee Member
  • Undergraduate Education Committee Member
  • SES Dean’s Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) Member
  • Undergraduate Education Committee Member
  • Graduate Education Committee Member
  • Undergraduate Education Committee Member
  • STEM Task Force Member
  • STARS Steering Committee Member
  • Faculty Search Committee Member

Professional Societies

  • ACS – American Chemical Society Member
  • IPA – Indian Pharmaceutical Association Member
  • American Chemical Society Member
  • Indian Pharmaceutical Association Member


CH 115 & 116 General Chemistry I and II, CH 550 Spectra and Structure, CH 243 & CH 244 Organic Chemistry I and II, CH 245 & CH 246 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I and II, CH 640 Advanced Organic Chemistry