Joon Ho Kong (jkong4)

Joon Ho Kong

Assistant Professor

School of Business


  • PhD (2022) Fordham University (Accounting)
  • MA (2016) Virginia Tech (Economics)
  • BA (2014) Emory University (Economics and Mathematics)

Selected Publications

1. Bilokha, A., J. Kong, and J. Micale. Universal demand laws and stakeholders: Evidence from the auditor's perspective. Forthcoming at Advances in Accounting

2. Francis, W., X. Gu, I. Hasan, and J. Kong. State ownership and financial statement comparability. Forthcoming at Journal of Business Finance & Accounting

3. Kim, I., J. Kong, and R. Yang. (2024). The impact of board reforms on audit fees: International evidence. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 51(1-2): 45-83.

4. Contreras, S., A. Ghosh, and J. Kong. (2021). Financial crisis, bank failures and corporate innovation. Journal of Banking & Finance, 129: 106161


ACC 215 Managerial Accounting (Undergraduate)
FIN 515 Financial Decision Making (Graduate)