Koduvayur Subbalakshmi (ksubbala)

Koduvayur Subbalakshmi


Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Burchard 208
(201) 216-8246


  • PhD (2000) Simon Fraser University (Engineering Science)
  • MS (1994) Indian Institute of Science (Electrical and Communication Engineering)
  • BS (1990) University of Madras (Physics)


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with an emphasis on mental health, cyber safety/security and cognitive radio networking. Specific areas are: Mental Health: explainable AI for cognitive impairment detection (including Alzheimers’ disease), depression and other mental health conditions; Cyber security/safety — explainable AI for fake news detection, rumor dynamics on social media, deception detection from text content, image/video steganography and steganalysis, information confusion in social media; NLP problems: keyphrase extraction; Cognitive radio networks and security – algorithms and design; attacks, countermeasures and systems level impact; Cognitive mobile cloud computing – spectrum and radio resource aware optimal mobile computing.

General Information

K.P. (Suba) Subbalakshmi is a Professor in the Department of ECE at Stevens Institute of Technology. She is a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors and a Jefferson Science Fellow. She is a Member of the National Academy of Sciences Engineering and Medicine's Intelligence Science and Technology Experts Group (ISTEG).

Her current research areas are in trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with applications to mental health, cyber safety/security, Fintech and intent based networking.

She was named a Jefferson Science Fellow in 2016. As a JSF, she served as a senior science and technology adviser to the US Department of State. In that role, she worked at the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, the Deputate of International Communications and Information Policy, Office of Multilateral Affairs (EB/CIP/MA), where she worked on technology policy issues in Information Communication Technologies like IoT and 5G communications as well as Artificial Intelligence and ML.

She has served as an Associate Editor for several journals and as organizers of several conferences and workshops. She is an AE for IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence and a Founding Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. She is the Founding Chair of the Special Interest Group on Security, IEEE COMSOC's Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks.

She is a recipient of the New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame, Innovator Award. She is a Co-PI on the NSF CRAFT center. She is affiliated with the Stevens Center for the Advancement of Secure Systems and Information Assurance (CASSIA). Her research is supported by NSF, NIJ, AFRL, US ISSO, Industry and other DoD agencies.

Suba received a PhD in Engineering Science from the Simon Fraser University, Canada; M.E in Electrical Communication Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and B.Sc in Physics from the University of Madras.


Member, Steering Committee, ACM WiseML, 2020 --
Member, National Academy of Sciences Engineering and Medicine, Intelligence Science and Technology Experts Group, 2019 --
Founding Director, Stevens Institute for Artificial Intelligence, 2018
Jefferson Science Fellow, US Department of State, 2016
Professor, Dept. of ECE, Stevens Institute of Technology (Fall 2014 --
Associate Professor, Dept of E.C.E, Stevens Institute of Technology, (September, 2007 -- August 31, 2014)
Co-Founder and Cheif Scientist, Dynamic Spectrum LLC, June 2012
Co-Founder, Jaasuz, 2012
Visiting Researcher, IRISA, INRIA, Rennes, France, October 2007.
Assistant Professor, Dept of E.C.E, Stevens Institue of Technology, (Fall 2000 - August 31 2007)

Institutional Service

  • Department PhD Committee Member
  • Faculty Search Committee Member
  • University Promotion and Tenure Committee Member
  • Faculty Advisory Committee Member
  • Outreach and Alumni Committee Member
  • ASPIRE Member
  • Intellectual Property Advisory Committee Member
  • Strategic Planning Committee Member
  • Research and Outreach Committee Member
  • Faculty Search Committee Member
  • Promotion and Tenure Committee Member
  • Putting together a team for US CCDC CRADA Member
  • Stevens Institute for Artificial Intelligence Chair

Professional Service

  • AI and ML in Security (AIMLSec) Special Interest Group, IEEE COMSOC, Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks Founding Chair
  • IEEE Transactions on Arificial Intelligence Associate Editor
  • IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence Lead Guest Editor, Special issue on Interpretable and Explainable AI
  • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems Associate Editor
  • IAPR Computer Vision and Image Processing International Advisory Committee Member
  • 2022 IEEE ComSoc TCCN Nomination and Election Committee
  • 25th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications ( WPMC 2022 Technical Program Committee Member
  • NSF Proposal Panelist NSF Panelist
  • ACM WiseML Member, Steering Committee
  • IEEE World Congress on Services 2021 / Future of Financial Services Symposium Advisory Board
  • National Academy of Sciences Engineering and Medicine's Intelligence Science & Technology Experts Group Member
  • IEEE COMSOC's Technical Committee on Cognitive Networking IEEE TCCN Recognition Award Committee
  • IEEE TRansactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking Associate Editor
  • NSF Proposal Panelist NSF Panelist
  • IEEE DySPAN 2019 Technical Program Committee Co-Chair
  • IEEE Conference on Network Security Poster Co-Chair

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Member, Advisory Board, Intellectual Property Committee, March 2021
Member, Stevens Patent Committee, August 2007 --

Honors and Awards

Fellow, National Academy of Inventors, 2018
Jefferson Science Fellow, 2016
Innovator Award, New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame, October 2012
Stevens Technogenesis Award for Research and Technology Contributions, 2007.
IEEE Best Student Paper Award, for the paper, “Real-Time Secondary Spectrum Sharing with QoS Provisioning”, Yiping Xing, Chetan Nanjunda Mathur, Mohamed Haleem, R. Chandramouli and K.P. Subbalakshmi, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference 2005, Special Session on Agile Radios and Cooperative Networking for Next Generation Wireless Networks.
Stevens President’s Research Recognition Award, 2003.

Professional Societies

  • National Academy of Inventors Fellow
  • IEEE Senior member
  • ACM – Association for Computing Machinery Member
  • ACL – Association for Computational Linguistics Member
  • AAAI – Association for the Advancement of AI Member

Grants, Contracts and Funds

Role of LLMs in in the Generation and Detection of Persuasive Texts, Griffiss Institute, AFRL
Machine Learning Approach for Optimizing Real-Time Orbital Sensor Tasking, SpaceWerx
SII Planning: ARIES: Center for Agile, RelIablE, Scalable Spectrum, NSF
Keyphrase extraction using language embeddings, US ARMY CCDC
Knowledge Extraction Using NLP, US Army, CCDC
Renewal: CyberCorps: Scholarship for Service Program at Stevens, National Science Foundation
STTR Phase II:SpiderRadio: Enabling Cognitive Dynamic Spectrum Access Wireless Communications, National Science Foundation
STTR Phase I:SpiderRadio: Enabling Cognitive Dynamic Spectrum Access Wireless Communications, National Science Foundation
Denial-of-Service Attacks and Counter Measures in Dynamic Sepctrum Access Networks, National Science Foundation
Human Behavior Inspired Cognitive Radio Network Design, National Science Foundation
Cognitive Radios for First Responder Networks in Public Safety Bands, National Institute of Justice
Security-Resource Trade-Offs in Wireless Networks, National Science Foundation, Cyber-Trust Program.
Watermarking and Internet Forensics, with R. Chandramouli
Compression Driven Routing, US Army Picatinny Arsenal, Acoustic and Network Sensors Program.
Energy Efficient, Error Resilient Encryption for Wireless Security, US Army Picatinny Arsenal, iNETS, with R. Chandramouli.
Sensor Data Correlation Modelling and Compression for Ocean Sensor Networks, ONR/Maritime Security Laboratory
Security in the Distributed Environment, US Army Picatinny Arsenal/ WiNSec
Perspectives on Information Hiding for Multimedia Security, National Science Foundation, with R. Chandramouli
Improving Steganographic Capacity in the Presence of Attacks via Multiple Description and Joint Source-Channel Coding, Airforce Research Laboratory, Rome NY.
Lightweight Error Resilient Cryptographic Systems for Wireless Network Security, US Army Picattiny Arsenal/WiNSec

Patents and Inventions

R. Chandramouli, K.P. Subbalakshmi and Constantine Boyadjiev, “Natural language processing artificial intelligence network and data security system”, Filed Oct5, 2017, Awarded 2020

Syed Eman Mahmoodi and K.P. Subbalakshmi ``System Apparatus And Methods For Cognitive Cloud Offloading In A Multi-Rat Enabled Wireless Device." (Application: 2015, Approved: August 27, 2019

Alireza Louni and K.P. Subbalakshmi, “Method and Apparatus to Identify the Source of Information /Misinformation in Large Scale Social Media Networks”, 9959365, US Patent Awarded May 1, 2018

R. Chandramouli, Xiaoling Chen, K.P. Subbalakshmi and R. Perera, “Systems and methods for automatically detecting deception in human communications expressed in digital form", US Patent 9292493, PCT/US11/033936, Awarded March 22, 2016

R. Chandramouli, X. Chen and K.P. Subbalakshmi, “Psycho-linguistic statistical deception detection from text content”, PCT/US11/020390, US Patent Number 9116877, Issue Date: August 25, 2015.

R. Chandramouli, K.P. Subbalakshmi and Helena Wisniewski, “Data Hiding based Messages and Advertisements”, US8555052 B2, Issue Date: Oct 8, 2013.

Palak Amin and K.P. Subbalakshmi, “Robust Hidden Data Extraction Method for Scaling Attacks”, U.S Patent #: 7,529,384, Issue Date: May 5, 2009.

Zongru Shao, R. Chandramouli, K.P. Subbalakshmi and Constantine Boyadjiev, “Machine learning based voice authentication model”, US Patent Filed July 2018

Vidya Sagar, R. Chandramouli and K.P. Subbalakshmi, “Systems and methods for wireless spectrum access in heterogenous networks”, US Patent, Filed May 2018 Zongru Shao,

Selected Publications


  1. Mahmoodi, S. E.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Uma, R. N. (2019). Spectrum-aware mobile computing: Convergence of cloud computing and cognitive networking. Signals and Communication Technology.

Book Chapter

  1. Mahmoodi, S. E.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Uma, R. (2019). Optimal Cognitive Scheduling and Cloud Offloading Using Multi-Radios. Spectrum-Aware Mobile Computing (pp. 35--47). Springer, Cham.
  2. León, O.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2019). Cognitive radio network security. Handbook of Cognitive Radio (vol. 1-3, pp. 777-806).
  3. Mahmoodi, S. E.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Uma, R. N. (2019). Spectrum-aware mobile computing using cognitive networks. Handbook of Cognitive Radio (vol. 1-3, pp. 749-775).
  4. Louni, A.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2014). Diffusion of information in social networks. Social networking (pp. 1--22). Springer, Cham.
  5. Chen, X.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2014). Scam detection in Twitter. Data Mining for Service (pp. 133--150). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  6. Dong, Z.; Sengupta, S.; Anand, S.; Hong, K.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2011). Cognitive radio mobile ad hoc networks in healthcare. Cognitive radio mobile ad hoc networks (pp. 335--350). Springer, New York, NY.
  7. Chen, X.; Perera, R. D.; Dong, Z. C.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2010). Deception Detection on the Internet. Handbook of Research on Computational Forensics, Digital Crime, and Investigation: Methods and Solutions (pp. 334--354). IGI Global.
  8. Malik, H.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2009). Steganalysis: Trends and Challenges. Multimedia Forensics and Security (pp. 245--265). IGI Global.
  9. Xing, Y.; Kushwaha, H.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R. (2007). Codes and games for dynamic spectrum access. Cognitive Radio, Software Defined Radio, and Adaptive Wireless Systems (pp. 161--187). Springer, Dordrecht.

Conference Proceeding

  1. Yu, Y.; Yao, Z.; Li, .; Cao, Y.; Chen, Z.; Suchow, J.; Liu, R.; Cui, Z.; Zhang, D.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Xiong, G.; He, Y.; Huang, J.; Li, D.; Xie, Q. (2024). FinCon: A Synthesized LLM Multi-Agent System with Conceptual Verbal Reinforcement for Enhanced Financial Decision Making. NeurIPS. Curran Associates.
  2. Cao, Y.; Chen, .; Pei, Q.; Dimino, F.; Ausiello, L.; Kumar, P.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Ndiaye, P. M. (2024). RiskLabs: Predicting Financial Risk Using Large Language Model Based on Multi-Sources Data. 5th ACM International Conference on AI in Finance, Workshop on Multimodal Foundational Financial Models. ACM.
  3. Rezazadeh, F.; Barrachina-Muñoz, S.; Zeydan, E.; Song, H.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Mangues-Bafalluy, J. (2023). X-GRL: An Empirical Assessment of Explainable GNN-DRL in B5G/6G Networks. IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks 2023. IEEE.
  4. Wen, B.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2023). Revisiting Attention Weights as Explanations from an Information Theoretic Perspective. NeurIPS Workshop on Attention.
  5. Wen, B.; Cao, Y.; Yang, F.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2022). Causal-TGAN: Causally-Aware Synthetic Tabular Data Generative Adversarial Network. International Conference on Learning Representation (ICLR). International Conference on Learning Representation (ICLR).
  6. Wang, N.; Cao, Y.; Hao, S.; Shao, D.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2021). Modular Multi-Modal Attention Network for Alzheimer's Disease Detection Using Patient Audio and Language Data. INTERSPEECH 2021.
  7. Wang, N.; Luo, F.; Shivtare, Y.; Badal, V.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R.; Lee, E. (2021). Learning Models for Suicide Prediction from Social Media Posts. NAACL Seventh Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology. Association for Computational Linguistics.
  8. Chen, M.; Wang, N.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2020). Explainable Rumor Detection using Inter and Intra-feature Attention Networks. KDD workshop on TrueFact 2020. ACM.
  9. Wang, N.; Chen, M.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2020). Explainable CNN-attention Networks (C-Attention Network) for Automated Detection of Alzheimer's Disease. BioKDD 2020. ACM .
  10. Chen, M.; Wang, N.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2020). Explainable Rumor Detection using Inter and Intra-feature Attention Networks. KDD TrueFact Workshop 2020. ACM.
  11. Wang, N.; Luo, F.; Peddagangireddy, V.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R. (2020). Personalized Early Stage Alzheimer's Disease Detection: A Case Study of President Reagan's Speeches. : 133-139. BioNLP 2020 (pp. 133-139). ACL.
  12. Santhanakrishnan, A.; Alnakhli, M.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2019). Enhancing Spectrum Efficiency in D2D Wireless Networks by Exploiting Source Correlation. IEEE DySPAN . Hoboken: IEEE.
    B 208, Department of ECE.
  13. Mahmoodi, S. E.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Uma, R. (2016). Harnessing spectrum awareness to enhance mobile computing: poster. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (pp. 460--461).
  14. Mahmoodi, S. E.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Uma, R. (2016). Poster: Harnessing Spectrum Awareness to Enhance Mobile Computing. MobiCom.
  15. Mahmoodi, S. E.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Sagar, V. (2015). Cloud offloading for multi-radio enabled mobile devices. 2015 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC) (pp. 5473--5478).
  16. Safavi, E.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2015). Delay analysis of multi-user dynamic spectrum access networks. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN) (pp. 319--325).
  17. Louni, A.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2014). A two-stage algorithm to estimate the source of information diffusion in social media networks. 2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS) (pp. 329--333).
  18. Jin, Z.; Morgan, J.; Anand, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2014). NEAT: A NEighbor AssisTed spectrum decision protocol for resilience against PUEA. 2014 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (pp. 44--52).
  19. Louni, A.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2013). Optimizing flow control in multi-interface wireless cognitive radio networks. 2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (pp. 1227--1232).
  20. Azarafrooz, M.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2013). Reciprocity and Fairness in Medium Access Control Games. 2013 22nd International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN) (pp. 1--5).
  21. Venkataraman, M.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R. (2012). Measuring and quantifying the silent majority on the internet. 2012 35th IEEE Sarnoff Symposium (pp. 1--5).
  22. Hao, P.; Chen, X.; Cheng, N.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2011). Adaptive context modeling for deception detection in emails. International Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (pp. 458--468).
  23. Chen, X.; Hao, P.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2011). Authorship similarity detection from email messages. International Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (pp. 375--386).
  24. Anand, S.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2011). Cost of Collaboration vs Individual Effort in Social Networks. Proceedings of the 2011 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (pp. 403--413).
  25. Tan, Y.; Sengupta, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2011). Human society inspired dynamic spectrum access networks: The effect of parochialism. 2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference-GLOBECOM 2011 (pp. 1--5).
  26. Safavi, S. E.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2011). Optimal joint power allocation and phase control for DS-CDMA cognitive radio networks. 2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference-GLOBECOM 2011 (pp. 1--5).
  27. Anand, S.; Hong, K.; Chandramouli, R.; Sengupta, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2011). Security Vulnerability Due to Channel Aggregation/Bonding in LTE and HSPA+ Network. 2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference-GLOBECOM 2011 (pp. 1--5).
  28. Tan, Y.; Hong, K.; Sengupta, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2011). Spectrum stealing via Sybil attacks in DSA networks: Implementation and defense. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (pp. 1--5).
  29. Tan, Y.; Hong, K.; Sengupta, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2011). Using sybil identities for primary user emulation and byzantine attacks in dsa networks. 2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference-GLOBECOM 2011 (pp. 1--5).
  30. Luo, G.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2011). Zero Kullback-Liebler Divergence Image Data Hiding. 2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference-GLOBECOM 2011 (pp. 1--5).
  31. Tan, Y.; Sengupta, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2010). Competitive spectrum trading in dynamic spectrum access markets: A price war. 2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM 2010 (pp. 1--5).
  32. Tan, Y.; Sengupta, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2010). Coordinated denial-of-service attacks in IEEE 802.22 networks. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications (pp. 1--5).
  33. Jin, Z.; Anand, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2010). Performance analysis of dynamic spectrum access networks under primary user emulation attacks. 2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM 2010 (pp. 1--5).
  34. Jin, Z.; Anand, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2010). Robust spectrum decision protocol against primary user emulation attacks in dynamic spectrum access networks. 2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM 2010 (pp. 1--5).
  35. Gong, C.; Liu, J.; Zhang, Q.; Chen, H.; Gong, Z. (2010). The characteristics of cloud computing. 2010 39th International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (pp. 275--279).
  36. Perera, R. D.; Anand, S.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R. (2010). Twitter analytics: Architecture, tools and analysis. 2010-MILCOM 2010 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (pp. 2186--2191).
  37. Jin, Z.; Anand, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2009). Detecting primary user emulation attacks in dynamic spectrum access networks. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications (pp. 1--5).
  38. Cheng, N.; Chen, X.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2009). Gender identification from e-mails. 2009 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (pp. 154--158).
  39. Jakimoski, G.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2009). Towards secure spectrum decision. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications (pp. 1--5).
  40. Anand, S.; Jin, Z.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2008). An analytical model for primary user emulation attacks in cognitive radio networks. 2008 3rd IEEE Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (pp. 1--6).
  41. Jakimoski, G.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2008). Denial-of-service attacks on dynamic spectrum access networks. ICC Workshops-2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (pp. 524--528).
  42. Mathur, C. N.; Haleem, M. A.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2008). Impact of constraints on the complexity of dynamic spectrum assignment. IEEE GLOBECOM 2008-2008 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (pp. 1--6).
  43. Malik, H.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R. (2008). Nonparametric steganalysis of QIM data hiding using approximate entropy [6819-40]. PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING (vol. 6819, pp. 6819).
  44. Amin, P.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). Detecting hidden messages using image power spectrum. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (vol. 1, pp. I--421).
  45. Mathur, C. N.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). Digital signatures for centralized DSA networks. 2007 4th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (pp. 1037--1041).
  46. Jakimoski, G.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). On efficient message authentication via block cipher design techniques. International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security (pp. 232--248).
  47. Haleem, M. A.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). Optimal Source-Channel Decoder for Correlated Markov Sources over Additive Markov Channels. 2007 Data Compression Conference (DCC'07) (pp. 383--383).
  48. Jakimoski, G.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). Security of compressing encrypted sources. 2007 Conference Record of the Forty-First Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (pp. 901--903).
  49. Malik, H.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R. (2007). Steganalysis of gim-based data hiding using kernel density estimation. Proceedings of the 9th workshop on Multimedia \& security (pp. 149--160).
  50. Mathur, C. N.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2006). Energy Efficient Wireless Encryption.. GLOBECOM.
  51. Mathur, C. N.; Narayan, K.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2006). High diffusion cipher: Encryption and error correction in a single cryptographic primitive. International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (pp. 309--324).
  52. Haleem, M.; Mathur, C. N.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2006). Joint distributed compression and encryption of correlated data in sensor networks. MILCOM 2006-2006 IEEE Military Communications conference (pp. 1--7).
  53. Mathur, C. N.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2006). Nis05-5: Energy efficient wireless encryption. IEEE Globecom 2006 (pp. 1--5).
  54. Haleem, M. A.; Mathur, C. N.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2006). On optimizing the security-throughput trade-off in wireless networks with adversaries. International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (pp. 448--458).
  55. Xing, Y.; Mathur, C. N.; Haleem, M. A.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2006). Priority based dynamic spectrum access with QoS and interference temperature constraints. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications (vol. 10, pp. 4420--4425).
  56. Xing, Y.; Mathur, C. N.; Haleem, M.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2006). Real-time secondary spectrum sharing with QoS provisioning. CCNC 2006. 2006 3rd IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 2006. (vol. 1, pp. 630--634).
  57. Liu, N.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2006). Worst case attack on quantization based data hiding. Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM'06) (pp. 679--684).
  58. Chen, Q.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2005). Distributed joint source-channel decoding for correlated Markov sources. Data Compression Conference (pp. 453).
  59. Mathur, C. N.; Narayan, K.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2005). High diffusion codes: a class of maximum distance separable codes for error resilient block ciphers. 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Adaptive Wireless Networks (AWiN), Globecom.
  60. Liu, N.; Amin, P. K.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2005). Secure quantization based data embedding. 2005 IEEE 7th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (pp. 1--4).
  61. Amin, P. K.; Liu, N.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2005). Statistically secure digital image data hiding. 2005 IEEE 7th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (pp. 1--4).
  62. Liu, N.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2005). TCQ-based quantizer design for data hiding in images. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VII (vol. 5681, pp. 185--193).
  63. Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2004). Current trends in steganalysis: a critical survey. ICARCV 2004 8th Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision Conference, 2004. (vol. 2, pp. 964--967).
  64. Somasundaram, S.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Uma, R. (2004). MDC and path diversity in video streaming. 2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004. ICIP'04. (vol. 5, pp. 3153--3156).
  65. Liu, N.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2004). Nonuniform quantizer design for image data hiding. 2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004. ICIP'04. (vol. 4, pp. 2179--2182).
  66. Amin, P.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2004). Rotation and cropping resilient data hiding with Zernike moments. 2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004. ICIP'04. (vol. 4, pp. 2175--2178).
  67. Liu, N.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2004). Vector-quantization-based scheme for data embedding for images. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VI (vol. 5306, pp. 548--559).
  68. Somasundaram, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2003). 3-D multiple description video coding for packet switched networks. 2003 International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. ICME'03. Proceedings (Cat. No. 03TH8698) (vol. 1, pp. I--589).
  69. Somasundaram, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2003). A novel 3D scalable video compression algorithm. Image and Video Communications and Processing 2003 (vol. 5022, pp. 966--972).
  70. Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2003). Active steganalysis of spread spectrum image steganography. Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2003. ISCAS'03. (vol. 3, pp. III--III).
  71. Chen, Q.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2003). An integrated joint source-channel decoder for MPEG-4 coded video. 2003 IEEE 58th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC 2003-Fall (IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37484) (vol. 1, pp. 347--351).
  72. Chen, Q.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2003). Trellis decoding for MPEG-4 streams over wireless channels. Image and Video Communications and Processing 2003 (vol. 5022, pp. 810--819).
  73. Subbalakshmi, K.; Chen, Q. (2002). Joint source-channel decoding for MPEG-4 coded video over wireless channels. Proc. IASTED International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC’02) (pp. 617--622).
  74. Subbalakshmi, K.; Somasundaram, S. (2002). Multiple description image coding framework for EBCOT. Proceedings. International Conference on Image Processing (vol. 3, pp. 541--544).
  75. Subbalakshmi, K.; Vaisey, J. (1999). Joint source-channel decoding of entropy coded Markov sources over binary symmetric channels. 1999 IEEE International Conference on Communications (Cat. No. 99CH36311) (vol. 1, pp. 446--450).
  76. Subbalakshmi, K.; Vaisey, J. (1999). Optimal decoding of entropy coded Markov sources over channels with memory. The 33rd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (vol. 2, pp. 624--629).
  77. Subbalakshmi, K.; Vaisey, J. (1998). Optimal decoding of entropy coded memoryless sources over binary symmetric channels. Proceedings DCC'98 Data Compression Conference (Cat. No. 98TB100225) (pp. 573).

Journal Article

  1. Bonilla-Ortiz, G.; Verma, D.; Head, J.; Xiao, L.; Subbalakshmi, K.. Systematic Mapping Study of Systems Security Engineering for Modular Open Systems. IEEE Systems Journal. IEEE.
  2. Yang, F.; Wen, B.; Comaniciu, C.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R. (2022). TONet: A Fast and Efficient Method for Traffic Obfuscation using Adversarial Machine Learning. IEEE Communication Letters. Princeton Junction: IEEE.
  3. Shao, Z.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Boyadjiev, C. T. (2019). An analytical system for user emotion extraction, mental state modeling, and rating. Expert Systems with Applications (vol. 124, pp. 82-96).
  4. Mahmoodi, S. E.; Uma, R. N.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2019). Optimal joint scheduling and cloud offloading for mobile applications. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (2 ed., vol. 7, pp. 301-313).
  5. Huang, J.; Gao, Y.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2018). Introduction to the Special Section From the IEEE GLOBECOM 2017 Conference. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (2 ed., vol. 4, pp. 344--346). IEEE.
  6. Louni, A.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2018). Who spread that rumor: Finding the source of information in large online social networks with probabilistically varying internode relationship strengths. IEEE transactions on computational social systems (2 ed., vol. 5, pp. 335--343). IEEE.
  7. Le\'on, Olga; Subbalakshmi, K. (2017). Cognitive radio network security. Handbook of cognitive radio (pp. 1--30).
  8. Mahmoodi, S. E.; Subbalakshmi, K. S. (2016). A time-adaptive heuristic for cognitive cloud offloading in multi-RAT enabled wireless devices. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (2 ed., vol. 2, pp. 194--207). IEEE.
  9. Jin, Z.; Anand, S.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R. (2016). Connectivity of ad hoc 5g wireless networks under denial of service attacks. 5G Outlook-Innovations and Applications (pp. 85). River Publishers.
  10. Malik, H.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R. (2016). Joint-channel modeling to attack QIM steganography. Multimedia Tools and Applications (21 ed., vol. 75, pp. 13585--13611). Springer US.
  11. Mahmoodi, S. E.; Uma, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2016). Optimal joint scheduling and cloud offloading for mobile applications. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (2 ed., vol. 7, pp. 301--313). IEEE.
  12. Sagar, V.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2016). Software defined access for HetNets. IEEE Communications Magazine (1 ed., vol. 54, pp. 84--89). IEEE.
  13. Safavi, S. E.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2015). Effective Bandwidth for Delay Tolerant Secondary User Traffic in Multi-PU, Multi-SU Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (2 ed., vol. 1, pp. 175--184). IEEE.
  14. Louni, A.; Santhanakrishnan, A.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2015). Identification of source of rumors in social networks with incomplete information. arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.00557.
  15. Mahmoodi, S. E.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R.; Abolhassani, B. (2015). Joint Spectrum Sensing and Resource Allocation for OFDM-based Transmission with a Cognitive Relay. arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.04115.
  16. Eman Mahmoodi, S.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R.; Abolhassani, B. (2015). Joint Spectrum Sensing and Resource Allocation for OFDM-based Transmission with a Cognitive Relay. arXiv e-prints (pp. arXiv--1511).
  17. Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2015). Resilient Communications for Arctic Monitoring. University of Alaska Anchorage.
  18. Anand, S.; Venkataraman, M.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R. (2015). Spatio-temporal analysis of passive consumption in internet media. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (10 ed., vol. 27, pp. 2839--2850). IEEE.
  19. Jiang, N.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2015). Identifying Hierarchy and Geographical Influence in Twitter. International Conference on Communications. IEEE.
  20. Anand, S.; Sengupta, S.; Hong, K.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R.; Cam, H. (2014). Exploiting channel fragmentation and aggregation/bonding to create security vulnerabilities. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (8 ed., vol. 63, pp. 3867--3874). IEEE.
  21. Azarafrooz, M.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2014). Reciprocity, fairness and learning in medium access control games. Computer communications (vol. 46, pp. 22--28). Elsevier.
  22. Anand, S.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Venkataraman, M. (2013). Altruism in social networks: good guys do finish first. Social Network Analysis and Mining (2 ed., vol. 3, pp. 167--177). Springer Vienna.
  23. Sengupta, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2013). Open research issues in multi-hop cognitive radio networks. IEEE Communications Magazine (4 ed., vol. 51, pp. 168--176). IEEE.
  24. Malik, H.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R. (2013). Steganalysis of QIM Steganography. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (pp. 1--13).
  25. Anand, S.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R. (2012). A quantitative model and analysis of information confusion in social networks. IEEE transactions on multimedia (1 ed., vol. 15, pp. 207--223). IEEE.
  26. Mathur, C. N.; Haleem, M.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R. (2012). Impact of Constraints on the Complexity and Performance of Channel Assignment in Multi-hop Wireless Networks. Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility (pp. 161--187).
  27. Jin, Z.; Anand, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2012). Impact of primary user emulation attacks on dynamic spectrum access networks. IEEE transactions on communications (9 ed., vol. 60, pp. 2635--2643). IEEE.
  28. Dong, Z.; Perera, R. D.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2012). Network measurement based modeling and optimization for IP geolocation. Computer Networks (1 ed., vol. 56, pp. 85--98). Elsevier.
  29. Tan, Y.; Sengupta, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2012). Primary user emulation attack in dynamic spectrum access networks: a game-theoretic approach. IET communications (8 ed., vol. 6, pp. 964--973). IET Digital Library.
  30. Tan, Y.; Sengupta, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2011). Analysis of coordinated denial-of-service attacks in IEEE 802.22 networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (4 ed., vol. 29, pp. 890--902). IEEE.
  31. Cheng, N.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2011). Author gender identification from text. Digital Investigation (1 ed., vol. 8, pp. 78--88). Elsevier.
  32. Luo, G.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2011). KL--sense secure image steganography. International Journal of Security and Networks (4 ed., vol. 6, pp. 211--225). Inderscience Publishers.
  33. Malik, H.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R. (2011). Nonparametric steganalysis of QIM steganography using approximate entropy. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (2 ed., vol. 7, pp. 418--431). IEEE.
  34. Sengupta, S.; Hong, K.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2011). Spiderradio: A cognitive radio network with commodity hardware and open source software. IEEE Communications Magazine (3 ed., vol. 49, pp. 101--109). IEEE.
  35. Granelli, F.; Pawelczak, P.; Prasad, R. V.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R.; Hoffmeyer, J. A.; Berger, H. S. (2010). Standardization and research in cognitive and dynamic spectrum access networks: IEEE SCC41 efforts and other activities. IEEE Communications Magazine (1 ed., vol. 48, pp. 71--79). IEEE.
  36. Chandramouli, R.; Swami, A.; Chapin, J.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2009). Dynamic Spectrum Access for Wireless Networking. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
  37. Jin, Z.; Anand, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2009). Mitigating primary user emulation attacks in dynamic spectrum access networks using hypothesis testing. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (2 ed., vol. 13, pp. 74--85). ACM.
  38. Ackermann, R.; Anand, S.; Calafate, C.; Escriba, J. C.; Cerqueira, E.; Chandramouli, R.; Chatterjee, M.; Chen, C. S.; Chilamkurti, N.; Chin, W. H.; others (2009). Wireless Networking for Consumer Electronics . Consumer Communications and Networking Conference. IEEE.
  39. Jakimoski, G.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2008). Cryptanalysis of some multimedia encryption schemes. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (3 ed., vol. 10, pp. 330--338). IEEE.
  40. Subbalakshmi, K. S.; Chen, Y. J. (2008). IEEE workshop on security, privacy and authentication in wireless networks (WoWMoM 2008).
  41. Haleem, M. A.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R. (2008). Joint encryption and compression of correlated sources with side information. EURASIP Journal on Information Security (vol. 2007, pp. 1--9). Springer International Publishing.
  42. Kumar, K.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2008). On stochastic learning in predictive wireless ARQ. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (7 ed., vol. 8, pp. 871--883). John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd. Chichester, UK.
  43. Mathur, C. N.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). A Light Weight Enhancement to RC4 Based Security for Resource Constrained Wireless Devices.. IJ Network Security (2 ed., vol. 5, pp. 205--212).
  44. Subbalakshmi, K.; Chandramouli, R.; Ranganathan, N. (2007). A Sequential Distinguisher for Covert Channel Identification.. IJ Network Security (3 ed., vol. 5, pp. 274--282).
  45. Qusay, M.; Mahmou, D. (2007). Cognitive networks: Towards self-aware networks. Wiley E-Book, New York.
  46. Patel, A.; Shah, M.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). Covert channel forensics on the internet: Issues, approaches, and experiences.. IJ Network Security (1 ed., vol. 5, pp. 41--50).
  47. Frossard, P.; Chen, C.; Sreenan, C.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Wu, D.; Zhang, Q. (2007). CROSS-LAYER OPTIMIZED WIRELESS MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS-Guest Editorial. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (4 ed., vol. 25, pp. 641).
  48. Jakimoski, G.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). Discrete lyapunov exponent and differential cryptanalysis. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (6 ed., vol. 54, pp. 499--501). IEEE.
  49. Xing, Y.; Mathur, C. N.; Haleem, M. A.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). Dynamic spectrum access with QoS and interference temperature constraints. IEEE Transactions on mobile computing (4 ed., vol. 6, pp. 423--433). IEEE.
  50. Kushwaha, H.; Xing, Y.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). Erasure tolerant coding for cognitive radios. Cognitive networks: Towards self-aware networks (pp. 315--331). John Wiley \& Sons.
  51. Haleem, M. A.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). Global System for Mobile Communications. Handbook of Computer Networks: LANs, MANs, WANs, the Internet, and Global, Cellular, and Wireless Networks (vol. 2, pp. 642--657). John Wiley \& Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ, USA.
  52. Frossard, P.; Chen, C. W.; Sreenan, C. J.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Wu, D. O.; Zhang, Q. (2007). Guest Editorial Cross-layer Optimized Wireless Multimedia Communications. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (4 ed., vol. 25, pp. 641--644). IEEE.
  53. Strassner, J.; Srivastava, V.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Suda, T.; Thomas, R. W.; Xiao, J.; Xing, Y.; Yahaya, A. (2007). Jeffrey D. Poston. COGNITIVE NETWORKS.
  54. Mathur, C. N.; Narayan, K.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). On the design of error-correcting ciphers. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (vol. 2006, pp. 1--12). Springer International Publishing.
  55. Haleem, M.; Mathur, C.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). Opportunistic encryption: A trade-off between security and throughput in wireless networks. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and secure computing (4 ed., vol. 4, pp. 313--324). IEEE.
  56. Liu, N.; Amin, P.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). Security and robustness enhancement for image data hiding. IEEE transactions on multimedia (3 ed., vol. 9, pp. 466--474). IEEE.
  57. Mathur, C. N.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). Security issues in cognitive radio networks. Cognitive Networks (vol. 25, pp. 272--290). Wiley.
  58. Amin, P. K.; Liu, N.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2007). Statistical attack resilient data hiding.. IJ Network Security (1 ed., vol. 5, pp. 112--120).
  59. Frossard, P.; Chen, C.; Sreenan, C.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Wu, D.; Zhang, Q. (2007). CROSS-LAYER OPTIMIZED WIRELESS MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS. Journal on Selected Areas of Communication. IEEE .
  60. Liu, N.; Amin, P.; Ambalavanan, A.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2006). An overview of digital watermarking. Multimedia Security Technologies for Digital Rights Management (pp. 167--195). Academic Press.
  61. Chandramouli, R.; Bapatla, S.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Uma, R. (2006). Battery power-aware encryption. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) (2 ed., vol. 9, pp. 162--180). ACM.
  62. Xing, Y.; Mathur, C. N.; Haleem, M.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2006). Dynamic spectrum access with QoS and interference temperature constraints. IEEE Trans on mobile computing (8 ed., vol. 1, pp. 1--11).
  63. Chen, Q.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2006). Joint source--channel decoder for data-centric network applications. IEE Proceedings-Communications (6 ed., vol. 153, pp. 871--877). IET Digital Library.
  64. Bar-Noy, A.; Bhattacharya, A.; Bonuccelli, M.; Brown, T.; Evan, J.; Farago, A.; Flikkema, P.; Kesselman, A.; Misra, A.; Mandayam, N.; others (2004). Adaptive wireless networks.
  65. Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Ranganathan, N. (2004). Stochastic channel-adaptive rate control for wireless video transmission. Pattern Recognition Letters (7 ed., vol. 25, pp. 793--806). North-Holland.
  66. Somasundaram, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2003). Exploiting path diversity and forward error correction for robust transmission of images. PCS, Saint-Malo, France (pp. 259--262).
  67. Chen, Q.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2003). Joint source-channel decoding for MPEG-4 video transmission over wireless channels. IEEE journal on selected areas in communications (10 ed., vol. 21, pp. 1780--1789). IEEE.
  68. Subbalakshmi, K.; Vaisey, J. (2003). On the joint source-channel decoding of variable-length encoded sources: The additive-Markov case. IEEE transactions on communications (9 ed., vol. 51, pp. 1420--1425). IEEE.
  69. Subbalakshmi, K.; Vaisey, J. (2001). On the joint source-channel decoding of variable-length encoded sources: The BSC case. IEEE Transactions on communications (12 ed., vol. 49, pp. 2052--2055). IEEE.
  70. Makur, A.; Subbalakshmi, K. (1997). Variable dimension VQ encoding and codebook design. IEEE Transactions on Communications (8 ed., vol. 45, pp. 897--899). IEEE.


  1. Boyadjiev, C. T.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Zongru, S. (2020). Machine learning for authenticating voice.
  2. Sagar, V.; Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2020). Systems and methods for wireless spectrum access in heterogeneous networks.
  3. Boyadjiev, C. T.; Chandramouli, R.; Zongru, S.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2019). Natural language processing artificial intelligence network and data security system.
  4. Mahmoodi, S. E.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2019). System apparatus and methods for cognitive cloud offloading in a multi-rat enabled wireless device.
  5. Louni, A.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2018). Method and apparatus to identify the source of information or misinformation in large-scale social media networks.
  6. Chandramouli, R.; Chen, X.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Perera, R. (2016). Systems and methods for automatically detecting deception in human communications expressed in digital form.
  7. Louni, A.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2015). Who Spread that Rumor: Finding the Source of Information in Large Social Networks with Varying Inter-Node Relationship Strengths. Jan.
  8. Chandramouli, R.; Chen, X.; Subbalakshmi, K. P.; Hao, P.; Cheng, N.; Perera, R. (2015). Automated detection of deception in short and multilingual electronic messages.
  9. Chandramouli, R.; Chen, X.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2015). Psycho-linguistic statistical deception detection from text content.
  10. Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Wisniewski, H. S. (2013). Data hiding based messages and advertisements.
  11. Chandramouli, R.; Chen, X.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Hao, P.; Cheng, N.; Perera, R. (2012). Automated detection of deception in short and multilingual electronic messages.
  12. Chandramouli, R.; Swami, A.; Chapin, J.; Subbalakshmi, K. (2010). Dynamic Spectrum Access for Wireless Networking. SpringerOpen.
  13. Subbalakshmi, K.; Amin, P. K. (2009). Robust hidden data extraction method for scaling attacks.
  14. Chandramouli, R.; Subbalakshmi, K.; Rate, E. D. (2001). Wireless LAN: Issues and challenges. Ticker.
  15. Subbalakshmi, K. (2000). Joint source-channel decoding of variable-length encoded sources with applications to image transmission. Simon Fraser University.

Ph.D. Thesis

  1. Subbalakshmi, K. (2000). Joint source-channel decoding of variable-length encoded sources with applications to image transmission. Simon Fraser University.

Preprint submitted to arXiv

    Technical Report

    1. Subbalakshmi, K. (2018). Sensemaking research roadmap. Office of the Department of National Intelligence.


    CpE 602: Applied Discrete Mathematics (core course for CpE Graduate Students)
    EE 670: Information Theory and Coding (graduate course)
    EE/NIS 610: Error Control Coding for Networks (graduate course)
    EE/NIS 612: Principles of Multimedia Compression (graduate course)
    CpE/NIS 591: Introduction to Multimedia Networking (graduate course)
    CpE 440: Special Topics: Introduction to Information Security (undergraduate course)
    CpE 493: Data and Computer Communications (Co-instructor, undergraduate course)
    CpE 491: Information Systems Engineering II (undergraduate course)
    CpE 358/CS 381: Switch Theory & Logic Design (undergraduate course)
    E 245: Circuits and Systems (undergraduate core course for all engineering students)
    Special Topics Courses
    Half-day Short Course: Multimedia Applications over Satellite, taught at Loral Skynet. Special Topics Course: “Multiple Description Coding”, M.S. Student: Eric Schreiber, Fall 2000, Spring 2001.
    Special Topics Course: “Error Resilient Video Communications”, M.S. Student: Frank Maiolino, Spring 2001.
    Special Topics Course: “Communications Perspectives on Information Hiding”, Ph.D. Student: Michael Anderson, Summer and Fall 2002.
    High School Outreach: Helped develop course plan for an Advanced Image Processing course for Science High Public School, Newark NJ, Summer 2002.