Mukund Iyengar (miyengar)

Mukund Iyengar

Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship Education

Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science

Wesley J. Howe Center 1214
(201) 216-8246


I am broadly interested in full stack Web 3.0:
1. AR/VR/360 and immersive multimedia
2. Artificial Intelligence
3. Blockchain and future forward databases

I will happily talk with students/collaborators who want to co-create the future instead of sitting in a classroom.

General Information

I am passionate about bringing revolutionary ideas with breakthrough technology into the hands of the common man. The ability to innovate, and to improve our state of lives, defines us as a species.


I am the founder and director of Launchpad@Stevens and iSTEM@Stevens. These programs are the powerhouse of all undergraduate entrepreneurship at Stevens.
I am also the co-founder and Director of SecureMeeting, a US 501(c)(3) non-profit.

As a part of these programs, I routinely work with extremely gifted talent that wants to change the world by bending the arc of STEM innovation with skill and empathy.

Institutional Service

  • Institute Patent Committee Member
  • Institute Patent Committee Member

Professional Societies

  • IEEE Member