Mo Mansouri (mmansour)

Mo Mansouri

Teaching Professor

Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science

Department of Systems and Enterprises

Babbio Center 505
(201) 216-5541


  • PhD (2004) The George Washington University (Engineering Management)
  • MS (1999) University of Tehran (Industrial Engineering)
  • BS (1997) Sharif University of Technology (Industrial Engineering)


Areas of Research

Systems Governance and Policy Design: developing participatory governance structures for complex human centric systems through integration of data, sensing, and crowd sourcing in order to designing effective policies and influencing collective patterns of behavior.

Computational Governance Frameworks: designing structured data collection, analytics and dashboards, which enable policymakers to govern human centric systems based on real-time data and through multi-stakeholder approaches.

Network Behavioral Patterns: creating frameworks, models, mechanisms, and methods for understanding and influencing behavioral patterns in multi-stakeholder environments, such as pubic online social networks, societal networks such as urban systems as well as societies at large.

Resilience Design: imbedding a portfolio of options in designing phase of a system to secure it against systemic vulnerabilities when facing disruptiveness of any kind such as environmental factors, market fluctuations, emergence of new technologies, as well as man-made disasters.

Domains of Research

Urban Systems / Smart Cities: creating governance frameworks to be applied in cities equipped by sensors and connected to a governing system through Internet of Things. The focus of research is on applications of governance studies in changing collective behavior in data-driven cities and designing resilience into urban communities.

Complex Networks: collecting data, developing information and knowledge through analytics and creating dashboards to understand behaviors of complex networks particularly online social networks. The focus of the research is on influencing patterns of collective behavior.

Infrastructure Systems: designing resilience in infrastructure and large-scale systems such as air, maritime, train and traffic transportation systems, healthcare systems, financial systems, energy system, safety and security systems, waterways, and sustainability systems.

General Information

Mo Mansouri is a Professor and Director for Graduate Studies as well as Director for Systems Engineering Programs and Socio-technical Systems Program at the School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology. He is also serving as a Visiting Professor of the Department of Science and Industry Systems at the University of North-Eastern Norway. His research focuses on developing computational governance frameworks, applied to creating incentive structures and designing policies for complex networks and infrastructure systems. Dr. Mansouri joined Stevens in July 2008. Prior to joining Stevens, he served several international development organizations and non-profits such as The World Bank and The United Nations as a research fellow and consultant. He is published in many scientific journals and has also co-authored several book chapters on topics related to systems policy and governance. He received his doctoral degree from The George Washington University in Engineering Management and his master’s and bachelor’s degrees in Industrial Engineering from University of Tehran and Sharif University of Technology.

Institutional Service

  • GSAIB Member
  • Director of Graduate Studies Chair
  • Director of Systems Programs Chair
  • GCC and SSE GCC Member
  • Faculty Recruiting Committee Member
  • Board of Trustees Member
  • Engineering Management Advisory Board Member
  • ICC Member
  • Doctoral Admission's Committee Member

Professional Service

  • INCOSE Corporate Advisory Board
  • IEEE System of Systems Engineering General Conference Chair
  • International Academy, Research, and Industry Association: Modern Systems Steering Commitee
  • International Academy, Research, and Industry Association: ICONS Steering Committee
  • IEEE Syestem of Systems Engineering Conference Co-chair
  • IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Systems Conference, IEEE System of Systems Engineering Conference, Journal of Enterprise Transformation, Conference of Systems Engineering Research, CESUN, DESGIN, ICED, INCOSE Reviewer

Professional Societies

  • International Conference on Systems Engineering – INCOSE Member
  • IEEE Member
  • INFORMS Member

Grants, Contracts and Funds

Mo Mansouri, (PI) WRT-1049.2 Subtask, Assessment of the Process for Developing Capability Requirements for DoD Acquisition Programs, DoD, 2021, $930 K.

Mo Mansouri, (PI), Virtual Antarctica: Data Visualization and Dashboard Development for Smart City McMurdo, Lockheed Martin, 2013 & 2014, $550 K.

Mo Mansouri, (Co-PI), Proposing an approach for modeling and analyzing the governance of the NextGen Program at the FAA, 2010, $960 K.

Mo Mansouri, (PI), A framework for social and political development through empowering social institutions and foci, NED, 2006 & 2007, $300 K.

Selected Publications

Book Chapter

  1. Mansouri, M. (2022). Dynamics and Emergence: Case Examples from Literature. Handbook of Engineering Systems Design (pp. 1-36). Springer International Publishing.
  2. Mansouri, M.; Khansari, N. (2019). A Conceptual Model for Intelligent Urban Governance: Influencing Energy Behaviour in Cognitive Cities. Designing Cognitive Cities. Mo Mansouri. NJ.
    Castle Point On Hudson.
  3. Mansouri, M. (2018). Collective Behaviors: Systemic View of Distinct Forces in a New Framework. Disciplinary Convergence in Systems Engineering Research.

Conference Proceeding

  1. Mogahed, M.; Mansouri, M. (2024). A New Horizon for Healthcare Delivery: A System of Systems Perspective and Governing Proposition. INCOSE International Symposium.
  2. Matthew, M.; Mansouri, M.; Kandukuri, S. T.; Omlin, C. W. (2024). A Systems Perspective on the Public Perception of Wind Power in Norway. INCOSE International Symposium.
  3. Sharifi, Z.; Mansouri, M. (2024). The Electric Revolution: Fully Electric Transportation System on An Urban College Campus. INCOSE International Symposium. INCOSE.
  4. Talebi Khameneh, R.; Rezaeian, O.; Mansouri, M. (2024). A Systems Dynamic Approach to Evaluate Disruptions in Large Scale Transit Systems: A Case Study of PATH. 19th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE) (pp. 321-326). IEEE.
  5. Callo, A.; Mansouri, M. (2024). Food Security in Global Food Distribution Networks: A Systems Thinking Approach. IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). IEEE.
  6. Smith, C.; Mansouri, M. (2024). Understanding the Social Media Problem: A Systems Thinking Exercise. IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). IEEE.
  7. Mak, B.; Mansouri, M.; Wang, Y. (2023). Introduction of electric vertical takeoff and landing system with systemigram approach. 2023 18th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSe) (pp. 1--8).
  8. Stevens, R.; Mansouri, M. (2023). An Application of Systems Thinking – Food Systems. Modern Systems 2023 (pp. 31-37). IARIA.
  9. Tettamanti, E.; Mansouri, M. (2023). Evaluation of Wideband Global SATCOM Systems. MODERN SYSTEMS 2023 : International Conference of Modern Systems Engineering Solutions (pp. 23-28). IARIA.
  10. Scott, J.; Mansouri, M. (2023). Resilience in Space—An Applied Systems Thinking Approach. 18th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSe) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  11. Mak, B.; Wang, Y.; Mansouri, M. (2023). Introduction of electric vertical takeoff and landing system with systemigram approach. 2023 18th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSe) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  12. Poornikoo, M.; Mansouri, M. (2023). Systems approach to modeling controversy in Human factors and ergonomics (HFE). 18th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSe) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  13. Wang, B.; Asan, O.; Mansouri, M. (2023). A Multi-dimensional Analysis to Societal Resilience in Context of COVID-19: A Systems Thinking Approach. ICONS.
  14. Elkourdi, F.; Asan, O.; Mansouri, M. (2023). The Unintended Effects of Medical Software on Clinical Decisions and Patient Safety: A System Viewpoint. Icons.
  15. Mansouri, M.. A Systems Thinking Approach to Data-Driven Product Development (vol. 2, pp. 1915-1924). Proceedings of the Design Society/Cambridge University Press.
  16. Mansouri, M. (2022). Applying Systems Thinking for Early Validation of a Case Study Definition: An Automated Parking System. MODERN SYSTEMS 2022: International Conference of Modern Systems Engineering Solutions.
  17. Wang, B.; Asan, O.; Mansouri, M. (2022). Patients’ Perceptions of Integrating AI into Healthcare: Systems Thinking Approach. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE). IEEE.
  18. Meijer, N.; Mansouri, M.; Asan, O. (2022). Solving Challenges in Mental Healthcare Considering Human Factors.. ICONS, The Seventeeth International Conference on Systems..
  19. Mansouri, M.; Sandli, M. (2022). Practical Application of System Thinking: Developing a Remote Facility Maintenance System (vol. 32, pp. 42-51). NCOSE International Symposium.
  20. Elkefi, S.; Asan, O.; Mansouri, M. (2021). Change management and continuous improvement for Smarter Care: A Systems Viewpoint (pp. 1-7). In 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE) (pp. 1-7).
  21. Charyyev, B.; Mansouri, M.; Gunes, M. (2021). Modeling the Adoption of Internet of Things in Healthcare: A Systems Approach. IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering.
  22. Mansouri, M. (2021). Assessing a supplier to the offshore oil and gas industry following a worldwide pandemic. INCOSE International Symposium (1 ed., vol. 31, pp. 468-478). INCOSE.
  23. Mansouri, M.; Wang, B. (2021). Dealing with COVID‐19 Pandemic in Complex Societal System for Resilience Study: A Systems Approach. INCOSE International Symposium (1 ed., vol. 31, pp. 649-663). INCOSE.
  24. Mansouri, M. (2021). Search Optimization Applied to a Modular System Upgrade: A Preliminary Model. 2021 16th International Conference of System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) (pp. 174-178). IEEE.
  25. Choudhury, A.; Asan, O.; Mansouri, M. (2020). Role of Artificial Intelligence, Clinicians & Policymakers in Clinical Decision Making: A Systems Viewpoint (pp. 1-8). IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering .
  26. Kjorstad, M.; Mansouri, M.; Muller, G.; Svein, K. (2019). Systems Thinking for Early Validation of User Needs in the Front End of Innovation; a Case Study in an Offshore SoS. IEEE SoSE Journal. NJ.
  27. Engen, S.; Mansouri, M.; Muller, G. (2019). Application of system thinking to frame the problem in a subsea development projects with high-level business requirements. IEEE System of Systems Engineering. NJ.
  28. DiRose, S.; Mansouri, M. (2018). Comparison and Analysis of Governance Mechanisms Employed by Blockchain-Based Distributed Autonomous Organizations. IEEE SoSE Journal.

Journal Article

  1. Wang, B.; Asan, O.; Liao, T.; Mansouri, M. (2024). The Future Role of Clinical Artificial Intelligence: View of Chronic Patients. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society (1 ed., vol. 5). New York: IEEE.
  2. Wang, B.; Asan, O.; Mansouri, M. (2023). Systems Approach in Telemedicine Adoption During and After COVID-19: Roles, Factors, and Challenges. IEEE Open Journal of Systems Engineering (vol. 1, pp. 38-49). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
  3. Wang, B.; Asan, O.; Mansouri, M. (2023). Perspectives of Patients With Chronic Diseases on Future Acceptance of AI–Based Home Care Systems: Cross-Sectional Web-Based Survey Study. JMIR Human Factors. Toronto: JMIR Publications Inc..
  4. Wang, B.; Asan, O.; Mansouri, M. (2023). What May Impact Trustworthiness of AI in Digital Healthcare: Discussion from Patients’ Viewpoint. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care (1 ed., vol. 12, pp. 5-10). SAGE Publications.
  5. Mansouri, M.; Broas, R. F. (2022). A Parametric Analysis of Modular System Upgrades using Search Optimization Techniques. Acta Manilana (vol. 70, pp. 1-12).
  6. Mo, M.; Appel, D. (2022). System Dynamics Modeling of the STEM Education and Outreach Career Pipeline. Daniel Appel. IEEE.
  7. Mansouri, M. (2022). Minding the gap between the front and back offices: A systemic analysis of the offshore oil and gas upstream supply chain for framing digital transformation. Systems Engineering (3 ed., vol. 26, pp. 241-256). Wiley.
  8. Ehsanfar, A.; Mansouri, M. (2018). An Influence-based Clustering Model on Twitter. NJ: arXiv.
  9. Classi, C. C.; Nowicki, D.; Mansouri, M.; Sauser, B. J.; Randall, W. S. (2018). A Systems Thinking Approach to Managing Sustainment Phase Redesign Planning. Engineering Mangement Journal (1 ed., vol. 30, pp. 68-81). NJ.


Doctoral Level:

Systems Thinking
Research Methods

Master Level:

Fundamentals of Enterprise Systems
Community Resilience
Resilience Design and Engineering
Management Science
Operations Management
Governing Development
Research on Urban Governance Studies
Introduction to Knowledge Engineering

Undergrad Level:

Business Process Reengineering
Operations Management and Process Engineering
Modeling and Simulation