Marouane Temimi
Associate Professor
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering
- PhD (2006) University of Quebec (Civil Engineering/Remote sensing and water resources)
- MS (2002) University of Quebec (Civil Engineering/Water resources)
- BE (2000) National Engineering School of Tunis (Civil Engineering/Water resources)
Water resources
Remote sensing
Geographic Information Systems
Land-atmosphere interaction
Numerical modeling of atmospheric processes
Natural hazards
Remote sensing
Geographic Information Systems
Land-atmosphere interaction
Numerical modeling of atmospheric processes
Natural hazards
Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Ocean Engineering (CEOE), Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 2020-present
Associate Professor, Head of the Coastal and Environmental Sensing And Modeling Lab, Masdar Institute, in collaboration with MIT, part of Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2016 to 2020
Research Associate Professor, The City University of New York, NOAA-CREST Institute, New York, New York, USA, 2007 to 2016
Project Manager, Water resources, TETRA TECH, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Paris, France, 2006 to 2007
Project Manager: Hydraulics and Hydrology, STANTEC Inc., Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2005
Research Assistant, Athens Water and Sewerage Company, Psyttalia Wastewater Plant. Athens. Greece, 1999
Associate Professor, Head of the Coastal and Environmental Sensing And Modeling Lab, Masdar Institute, in collaboration with MIT, part of Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2016 to 2020
Research Associate Professor, The City University of New York, NOAA-CREST Institute, New York, New York, USA, 2007 to 2016
Project Manager, Water resources, TETRA TECH, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Paris, France, 2006 to 2007
Project Manager: Hydraulics and Hydrology, STANTEC Inc., Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2005
Research Assistant, Athens Water and Sewerage Company, Psyttalia Wastewater Plant. Athens. Greece, 1999
Institutional Service
- HPC committee Member
- Faculty recruitment committee Member
- CE Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member
- Strategic planning Member
Professional Service
- Machine learning for Land Modeling (ML4LM) member
- American Geophysical Union (AGU) Member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Remote Sensing Technical Committee
- UAE cloud seeding and rain enhancement program Reviewer
Honors and Awards
US National Academy of Sciences Fellowship
Visiting scientist award from CNR-Italian Research Council, Potenza, Italy
NOAA/GOES-R Visiting Scientist Program Award
Chancellor’s Outstanding Scholarly Award, the City University of New York.
Chancellor’s Outstanding Scholarly Award, the City University of New York.
Best PhD thesis dissertation finalist, University of Quebec.
Outstanding PhD Student Award, University of Quebec.
Outstanding MSc Student Award, University of Quebec
Scholarship awarded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
Visiting scientist award from CNR-Italian Research Council, Potenza, Italy
NOAA/GOES-R Visiting Scientist Program Award
Chancellor’s Outstanding Scholarly Award, the City University of New York.
Chancellor’s Outstanding Scholarly Award, the City University of New York.
Best PhD thesis dissertation finalist, University of Quebec.
Outstanding PhD Student Award, University of Quebec.
Outstanding MSc Student Award, University of Quebec
Scholarship awarded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
Professional Societies
- AGU – American Geophysical Union Member
- AMS – American Meteorological Society Member
- AWRA – American Water Resources Association Member
- NJAFM – New Jersey Association for Flood Management Member
Grants, Contracts and Funds
US grants (selected)
o Co-I: “High Performance Computer Cluster Enabling Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience Throughout New Jersey” that is submitted to Department of Education (2023-2026).
o P-I: “Leveraging USGS Hydrologic Imagery Visualization and Information System (HIVIS) for an operational monitoring of streamflow using computer vision” that is submitted to NOAA as founding member of the Cooperative Institute for Research to Operation in Hydrology, CIROH (2023-2026)
o P-I: “Advancing research in cold regions hydrology to support the modeling and mapping of ice-induced flood inundation” that is submitted to NOAA as founding member of the Cooperative Institute for Research to Operation in Hydrology, CIROH (2022-2025).
o P-I: “Synergistic use of multisatellite river ice remote sensing and hydraulic modeling to enhance operational streamflow forecast in northern watersheds” that is submitted to NASA Applied Sciences-Water Resources Program (2022-2025).
o P-I: “Leveraging Community Eyes on River Ice To Support Satellite Monitoring of Ice-induced Hazards” that is submitted to NASA Citizen Science Program (2022-2024), an effort that is led by University of Alaska-Fairbanks.
o P-I: “Assessing the integration of river ice information in the National Water Model to enhance river flow routing in northern watersheds” that is submitted to NOAA COMET Program (2021-2022).
o Co-I: “Operational river ice monitoring and forecasting over the US and the globe using SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS imagery” that is submitted to NOAA JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Request for Proposals (2018-2021).
o Co-I: “An enhanced operational system for the mapping of river ice using SNPP VIIRS for river ice-jam modeling” that is submitted to NOAA JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Request for Proposals (2016-2018).
o P-I: “Surface water extent and inundation mapping using observations from NPP ATMS sensor” that is submitted to NOAA JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Request for Proposals (2012-2013).
o Co-I: “River and Lake Ice mapping using NPP/JPSS VIIRS sensor To support NOAA NWS” that is submitted to NOAA JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Request for Proposals (2012-2015).
o Co-I: “Application of evapotranspiration and soil moisture remote sensing products to enhance hydrological modeling for decision support in the New York City water supply” that is submitted by Nir Krakauer (PI) to the NASA Earth Science Division, Applied Sciences Program Solicitation: NNH11ZDA001N-WATER September 2011.
o P-I: “Assessment of assimilating NPP/JPSS ATMS land surface sensitive observations in the NOAA Global Forecast System using GSI” that is submitted to NOAA JCSDA JPSS Program (2012-2013).
o P-I: “Establishment of a soil moisture observation network to support SMAP Cal/Val activities” that is submitted to NASA Science Mission Directorate, NNH11ZDA008L (no-cost call, 2012-2017).
o Co-I: “HASILHEP: Hawaii-Siliana Higher Education Partnership for Strengthening the Capacity of Siliana's Higher Institute of Technological Studies” that is submitted to United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (2 year).
o P-I: “River ice monitoring over the Susquehanna River Basin using remote sensing data” that is submitted to NOAA-National Weather services (NWS). (2009-2012).
o P-I: ‘’NOAA-CREST Land Emissivity Products From Passive Microwave Observations’’ that is submitted to NOAA-National Weather services (NWS).
o Co-I: “Enhanced use of GOES for estimating land surface wetness with application to wildfire forecasting” that is submitted by Dr. Robert Rabin (PI), from NOAA National Sever Storm Laboratory to the NOAA GIMPAP Program FY12
o Co-I: “Establishing the application of high resolution satellite imagery to improve coastal and estuarine models” that is submitted by Scott Hagen (PI), from the University of Central Florida to the NASA ROSES A.28 Research Announcement- NNH08ZDA001N-GULF
o Co-I (lead of the water resources theme): “NOAA-Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology Center” that is submitted by Prof. Reza Khanbilvardi to NOAA Educational Partnership Program, NOAA-SEC-OED-2011-2002684 ($15,000,000/5 years).
o Co-I: “Evaluation of Residential and Transportation Impact of Predicted Coastal Flooding in Climate Change” that is submitted by Prof. Hansong Tang to the University Transportation Research Center (UTRC).
o P-I: “Development of an advanced technique for mapping and monitoring sea and lake ice for the future GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI)” that is submitted to NOAA NESDIS. Award Number: NA09NES4400020. (2009-2011).
o Co-I: “Understanding and improving California’s river and water resources predictions using in situ and remote sensing data” that is submitted by Soroosh Sorooshian (PI), from the Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing, University of California to the NOAA National Weather Service, NWS-NWSPO-2009-2001614
International grants (selected; total around $10 M)
P-I: “A novel system for air quality monitoring using satellite- and modeling-based techniques: Towards real time high resolution monitoring of air quality” funded by the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (2016-2020).
P-I: “Towards achieving a fog-ready air traffic management system for Etihad Airways: Numerical forecast and satellite tracking of fog” funded by Etihad Airways (2015-2020).
P-I: “Numerical Modelling of Radionuclides Dispersion in the UAE Environment” (the “MORAD Project”)” that is funded by the UAE Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (2019-2022).
P-I: “Study on Particulate Matter PM2.5 Composition and its Correlation with PM10 Concentrations” funded by the UAE Ministry of Environment and Water (2015-2016).
P-I: “Combat the emerging impacts of harmful algal blooms on desalination plants use of satellite imagery and hydrodynamic modeling” supported by the USAID and Middle East Desalination Research Center (MEDRC); (2015-2016)
P-I: “Integrating schemes from UAE Rain Enhancement Projects into a unified multi-component atmospheric model” that is funded by the National Center of Meteorology (2018-2022).
P-I: “Integrating satellite passive microwave and optical data to enhance the monitoring of Antarctic sea ice” that is funded by Australian Antarctic Division and Masdar in the UAE (2018-2020).
Co-PI: “Calibration and Validation of NASA (SMAP) satellite for the retrieval of Soil Moisture and its application to water resources and dust storms in Kuwait” that is submitted to Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science by Dr. Hala Khalid Al Jassar, Physics department, Kuwait University (2012-2017).
o Co-I: “High Performance Computer Cluster Enabling Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience Throughout New Jersey” that is submitted to Department of Education (2023-2026).
o P-I: “Leveraging USGS Hydrologic Imagery Visualization and Information System (HIVIS) for an operational monitoring of streamflow using computer vision” that is submitted to NOAA as founding member of the Cooperative Institute for Research to Operation in Hydrology, CIROH (2023-2026)
o P-I: “Advancing research in cold regions hydrology to support the modeling and mapping of ice-induced flood inundation” that is submitted to NOAA as founding member of the Cooperative Institute for Research to Operation in Hydrology, CIROH (2022-2025).
o P-I: “Synergistic use of multisatellite river ice remote sensing and hydraulic modeling to enhance operational streamflow forecast in northern watersheds” that is submitted to NASA Applied Sciences-Water Resources Program (2022-2025).
o P-I: “Leveraging Community Eyes on River Ice To Support Satellite Monitoring of Ice-induced Hazards” that is submitted to NASA Citizen Science Program (2022-2024), an effort that is led by University of Alaska-Fairbanks.
o P-I: “Assessing the integration of river ice information in the National Water Model to enhance river flow routing in northern watersheds” that is submitted to NOAA COMET Program (2021-2022).
o Co-I: “Operational river ice monitoring and forecasting over the US and the globe using SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS imagery” that is submitted to NOAA JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Request for Proposals (2018-2021).
o Co-I: “An enhanced operational system for the mapping of river ice using SNPP VIIRS for river ice-jam modeling” that is submitted to NOAA JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Request for Proposals (2016-2018).
o P-I: “Surface water extent and inundation mapping using observations from NPP ATMS sensor” that is submitted to NOAA JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Request for Proposals (2012-2013).
o Co-I: “River and Lake Ice mapping using NPP/JPSS VIIRS sensor To support NOAA NWS” that is submitted to NOAA JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Request for Proposals (2012-2015).
o Co-I: “Application of evapotranspiration and soil moisture remote sensing products to enhance hydrological modeling for decision support in the New York City water supply” that is submitted by Nir Krakauer (PI) to the NASA Earth Science Division, Applied Sciences Program Solicitation: NNH11ZDA001N-WATER September 2011.
o P-I: “Assessment of assimilating NPP/JPSS ATMS land surface sensitive observations in the NOAA Global Forecast System using GSI” that is submitted to NOAA JCSDA JPSS Program (2012-2013).
o P-I: “Establishment of a soil moisture observation network to support SMAP Cal/Val activities” that is submitted to NASA Science Mission Directorate, NNH11ZDA008L (no-cost call, 2012-2017).
o Co-I: “HASILHEP: Hawaii-Siliana Higher Education Partnership for Strengthening the Capacity of Siliana's Higher Institute of Technological Studies” that is submitted to United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (2 year).
o P-I: “River ice monitoring over the Susquehanna River Basin using remote sensing data” that is submitted to NOAA-National Weather services (NWS). (2009-2012).
o P-I: ‘’NOAA-CREST Land Emissivity Products From Passive Microwave Observations’’ that is submitted to NOAA-National Weather services (NWS).
o Co-I: “Enhanced use of GOES for estimating land surface wetness with application to wildfire forecasting” that is submitted by Dr. Robert Rabin (PI), from NOAA National Sever Storm Laboratory to the NOAA GIMPAP Program FY12
o Co-I: “Establishing the application of high resolution satellite imagery to improve coastal and estuarine models” that is submitted by Scott Hagen (PI), from the University of Central Florida to the NASA ROSES A.28 Research Announcement- NNH08ZDA001N-GULF
o Co-I (lead of the water resources theme): “NOAA-Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology Center” that is submitted by Prof. Reza Khanbilvardi to NOAA Educational Partnership Program, NOAA-SEC-OED-2011-2002684 ($15,000,000/5 years).
o Co-I: “Evaluation of Residential and Transportation Impact of Predicted Coastal Flooding in Climate Change” that is submitted by Prof. Hansong Tang to the University Transportation Research Center (UTRC).
o P-I: “Development of an advanced technique for mapping and monitoring sea and lake ice for the future GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI)” that is submitted to NOAA NESDIS. Award Number: NA09NES4400020. (2009-2011).
o Co-I: “Understanding and improving California’s river and water resources predictions using in situ and remote sensing data” that is submitted by Soroosh Sorooshian (PI), from the Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing, University of California to the NOAA National Weather Service, NWS-NWSPO-2009-2001614
International grants (selected; total around $10 M)
P-I: “A novel system for air quality monitoring using satellite- and modeling-based techniques: Towards real time high resolution monitoring of air quality” funded by the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (2016-2020).
P-I: “Towards achieving a fog-ready air traffic management system for Etihad Airways: Numerical forecast and satellite tracking of fog” funded by Etihad Airways (2015-2020).
P-I: “Numerical Modelling of Radionuclides Dispersion in the UAE Environment” (the “MORAD Project”)” that is funded by the UAE Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (2019-2022).
P-I: “Study on Particulate Matter PM2.5 Composition and its Correlation with PM10 Concentrations” funded by the UAE Ministry of Environment and Water (2015-2016).
P-I: “Combat the emerging impacts of harmful algal blooms on desalination plants use of satellite imagery and hydrodynamic modeling” supported by the USAID and Middle East Desalination Research Center (MEDRC); (2015-2016)
P-I: “Integrating schemes from UAE Rain Enhancement Projects into a unified multi-component atmospheric model” that is funded by the National Center of Meteorology (2018-2022).
P-I: “Integrating satellite passive microwave and optical data to enhance the monitoring of Antarctic sea ice” that is funded by Australian Antarctic Division and Masdar in the UAE (2018-2020).
Co-PI: “Calibration and Validation of NASA (SMAP) satellite for the retrieval of Soil Moisture and its application to water resources and dust storms in Kuwait” that is submitted to Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science by Dr. Hala Khalid Al Jassar, Physics department, Kuwait University (2012-2017).
Selected Publications
Book Chapter
- Khanbilvardi, R.; Temimi, M.; Gourley, J.; Zahraee, A. (2014). Satellite-based systems for flood monitoring and warning. Handbook of Engineering Hydrology: Fundamentals and Applications (pp. 515-530).
- Notarnicola, C.; Lewińska, K. E.; Temimi, M.; Zebisch, M. (2013). Application of the apparent thermal inertia concept for soil moisture estimation in agricultural areas. Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing (vol. 17, pp. 331-346).
- Leconte, R.; Temimi, M.; Chaouch, N.; Brissette, F.; Toussaint, T. (2008). On the use of satellite passive microwave data for estimating surface soil wetness in the mackenzie river basin. Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies. The Mackenzie GEWEX Experience (vol. 2, pp. 59-79).
Conference Proceeding
- Al-Temimi, H. M.; Ali, A. A.; Muhsin, Z. M. (2019). Effect of humic acid and seaweed extract (ALGA) on growth characteristics and nutrient content of local apricot seedlings Prunus armeniaca L.. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (1 ed., vol. 388).
- Zhao, J.; Temimi, M. (2016). An empirical algorithm for retreiving salinity in the Arabian Gulf: Application to Landsat-8 data. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (vol. 2016-November, pp. 4645-4648).
- Zhao, J.; Temimi, M.; Hareb, F. M.; Eibedingil, I. (2016). Remote sensing of particulate matter concentrations over the United Arab Emirates (UAE). International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (vol. 2016-November, pp. 5733-5736).
- Norouzi, H.; Temimi, M.; Khanbilvardi, R.; Blake, R. (2015). Consistency analysis among microwave land surface emissivity products to improve GPROF precipitation estimations. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (vol. 2015-November, pp. 939-942).
- Zhao, J.; Temimi, M.; Azhar, M. A.; Ghedira, H.; Marpu, P. (2015). Multi-sensor based approach for detection of oil pollution in the Arabian Gulf and the Sea of Oman. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (vol. 2015-November, pp. 2190-2193).
- Aljassar, H. K.; Petrov, P.; Entekhabi, D.; Temimi, M.; Kodiyan, N.; Ansari, M. (2015). Preliminary field results of soil moisture from Kuwait desert as a core validation site of SMAP satellite. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (vol. 2015-November, pp. 972-975).
- Zhao, J.; Ghedira, H.; Temimi, M. (2014). Detection of oil pollution in the arabian gulf using optical remote sensing imagery. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (pp. 1453-1456).
- Zhao, J.; Ghedira, H.; Temimi, M. (2014). Remote sensing of red tide in the Arabian Gulf. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (pp. 3870-3873).
- Temimi, M.; Lacava, T.; Coviello, I.; Faruolo, M.; Khanbilvardi, R.; Pergola, N.; Tramutoli, V.; Wang, D. (2012). A global passive microwave based wetness index for the monitoring of soil moisture and inundation. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (pp. 674-677).
- Vega-Martínez, Z.; Temimi, M.; Anderson, M. C.; Hain, C.; Krakauer, N.; Rabin, R.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2012). Towards a better monitoring of soil moisture using a combination of estimates from passive microwave and thermal observations. IAHS-AISH Publication (vol. 352, pp. 42-45).
- Norouzi, H.; Temimi, M.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2012). Using global land surface emissivity as soil moisture indicator. IAHS-AISH Publication (vol. 352, pp. 46-49).
- Lacava, T.; Faruolo, M.; Pergola, N.; Temimi, M.; Khanbilvardi, R.; Coviello, I.; Tramutoli, V.; Wang, D. (2012). Monitoring of soil moisture using a microwave based variational wetness index. 2012 12th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment, MicroRad 2012 - Proceedings.
- Temimi, M.; Chaouch, N.; Hagen, S. C.; Weishampel, J.; Medeiros, S.; Feyen, J.; Funakoshi, Y.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2011). A synergetic use of active microwave observations, optical images and topography data for improved flood mapping in the Gulf of Mexico. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (pp. 1544-1546).
- Notarnicola, C.; Di Giuseppe, F.; Pasolli, L.; Temimi, M.; Ventura, B.; Zebisch, M. (2011). A synergetic use of observations from modis, SEVIRI MSG, ASAR and AMSR-E to infer a daily soil moisture index. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (pp. 1381-1384).
- Norouzi, H.; Temimi, M.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2010). Development of global land surface emissivity product at AMSR-E passive microwave frequencies. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (pp. 280-283).
- Ceccato, P.; Vancutsem, C.; Temimi, M. (2010). Monitoring air and Land Surface Temperatures from remotely sensed data for climate-human health applications. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (pp. 178-180).
- Norouzi, H.; Temimi, M.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2010). Global microwave land surface emissivity retrieval at the Amsr-E microwave frequencies. 11th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment, MicroRad 2010 - Proceedings (pp. 90-95).
- Al Suwaidi, A.; Al Rais, A.; Ghedira, H.; Temimi, M. (2009). Developing a neural-network-based "BRDF" tool for the UAE coastal and inland zones. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (vol. 2).
- Temimi, M.; Ghedira, H.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2009). Flood and discharge monitoring during the 2008 Iowa flood using AMSR-E data. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (vol. 5).
- Temimi, M.; Leconte, R.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2008). An automated multi-satellite approach for soil moisture mapping using visible/infrared, passive microwave data and topographic attributes. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (1 ed., vol. 2).
- Temimi, M.; Ghedira, H.; Nazari, R.; Smith, K.; Khanbilvardi, R.; Romanov, P. (2008). An automated approach for sea ice mapping and ice concentration determination for the future GOES-R advanced baseline imager (ABI). International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (1 ed., vol. 4, pp. 1101-1104).
- Chaouch, N.; Leconte, R.; Magagi, R.; Temimi, M. (2007). Soil moisture retrieval over the Mackenzie River basin using AMSR-E 6.9 GHz brightness temperature. IAHS-AISH Publication (316 ed., pp. 64-69).
- Temimi, M.; Leconte, R.; Brissette, F.; Chaouch, N. (2005). Flood and soil wetness monitoring over the Mackenzie River Basin using AMSR-E 37 GHz brightness temperature. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (vol. 1, pp. 59-62).
- Temimi, M.; Leconte, R.; Brissette, F.; Chaouch, N. (2004). Near real time flood monitoring over the mackenzie river basin using passive microwave data. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (vol. 3, pp. 1862-1865).
- Temimi, M.; Leconte, R.; Brissette, F.; Toussaint, T. (2003). A dynamic estimate of a soil wetness index for the Mackenzie River Basin from SSM/I measurements. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (vol. 2, pp. 920-922).
- Bennis, S.; Temimi, M. (2002). Real time control to manage sewer systems. Management Information Systems (pp. 379-388).
- Temimi, M.; Bennis, S. (2002). Une méthodologie pour la validation, en temps réel, des données de la qualité: Application aux réseaux d'assainissement. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (vol. 2002, pp. 707-716).
Journal Article
- Kilicarslan, B. M.; Temimi, M. (2024). Simulating block-scale flood inundation and streamflow using the WRF-Hydro model in the New York City metropolitan area. Natural Hazards (11 ed., vol. 120, pp. 10043-10066).
- Abdelkader, M.; Bravo Mendez, J. H.; Temimi, M.; Brown, D. R.; Spellman, K. V.; Arp, C. D.; Bondurant, A.; Kohl, H. (2024). A Google Earth Engine Platform to Integrate Multi-Satellite and Citizen Science Data for the Monitoring of River Ice Dynamics. Remote Sensing (8 ed., vol. 16).
- Nesterov, O.; Addad, Y.; Bilal, S.; Bosc, E.; Abida, R.; Shehhi, M. R.; Temimi, M. (2023). A numerical assessment of the dispersion of dissolved pollutants in the Arabian Gulf associated with the Barakah nuclear power plant. Ocean Modelling (vol. 186).
- Temimi, M.; Abdelkader, M.; Tounsi, A.; Chaouch, N.; Carter, S.; Sjoberg, B.; Macneil, A.; Bingham-Maas, N. (2023). An Automated System to Monitor River Ice Conditions Using Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Imagery. Remote Sensing (20 ed., vol. 15).
- Tounsi, A.; Temimi, M.; Abdelkader, M.; Gourley, J. J. (2023). Assessment of deterministic and probabilistic precipitation nowcasting techniques over New York metropolitan area. Environmental Modelling and Software (vol. 168).
- Abdelkader, M.; Temimi, M.; Ouarda, T. B. (2023). Assessing the National Water Model’s Streamflow Estimates Using a Multi-Decade Retrospective Dataset across the Contiguous United States. Water (Switzerland) (13 ed., vol. 15).
- Manandhar, P.; Temimi, M.; Aung, Z. (2023). Short-term solar radiation forecast using total sky imager via transfer learning. Energy Reports (vol. 9, pp. 819-828).
- Tounsi, A.; Abdelkader, M.; Temimi, M. (2023). Assessing the simulation of streamflow with the LSTM model across the continental United States using the MOPEX dataset. Neural Computing and Applications.
- Francis, D.; Weston, M.; Fonseca, R.; Temimi, M.; Alsuwaidi, A. (2023). Trends and variability in methane concentrations over the Southeastern Arabian Peninsula. Frontiers in Environmental Science (vol. 11).
- Nelli, N.; Francis, D.; Fonseca, R.; Bosc, E.; Addad, Y.; Temimi, M.; Abida, R.; Weston, M.; Cherif, C. (2022). Characterization of the atmospheric circulation near the Empty Quarter Desert during major weather events. Frontiers in Environmental Science (vol. 10).
- Abdelkader, M.; Temimi, M.; Colliander, A.; Cosh, M. H.; Kelly, V. R.; Lakhankar, T.; Fares, A. (2022). Assessing the Spatiotemporal Variability of SMAP Soil Moisture Accuracy in a Deciduous Forest Region. Remote Sensing (14 ed., vol. 14).
- AlJassar, H.; Temimi, M.; Abdelkader, M.; Petrov, P.; Kokkalis, P.; AlSarraf, H.; Roshni, N.; Hendi, H. A. (2022). Validation of NASA SMAP Satellite Soil Moisture Products over the Desert of Kuwait. Remote Sensing (14 ed., vol. 14).
- Abida, R.; Addad, Y.; Francis, D.; Temimi, M.; Nelli, N.; Fonseca, R.; Nesterov, O.; Bosc, E. (2022). Evaluation of the Performance of the WRF Model in a Hyper-Arid Environment: A Sensitivity Study. Atmosphere (6 ed., vol. 13).
- Weston, M.; Francis, D.; Nelli, N.; Fonseca, R.; Temimi, M.; Addad, Y. (2022). The First Characterization of Fog Microphysics in the United Arab Emirates, an Arid Region on the Arabian Peninsula. Earth and Space Science (2 ed., vol. 9).
- Branch, O.; Behrendt, A.; Alnayef, O.; Späth, F.; Schwitalla, T.; Temimi, M.; Weston, M.; Farrah, S.; Al Yazeedi, O.; Tampi, S.; de Waal, K.; Wulfmeyer, V. (2022). Observing the pre-convective environment and convection initiation with Doppler Lidar and cloud radar in the Al Hajar Mountains of the United Arab Emirates. Meteorologische Zeitschrift (2 ed., vol. 31, pp. 149-170).
- Tounsi, A.; Temimi, M.; Gourley, J. J. (2022). On the use of machine learning to account for reservoir management rules and predict streamflow. Neural Computing and Applications.
- Wehbe, Y.; Tessendorf, S. A.; Weeks, C.; Bruintjes, R.; Xue, L.; Rasmussen, R.; Lawson, P.; Woods, S.; Temimi, M. (2021). Analysis of aerosol-cloud interactions and their implications for precipitation formation using aircraft observations over the United Arab Emirates. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (16 ed., vol. 21, pp. 12543-12560).
- Nelli, N. R.; Temimi, M.; Fonseca, R.; Francis, D.; Nesterov, O.; Abida, R.; Weston, M.; Kumar, A. (2021). Anatomy of the Annular Solar Eclipse of 26 December 2019 and Its Impact on Land-Atmosphere Interactions over an Arid Region. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (8 ed., vol. 18, pp. 1312-1316).
- Habibi, H.; Awal, R.; Fares, A.; Temimi, M. (2021). Performance of Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) product in monitoring precipitation under extreme events in Harris County, Texas. Journal of Hydrology (vol. 598).
- Weston, M.; Temimi, M.; Fonseca, R. M.; Nelli, N. R.; Francis, D.; Piketh, S. (2021). A rule-based method for diagnosing radiation fog in an arid region from NWP forecasts. Journal of Hydrology (vol. 597).
- Nelli, N.; Fissehaye, S.; Francis, D.; Fonseca, R.; Temimi, M.; Weston, M.; Abida, R.; Nesterov, O. (2021). Characteristics of Atmospheric Aerosols Over the UAE Inferred From CALIPSO and Sun Photometer Aerosol Optical Depth. Earth and Space Science (6 ed., vol. 8).
- Francis, D.; Mattingly, K. S.; Lhermitte, S.; Temimi, M.; Heil, P. (2021). Atmospheric extremes caused high oceanward sea surface slope triggering the biggest calving event in more than 50 years at the Amery Ice Shelf. Cryosphere (5 ed., vol. 15, pp. 2147-2165).
- Branch, O.; Schwitalla, T.; Temimi, M.; Fonseca, R.; Nelli, N.; Weston, M.; Milovac, J.; Wulfmeyer, V. (2021). Seasonal and diurnal performance of daily forecasts with WRF V3.8.1 over the United Arab Emirates. Geoscientific Model Development (3 ed., vol. 14, pp. 1615-1637).
- Francis, D.; Chaboureau, J. P.; Nelli, N.; Cuesta, J.; Alshamsi, N.; Temimi, M.; Pauluis, O.; Xue, L. (2021). Summertime dust storms over the Arabian Peninsula and impacts on radiation, circulation, cloud development and rain. Atmospheric Research (vol. 250).
- Weston, M. J.; Temimi, M.; Nelli, N. R.; Fonseca, R. M.; Thota, M. S.; Valappil, V. K. (2021). On the Analysis of the Low-Level Double Temperature Inversion over the United Arab Emirates: A Case Study during April 2019. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (2 ed., vol. 18, pp. 346-350).
- Wehbe, Y.; Temimi, M. (2021). A remote sensing-based assessment of water resources in the arabian peninsula. Remote Sensing (2 ed., vol. 13, pp. 1-17).
- Weston, M.; Temimi, M.; Burger, R.; Piketh, S. (2021). A fog climatology at abu dhabi international airport. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (2 ed., vol. 60, pp. 223-236).
- Al-Temimi, A. H.; Al-Hilfy, I. H. (2021). Effect of the application of biostimulants on the agronomic parameters of corn varieties. Revista Brasileirade Ciencias Agrarias (2 ed., vol. 16).
- Francis, D.; Temimi, M.; Fonseca, R.; Nelli, N. R.; Abida, R.; Weston, M.; Whebe, Y. (2021). On the analysis of a summertime convective event in a hyperarid environment. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (734 ed., vol. 147, pp. 501-525).
- Nesterov, O.; Temimi, M.; Fonseca, R.; Nelli, N. R.; Addad, Y.; Bosc, E.; Abida, R. (2021). Validation and statistical analysis of the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature data in the Arabian Gulf. Oceanologia.
- Hasan, A. A.; Abd alrazak, M. H.; Abbas Al-Temimi, H. M. (2020). Evaluation the risk factors that are associated with osteoporosis in post kidney transplantation in a sample of Iraqi patients. Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2 ed., vol. 29, pp. 1-7).
- Temimi, M.; Fonseca, R.; Nelli, N.; Weston, M.; Thota, M.; Valappil, V.; Branch, O.; Wizemann, H. D.; Kondapalli, N. K.; Wehbe, Y.; Hosary, T. A.; Shalaby, A.; Shamsi, N. A.; Naqbi, H. A. (2020). Assessing the impact of changes in land surface conditions on wrf predictions in arid regions. Journal of Hydrometeorology (12 ed., vol. 21, pp. 2829-2853).
- Francis, D.; Mattingly, K. S.; Temimi, M.; Massom, R.; Heil, P. (2020). On the crucial role of atmospheric rivers in the two major Weddell Polynya events in 1973 and 2017 in Antarctica. Science Advances (46 ed., vol. 6).
- Valappil, V. K.; Temimi, M.; Weston, M.; Fonseca, R.; Nelli, N. R.; Thota, M.; Kumar, K. N. (2020). Assessing Bias Correction Methods in Support of Operational Weather Forecast in Arid Environment. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (3 ed., vol. 56, pp. 333-347).
- MOHAN, T. S.; Temimi, M.; AJAYAMOHAN, R. S.; NELLI, N. R.; FONSECA, R.; WESTON, M.; VALAPPIL, V. (2020). On the investigation of the typology of fog events in an arid environment and the link with climate patterns. Monthly Weather Review (8 ed., vol. 148, pp. 3181-3202).
- Weston, M.; Temimi, M. (2020). Application of a nighttime fog detection method using SEVIRI over an arid environment. Remote Sensing (14 ed., vol. 12).
- Yousef, L. A.; Temimi, M.; Molini, A.; Weston, M.; Wehbe, Y.; Mandous, A. A. (2020). Cloud Cover over the Arabian Peninsula from Global Remote Sensing and Reanalysis Products. Atmospheric Research (vol. 238).
- Nelli, N. R.; Temimi, M.; Fonseca, R. M.; Weston, M. J.; Thota, M. S.; Valappil, V. K.; Branch, O.; Wulfmeyer, V.; Wehbe, Y.; Al Hosary, T.; Shalaby, A.; Al Shamsi, N.; Al Naqbi, H. (2020). Impact of Roughness Length on WRF Simulated Land-Atmosphere Interactions Over a Hyper-Arid Region. Earth and Space Science (6 ed., vol. 7).
- Fonseca, R.; Temimi, M.; Thota, M. S.; Nelli, N. R.; Weston, M. J.; Suzuki, K.; Uchida, J.; Kumar, K. N.; Branch, O.; Wehbe, Y.; Al Hosari, T.; Al Shamsi, N.; Shalaby, A. (2020). On the analysis of the performance of WRF and nicam in a hyperarid environment. Weather and Forecasting (3 ed., vol. 35, pp. 891-919).
- Voss, R. K.; Lin, J. C.; Roper, M. T.; Al-Temimi, M. H.; Ruan, J. H.; Tseng, W. H.; Tam, M.; Sherman, M. J.; Klaristenfeld, D. D.; Tomassi, M. J. (2020). Adjuvant Chemotherapy Does Not Improve Recurrence-Free Survival in Patients With Stage 2 or Stage 3 Rectal Cancer After Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy and Total Mesorectal Excision. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum (4 ed., vol. 63, pp. 427-440).
- Wehbe, Y.; Temimi, M.; Adler, R. F. (2020). Enhancing precipitation estimates through the fusion of weather radar, satellite retrievals, and surface parameters. Remote Sensing (8 ed., vol. 12).
- Nelli, N. R.; Temimi, M.; Fonseca, R. M.; Weston, M. J.; Thota, M. S.; Valappil, V. K.; Branch, O.; Wizemann, H. D.; Wulfmeyer, V.; Wehbe, Y. (2020). Micrometeorological measurements in an arid environment: Diurnal characteristics and surface energy balance closure. Atmospheric Research (vol. 234).
- Hasan, A. A.; Zalzala, M. H.; Al-Temimi, H. M. (2020). Studying risk factors association with osteoporosis in post kidney transplantation patients. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (1 ed., vol. 11, pp. 200-206).
- AL-Temimi, S. M.; AL-Rekabi, A. M. (2020). Dual color-chromogenic in situ hybridization approaches to evaluate HER2/Neu gene amplification in breast carcinomas. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy (10 ed., vol. 11, pp. 114-119).
- Hill, P. R.; Kumar, A.; Temimi, M.; Bull, D. R. (2020). HABNet: Machine Learning, Remote Sensing-Based Detection of Harmful Algal Blooms. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (vol. 13, pp. 3229-3239).
- Temimi, M.; Fonseca, R. M.; Nelli, N. R.; Valappil, V. K.; Weston, M. J.; Thota, M. S.; Wehbe, Y.; Yousef, L. (2020). On the analysis of ground-based microwave radiometer data during fog conditions. Atmospheric Research (vol. 231).
- Lee, Y. C.; Al-Temimi, M.; Ying, J.; Muscat, J.; Olshan, A. F.; Zevallos, J. P.; Winn, D. M.; Li, G.; Sturgis, E. M.; Morgenstern, H.; Zhang, Z. F.; Smith, E.; Kelsey, K.; McClean, M.; Vaughan, T. L.; Lazarus, P.; Chen, C.; Schwartz, S. M.; Gillison, M.; Schantz, S.; Yu, G. P.; D'Souza, G.; Gross, N.; Monroe, M.; Kim, J.; Boffetta, P.; Hashibe, M. (2020). Risk Prediction Models for Head and Neck Cancer in the US Population from the INHANCE Consortium. American Journal of Epidemiology (4 ed., vol. 189, pp. 330-342).
- AL-Temimi, S. M.; AL-Rekabi, A. M. (2020). The expression level of PTEN-gene is a diagnostic tool for gene alteration in invasive ductal carcinoma of the Breast. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy (10 ed., vol. 11, pp. 128-133).
- Al-Rekabi, A. M.; Al-Temimi, S. M. (2019). Down-regulation of circulating microRNA-205 as a potential biomarker for distinguishing prostate carcinoma from benign prostatic hyperplasia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development (10 ed., vol. 10, pp. 2257-2262).
- Wehbe, Y.; Temimi, M.; Weston, M.; Chaouch, N.; Branch, O.; Schwitalla, T.; Wulfmeyer, V.; Zhan, X.; Liu, J.; Al Mandous, A. (2019). Analysis of an extreme weather event in a hyper-arid region using WRF-Hydro coupling, station, and satellite data. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (6 ed., vol. 19, pp. 1129-1149).
- Gultepe, I.; Sharman, R.; Williams, P. D.; Zhou, B.; Ellrod, G.; Minnis, P.; Trier, S.; Griffin, S.; Yum, S. S.; Gharabaghi, B.; Feltz, W.; Temimi, M.; Pu, Z.; Storer, L. N.; Kneringer, P.; Weston, M. J.; Chuang, H. y.; Thobois, L.; Dimri, A. P.; Dietz, S. J.; França, G. B.; Almeida, M. V.; Neto, F. L. (2019). A Review of High Impact Weather for Aviation Meteorology. Pure and Applied Geophysics (5 ed., vol. 176, pp. 1869-1921).
- Weston, M.; Chaouch, N.; Valappil, V.; Temimi, M.; Ek, M.; Zheng, W. (2019). Assessment of the Sensitivity to the Thermal Roughness Length in Noah and Noah-MP Land Surface Model Using WRF in an Arid Region. Pure and Applied Geophysics (5 ed., vol. 176, pp. 2121-2137).
- Al-Temimi, A. M.; Pilidi, V. S. (2019). Improvements of programing methods for finding reference lines on x-ray images. Computer Optics (3 ed., vol. 43, pp. 397-401).
- Karagulian, F.; Temimi, M.; Ghebreyesus, D.; Weston, M.; Kondapalli, N. K.; Valappil, V. K.; Aldababesh, A.; Lyapustin, A.; Chaouch, N.; Al Hammadi, F.; Al Abdooli, A. (2019). Analysis of a severe dust storm and its impact on air quality conditions using WRF-Chem modeling, satellite imagery, and ground observations. Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health (4 ed., vol. 12, pp. 453-470).
- Yousef, L. A.; Temimi, M.; Wehbe, Y.; Al Mandous, A. (2019). Total cloud cover climatology over the United Arab Emirates. Atmospheric Science Letters (2 ed., vol. 20).
- AlJassar, H. K.; Temimi, M.; Entekhabi, D.; Petrov, P.; AlSarraf, H.; Kokkalis, P.; Roshni, N. (2019). Forward simulation of multi-frequency microwave brightness temperature over desert soils in Kuwait and comparison with satellite observations. Remote Sensing (14 ed., vol. 11).
- Aldababseh, A.; Temimi, M.; Maghelal, P.; Branch, O.; Wulfmeyer, V. (2018). Multi-criteria evaluation of irrigated agriculture suitability to achieve food security in an arid environment. Sustainability (Switzerland) (3 ed., vol. 10).
- Wehbe, Y.; Temimi, M.; Ghebreyesus, D. T.; Milewski, A.; Norouzi, H.; Ibrahim, E. (2018). Consistency of precipitation products over the Arabian Peninsula and interactions with soil moisture and water storage. Hydrological Sciences Journal (3 ed., vol. 63, pp. 408-425).
- Beegum, S. N.; Gherboudj, I.; Chaouch, N.; Temimi, M.; Ghedira, H. (2018). Simulation and analysis of synoptic scale dust storms over the Arabian Peninsula. Atmospheric Research (vol. 199, pp. 62-81).
- Aldababseh, A.; Temimi, M. (2017). Analysis of the long-term variability of poor visibility events in the UAE and the link with climate dynamics. Atmosphere (12 ed., vol. 8).
- Wehbe, Y.; Ghebreyesus, D.; Temimi, M.; Milewski, A.; Al Mandous, A. (2017). Assessment of the consistency among global precipitation products over the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies (vol. 12, pp. 122-135).
- Ray, R. L.; Fares, A.; He, Y.; Temimi, M. (2017). Evaluation and inter-comparison of satellite soil moisture products using in situ observations over Texas, U.S.. Water (Switzerland) (6 ed., vol. 9).
- Chaouch, N.; Temimi, M.; Weston, M.; Ghedira, H. (2017). Sensitivity of the meteorological model WRF-ARW to planetary boundary layer schemes during fog conditions in a coastal arid region. Atmospheric Research (vol. 187, pp. 106-127).
- Zhao, J.; Temimi, M.; Ghedira, H. (2017). Remotely sensed sea surface salinity in the hyper-saline Arabian Gulf: Application to landsat 8 OLI data. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (vol. 187, pp. 168-177).
- Zhao, J.; Temimi, M.; Al Azhar, M.; Ghedira, H. (2017). Analysis of bloom conditions in fall 2013 in the Strait of Hormuz using satellite observations and model simulations. Marine Pollution Bulletin (1-2 ed., vol. 115, pp. 315-323).
- Lacava, T.; Ciancia, E.; Coviello, I.; Di Polito, C.; Grimaldi, C. S.; Pergola, N.; Satriano, V.; Temimi, M.; Zhao, J.; Tramutoli, V. (2017). A MODIS-based robust satellite technique (RST) for timely detection of oil spilled areas. Remote Sensing (2 ed., vol. 9).
- Coopersmith, E. J.; Cosh, M. H.; Bell, J. E.; Kelly, V.; Hall, M.; Palecki, M. A.; Temimi, M. (2016). Deploying temporary networks for upscaling of sparse network stations. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (vol. 52, pp. 433-444).
- Ghebreyesus, D. T.; Temimi, M.; Fares, A.; Bayabil, H. K. (2016). A multi-satellite approach for water storage monitoring in an arid watershed. Geosciences (Switzerland) (3 ed., vol. 6).
- Mezhoud, N.; Temimi, M.; Zhao, J.; Al Shehhi, M. R.; Ghedira, H. (2016). Analysis of the spatio-temporal variability of seawater quality in the southeastern Arabian Gulf. Marine Pollution Bulletin (1-2 ed., vol. 106, pp. 127-138).
- Zhao, J.; Temimi, M.; Kitbi, S. A.; Mezhoud, N. (2016). Monitoring HABs in the shallow Arabian Gulf using a qualitative satellite-based index. International Journal of Remote Sensing (8 ed., vol. 37, pp. 1937-1954).
- Al Azhar, M.; Temimi, M.; Zhao, J.; Ghedira, H. (2016). Modeling of circulation in the Arabian Gulf and the Sea of Oman: Skill assessment and seasonal thermohaline structure. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans (3 ed., vol. 121, pp. 1700-1720).
- Gonzalez, A.; Temimi, M.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2015). Adjustment to the curve number (NRCS-CN) to account for the vegetation effect on hydrological processes. Hydrological Sciences Journal (4 ed., vol. 60, pp. 591-605).
- Norouzi, H.; Temimi, M.; Prigent, C.; Turk, J.; Khanbilvardi, R.; Tian, Y.; Furuzawa, F. A.; Masunaga, H. (2015). Assessment of the consistency among global microwave land surface emissivity products. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (3 ed., vol. 8, pp. 1197-1205).
- Zhao, J.; Temimi, M.; Ghedira, H. (2015). Characterization of harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the Arabian Gulf and the Sea of Oman using MERIS fluorescence data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (vol. 101, pp. 125-136).
- Al-Temimi, S. S.; Al-Mashhedy, L. A. (2015). Estimation of the phytochemical constituents and biological activity of iraqi Ocimum Sanctum L.extracts. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences (1 ed., vol. 6, pp. B999-B1007).
- Norouzi, H.; Temimi, M.; AghaKouchak, A.; Azarderakhsh, M.; Khanbilvardi, R.; Shields, G.; Tesfagiorgis, K. (2015). Inferring land surface parameters from the diurnal variability of microwave and infrared temperatures. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (vol. 83-84, pp. 28-35).
- Zhao, J.; Temimi, M.; Al Azhar, M.; Ghedira, H. (2015). Satellite-based tracking of oil pollution in the Arabian Gulf and the Sea of Oman. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing (2 ed., vol. 41, pp. 113-125).
- Saidy, M. N.; Patel, S. S.; Choi, M. W.; Al-Temimi, M.; Tessier, D. J. (2015). Single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy performed via the "marionette" technique shows equivalence in outcome and cost to standard four port laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a selected patient population. American Surgeon (10 ed., vol. 81, pp. 1015-1020).
- Rabin, R. M.; Temimi, M.; Stepinski, J.; Bothwell, P. D. (2014). Monitoring surface dryness using geostationary thermal observations. Remote Sensing Letters (1 ed., vol. 5, pp. 10-18).
- Chaouch, N.; Temimi, M.; Romanov, P.; Cabrera, R.; Mckillop, G.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2014). An automated algorithm for river ice monitoring over the Susquehanna River using the MODIS data. Hydrological Processes (1 ed., vol. 28, pp. 62-73).
- Zhao, J.; Temimi, M.; Ghedira, H.; Hu, C. (2014). Exploring the potential of optical remote sensing for oil spill detection in shallow coastal waters-a case study in the Arabian Gulf. Optics Express (11 ed., vol. 22, pp. 13755-13772).
- Temimi, M.; Lakhankar, T.; Zhan, X.; Cosh, M. H.; Krakauer, N.; Fares, A.; Kelly, V.; Khanbilvardi, R.; Kumassi, L. (2014). Soil moisture retrieval using ground-based L-band passive microwave observations in northeastern USA. Vadose Zone Journal (3 ed., vol. 13).
- Tang, H. S.; Chien, S. I.; Temimi, M.; Blain, C. A.; Ke, Q.; Zhao, L.; Kraatz, S. (2013). Vulnerability of population and transportation infrastructure at the east bank of Delaware Bay due to coastal flooding in sea-level rise conditions. Natural Hazards (1 ed., vol. 69, pp. 141-163).
- Chaouch, N.; Leconte, R.; Magagi, R.; Temimi, M.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2013). Multi-stage inversion method to retrieve soil moisture from passive microwave measurements over the Mackenzie River Basin. Vadose Zone Journal (3 ed., vol. 12).
- Fares, A.; Temimi, M.; Morgan, K.; Kelleners, T. J. (2013). In-situ and remote soil moisture sensing technologies for vadose zone hydrology. Vadose Zone Journal (2 ed., vol. 12).
- Medeiros, S. C.; Hagen, S. C.; Chaouch, N.; Feyen, J.; Temimi, M.; Weishampel, J. F.; Funakoshi, Y.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2013). Assessing the performance of a northern gulf of mexico tidal model using satellite imagery. Remote Sensing (11 ed., vol. 5, pp. 5662-5679).
- Al-Temimi, M. H.; Griffee, M.; Enniss, T. M.; Preston, R.; Vargo, D.; Overton, S.; Kimball, E.; Barton, R.; Nirula, R. (2012). When is death inevitable after emergency laparotomy? Analysis of the american college of surgeons national surgical quality improvement program database. Journal of the American College of Surgeons (4 ed., vol. 215, pp. 503-511).
- Norouzi, H.; Rossow, W.; Temimi, M.; Prigent, C.; Azarderakhsh, M.; Boukabara, S.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2012). Using microwave brightness temperature diurnal cycle to improve emissivity retrievals over land. Remote Sensing of Environment (vol. 123, pp. 470-482).
- Chaouch, N.; Temimi, M.; Hagen, S.; Weishampel, J.; Medeiros, S.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2012). A synergetic use of satellite imagery from SAR and optical sensors to improve coastal flood mapping in the Gulf of Mexico. Hydrological Processes (11 ed., vol. 26, pp. 1617-1628).
- Notarnicola, C.; Caporaso, L.; Di Giuseppe, F.; Temimi, M.; Ventura, B.; Zebisch, M. (2012). Inferring soil moisture variability in the Mediterrean Sea area using infrared and passive microwave observations. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing (1 ed., vol. 38, pp. 46-59).
- Norouzi, H.; Temimi, M.; Rossow, W. B.; Pearl, C.; Azarderakhsh, M.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2011). The sensitivity of land emissivity estimates from AMSR-E at C and X bands to surface properties. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (11 ed., vol. 15, pp. 3577-3589).
- Krakauer, N. Y.; Temimi, M. (2011). Stream recession curves and storage variability in small watersheds. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (7 ed., vol. 15, pp. 2377-2389).
- Temimi, M.; Lacava, T.; Lakhankar, T.; Tramutoli, V.; Ghedira, H.; Ata, R.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2011). A multi-temporal analysis of AMSR-E data for flood and discharge monitoring during the 2008 flood in Iowa. Hydrological Processes (16 ed., vol. 25, pp. 2623-2634).
- Temimi, M.; Romanov, P.; Ghedira, H.; Khanbilvardi, R.; Smith, K. (2011). Sea-ice monitoring over the caspian sea using geostationary satellite data. International Journal of Remote Sensing (6 ed., vol. 32, pp. 1575-1593).
- Temimi, M.; Leconte, R.; Chaouch, N.; Sukumal, P.; Khanbilvardi, R.; Brissette, F. (2010). A combination of remote sensing data and topographic attributes for the spatial and temporal monitoring of soil wetness. Journal of Hydrology (1-2 ed., vol. 388, pp. 28-40).
- Lakhankar, T.; Ghedira, H.; Temimi, M.; Azar, A. E.; Khanbilvardi, R. (2009). Effect of land cover heterogeneity on soil moisture retrieval using active microwave remote sensing data. Remote Sensing (2 ed., vol. 1, pp. 80-91).
- Lakhankar, T.; Ghedira, H.; Temimi, M.; Sengupta, M.; Khanbilvardi, R.; Blake, R. (2009). Non-parametric methods for soil moisture retrieval from satellite remote sensing data. Remote Sensing (1 ed., vol. 1, pp. 3-21).
- Temimi, M.; Leconte, R.; Brissette, F.; Chaouch, N. (2007). Flood and soil wetness monitoring over the Mackenzie River Basin using AMSR-E 37 GHz brightness temperature. Journal of Hydrology (2-4 ed., vol. 333, pp. 317-328).
- Temimi, M.; Leconte, R.; Brissette, F.; Chaouch, N. (2007). Dynamic estimation of free water surface coverage from a basin wetness index of the Mackenzie River basin using SSM/I measurements. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing (2 ed., vol. 33, pp. 121-129).
- Temimi, M.; Leconte, R.; Brissette, F.; Chaouch, N. (2005). Flood monitoring over the Mackenzie River Basin using passive microwave data. Remote Sensing of Environment (2-3 ed., vol. 98, pp. 344-355).
- Temimi, M.; Bennis, S. (2002). Real-time forecasting of pollutant loads in sewer networks. Revue des Sciences de l'Eau (3 ed., vol. 15, pp. 661-675).
Letter, Journal
- Francis, D.; Fonseca, R.; Nelli, N.; Cuesta, J.; Weston, M.; Evan, A.; Temimi, M. (2020). The Atmospheric Drivers of the Major Saharan Dust Storm in June 2020. Geophysical Research Letters (24 ed., vol. 47).
Review, Journal
- Tounsi, A.; Temimi, M. (2023). A systematic review of natural language processing applications for hydrometeorological hazards assessment. Natural Hazards (3 ed., vol. 116, pp. 2819-2870).
- Tounsi, A.; Temimi, M.; Lipizzi, C.. Exploring Social and Geographical Disparities During Hurricane Ida Using Geolocated Social Media Content. Elsevier BV.
CE525 Engineering Hydrology
CE652 Hydrological Modeling
CE 535 Stormwater management
CE 554 Water Resources Sustainability
CE652 Hydrological Modeling
CE 535 Stormwater management
CE 554 Water Resources Sustainability