Michael Zavorskas (mzavorsk)

Michael Zavorskas


School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences


  • PhD (2023) Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (Music Composition)
  • MM (2015) Rowan University (Music Composition)
  • MS (2012) Stevens Institute of Technology (Management)
  • BA (2010) Stevens Institute of Technology (Music and Technology)


- (forthcoming) "Lo-Fi and Minimalist Aesthetics in the Music of Phil Elverum," Society for American Music 51st Annual Conference, Tacoma, WA, March 2025

- "Post-Total: Rhythmic Complexity in Contemporary American Post-Rock," Eighth International Conference on Music and Minimalism, Bowling Green, OH, May 2022

- "Dance from the heart: a dance performance of sounds led by the dancer's heart," with Vilelmini Kalampratsidou, Joseph Albano, Steven Kemper, and Elizabeth B. Torres. 2019 international Conference on Movement and Computing, Tempe, AZ.

Honors and Awards

"Artist in Residence Series: Classics & Contemporaries" Composition Premier Winner, Rutgers University, May 2019

Professional Societies

  • SAM – Society for American Music Member
  • Society for Minimalist Music Member
  • SEAMUS – Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States Member
  • SMT – The Society for Music Theory Member
  • ASCAP Member


HMU 201 Music Theory I
HMU 202 Music Theory II
HMU 303 Music Theory III
HMU 304 Music Theory IV
HMU 415 Contemporary Music Theory