Santhi Sri Billapati
Senior Lecturer
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering
- PhD (2011) Stevens Institute of Technology (Environmental Engineering)
- MS (2006) Stevens Institute of Technology (Environmental Engineering)
- MS (2003) College of Engineering, Anna University (Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering)
- BE (2000) Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (Civil Engineering)
Conducted chemical and geotechnical analysis and prepared interim and final reports for the following projects:
Evaluation of Steel Slag Fines to Immobilize Heavy Metals (Schnabel Engineering, 2010).
Slag Patent Research to Support Firing range Berm, Soil Blending and Filter Applications to Immobilize Cationic and Oxyanionic Heavy Metals (Schnabel Engineering, 2009-2010).
Mineralogy and Design Analyses for Wilmad Glass Soil (TRC Inc., 2009).
Innovative Reuse of Dredged Material- Combined laboratory and field demonstration project for using dredged material in local fill applications (Schnabel Engineering/ Maryland Port Administration, 2008-2009).
Chromium Measurement in COPR Treated with Polysulfides and Ferrous (Honeywell Inc., 2008-2009).
Solidification of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils (TRC Inc., 2007).Method Development for Cr(VI) Measurement in Chromite Ore Processing Residue and other Solid Matrices. (Honeywell Inc., 2007).
Environmentally Friendly Replacement of the Mercurous Nitrate Test of Copper Alloys and Remediation Solutions for the Byproducts of the Current Test. Phase-II (DOD, 2006-2007).
Geotechnical Characterization of Contaminated Soil from a Chevron Facility in Perth Amboy, New Jersey(TRC Inc., 2006).
Treatability of Cr(VI) and VOCs Contaminated Soils and Water (TRC Inc., 2005-2006).
Treatability Study and Field Support for the Environmental Remediation and Geotechnical Stabilization of Chromite Ore Processing Residue (Honeywell Inc., 2004-2007).
Evaluation of Steel Slag Fines to Immobilize Heavy Metals (Schnabel Engineering, 2010).
Slag Patent Research to Support Firing range Berm, Soil Blending and Filter Applications to Immobilize Cationic and Oxyanionic Heavy Metals (Schnabel Engineering, 2009-2010).
Mineralogy and Design Analyses for Wilmad Glass Soil (TRC Inc., 2009).
Innovative Reuse of Dredged Material- Combined laboratory and field demonstration project for using dredged material in local fill applications (Schnabel Engineering/ Maryland Port Administration, 2008-2009).
Chromium Measurement in COPR Treated with Polysulfides and Ferrous (Honeywell Inc., 2008-2009).
Solidification of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils (TRC Inc., 2007).Method Development for Cr(VI) Measurement in Chromite Ore Processing Residue and other Solid Matrices. (Honeywell Inc., 2007).
Environmentally Friendly Replacement of the Mercurous Nitrate Test of Copper Alloys and Remediation Solutions for the Byproducts of the Current Test. Phase-II (DOD, 2006-2007).
Geotechnical Characterization of Contaminated Soil from a Chevron Facility in Perth Amboy, New Jersey(TRC Inc., 2006).
Treatability of Cr(VI) and VOCs Contaminated Soils and Water (TRC Inc., 2005-2006).
Treatability Study and Field Support for the Environmental Remediation and Geotechnical Stabilization of Chromite Ore Processing Residue (Honeywell Inc., 2004-2007).
General Information
Dr. Santhi Jagupilla (Dr. SJ) has been working as Senior Lecturer in Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering (CEOE) at Stevens Institute of Technology (SIT) from Jan 2024. Dr. SJ has been an Adjunct Faculty at SIT from 2015 - 2023. Dr. SJ has been teaching several undergraduate and graduate courses in CEOE department. During her doctoral studies, she worked as the teaching assistant for her advisor’s Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering course a few times. She has over five years of environmental engineering consulting experience in design, installation, operation, maintenance, and monitoring of remedial systems. She also has over 8 years of research experience while serving as the research assistant in the Center for Environmental Systems (CES), SIT (2004-2011) working in the areas of remediation/immobilization of heavy metals in contaminated media and stabilized dredged material.
Stevens Institute of Technology, HOBOKEN, NJ Jan 2015 – Dec 2023
Adjunct Faculty
Spring 2015 – Spring 2020, Spring 2023 – Soil Behavior and its Environmental Applications Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023 – Introduction to Geosciences Fall 2023 – Modeling of Environmental SystemsGuest lectures on site investigations and soil and groundwater sampling methods for Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering course
TRC Environmental Corporation, NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ Feb 2013 – Jan 2017
Associate Project Manager (Mar 2015 to Jan 2017) and Engineer III (Feb 2013 to Feb 2015)
Design of utility conduit duct banks for pilot test and full scale operation of extraction system for coal tar impacted ground waterConducted oversight for soil borings, installation of Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) and groundwater monitoring wellsInvolved in the design of full scale SVE system and In-Well Air Stripping (IWAS/ART) pilot testServed as Field Engineer for collecting soil, groundwater and air samples, operation and maintenance of the SVE, Air sparge (AS) and ART system, landfill gas and groundwater monitoring, injectionsPrepared and submitted several NJDEP permits and reports like NJDEP Air permit applications (Radius), Discharge to ground water (DGW) proposals - under a NJPDES permit-by-rule, Design Reports, Remedial Investigation Reports (RIR) and Remedial Action Work Plans (RAWs)Developed work plans for Pre-Design Investigation (PDI), ART pilot tests, injections, groundwater and soil sampling
Distinct Engineering Solutions, Inc., NORTH BRUNSWICK, NJ Sep 2012 – Feb 2013
Senior Staff Engineer:
Developed plans for environmental compliance, dust control, storm water pollution prevention, soil and erosion control, chemical analysis and soil sampling for several projects Conducted file search, field visits, magnetometer survey, extend borings, installation of monitoring wells, collection of soil and groundwater samplesCoordinated with NYCDEP and prepared a Construction Dewatering PermitCoordinated with NJDEP and submitted several forms, receptor evaluation, remediation fee forms and Remedial Investigation Reports to NJDEPCollected Indoor air samples as per NJDEP requirements
Stevens Institute of Technology, HOBOKEN, NJ
Post Doctoral Researcher June 2011 –June 2012
Responsibilities include conducting spectroscopic and high end microscopic analysis and preparing project reports, monitoring the experimental work conducted by undergraduate/graduate students. Two major projects include, Raritan Bay Slag Superfund Site Treatability Study and Steel Slag Fines Research – Thresholding, ANC, batch kinetics and column studies for various heavy metals.
Adjunct Faculty
Spring 2015 – Spring 2020, Spring 2023 – Soil Behavior and its Environmental Applications Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023 – Introduction to Geosciences Fall 2023 – Modeling of Environmental SystemsGuest lectures on site investigations and soil and groundwater sampling methods for Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering course
TRC Environmental Corporation, NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ Feb 2013 – Jan 2017
Associate Project Manager (Mar 2015 to Jan 2017) and Engineer III (Feb 2013 to Feb 2015)
Design of utility conduit duct banks for pilot test and full scale operation of extraction system for coal tar impacted ground waterConducted oversight for soil borings, installation of Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) and groundwater monitoring wellsInvolved in the design of full scale SVE system and In-Well Air Stripping (IWAS/ART) pilot testServed as Field Engineer for collecting soil, groundwater and air samples, operation and maintenance of the SVE, Air sparge (AS) and ART system, landfill gas and groundwater monitoring, injectionsPrepared and submitted several NJDEP permits and reports like NJDEP Air permit applications (Radius), Discharge to ground water (DGW) proposals - under a NJPDES permit-by-rule, Design Reports, Remedial Investigation Reports (RIR) and Remedial Action Work Plans (RAWs)Developed work plans for Pre-Design Investigation (PDI), ART pilot tests, injections, groundwater and soil sampling
Distinct Engineering Solutions, Inc., NORTH BRUNSWICK, NJ Sep 2012 – Feb 2013
Senior Staff Engineer:
Developed plans for environmental compliance, dust control, storm water pollution prevention, soil and erosion control, chemical analysis and soil sampling for several projects Conducted file search, field visits, magnetometer survey, extend borings, installation of monitoring wells, collection of soil and groundwater samplesCoordinated with NYCDEP and prepared a Construction Dewatering PermitCoordinated with NJDEP and submitted several forms, receptor evaluation, remediation fee forms and Remedial Investigation Reports to NJDEPCollected Indoor air samples as per NJDEP requirements
Stevens Institute of Technology, HOBOKEN, NJ
Post Doctoral Researcher June 2011 –June 2012
Responsibilities include conducting spectroscopic and high end microscopic analysis and preparing project reports, monitoring the experimental work conducted by undergraduate/graduate students. Two major projects include, Raritan Bay Slag Superfund Site Treatability Study and Steel Slag Fines Research – Thresholding, ANC, batch kinetics and column studies for various heavy metals.
Honors and Awards
Samuel A. Greeley AwardIssued by American Society of Civil Engineers, Mar 2014
Third author for the paper “Aging Effects in Field-Compacted Dredged Material: Steel Slag Fines Blends”
ASCE Student Chapter Award for Outstanding Teaching Assistant
Date received: 2010
Third author for the paper “Aging Effects in Field-Compacted Dredged Material: Steel Slag Fines Blends”
ASCE Student Chapter Award for Outstanding Teaching Assistant
Date received: 2010
Selected Publications
Peer reviewed Journal Articles:
Jagupilla, S.C., Wazne, M., and Moon, D. H. 2015. Assessment of ferrous chloride and Portland cement for the remediation of chromite ore processing residue, Chemosphere. 136, Pages 95-101.
Grubb, D.G., Jagupilla, S.C., Cummings, R. and Wazne, M. 2014.The immobilization of lead, tungsten and phosphate by steel slag fines: metals thresholding and rate studies, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 18 (3), Pages 04014017.
Grubb, D.G., Wazne, M., Jagupilla, S.C., Malasavage, N.E., and Bradfield, W. B. 2012. Aging Effects in Field-Compacted Dredged Material - Steel Slag Fines Blends, Journal of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste. 17 (2), Pages 107-119.
Malasavage, N., Jagupilla, S.C., Grubb, D.G., Wazne, M., and Coon, W. 2012. Geotechnical Performance of Dredged Material - Steel Slag Fines Blends: Laboratory and Field Evaluation, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. 138 (8), Pages 981-991.
Grubb, D.G., Wazne, M., Jagupilla, S.C., and Malasavage, N.E. 2010. Beneficial use of steel slag fines to immobilize arsenite and arsenate: Slag characterization and metal thresholding studies, Journal of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste. 15(3), Pages 130-150.
Jagupilla, S. C., Moon, D. H., Wazne, M., Christodoulatos, C., and Kim, M. G. 2009. Effects of particle size and acid addition on the remediation of chromite ore processing residue using ferrous sulfate. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 168(1), Pages 121-128.
Wazne, M., Jagupilla, S.C., Moon, D. H., Christodoulatos, C., and Koutsospyros, A. 2008. Leaching Mechanisms of Cr(VI) from Chromite Ore Processing Residue. Journal of Environmental Quality. 37(6), Pages 2125-2134.
Moon, D. H., Wazne, M., Jagupilla, S.C., Christodoulatos, C., Kim, M. G., and Koutsospyros, A. 2008. Particle size and pH effects on remediation of chromite ore processing residue using calcium polysulfide (CaS5). Science of The Total Environment. 399(1-3), Pages 2-10.
Wazne,M., Jagupilla, S.C., Moon, D. H., Jagupilla, S., Christodoulatos, C., and Kim, M. G. 2007. Assessment of calcium polysulfide for the remediation of hexavalent chromium in chromite ore processing residue (COPR). Journal of Hazardous Materials. 143(3), Pages 620-628.
Wazne,M., Moon, D. H., Jagupilla, S.C., Jagupilla, S., Christodoulatos, C., Dermatas, D., and Chrysochoou, M. 2007. Remediation of chromite ore processing residue using ferrous sulfate and calcium polysulfide. Geosciences Journal. 11(2), Pages 105-110.
Peer reviewed Conference Proceedings:
Jagupilla, S.C., Grubb D.G., and Wazne, M. 2012. “Immobilization of Sb(III) and Sb(V) using Steel Slag Fines,” ASCE GeoCongress 2012, March 25-29, Oakland, CA.
Jagupilla, S.C., Grubb D.G., and Wazne, M. 2012. “Metals Immobilization and Removal Rates of Se(IV) and Se(VI) by Steel Slag Fines Media,” ASCE GeoCongress 2012, March 25-29, Oakland, CA.
Grubb D.G., Wazne, M., Jagupilla, S.C., and Roscoe, M.S. 2011. “Aging effects in dredged material steel slag fines (DM-SSF) blends,” in: E.A. Foote and A.K. Bullard (Conference Chairs), Remediation of Contaminated Sediments—2011, Sixth International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (New Orleans, LA; February 7–10, 2011), ISBN 978-0-9819730-3-6, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, OH, Paper C-91 (pp. 8).
Grubb D.G., Wazne, M., and Jagupilla, S.C. 2011. “Metals immobilization rates using slag fines,” Proceeding of the 12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, September 8-10, pp.8.
Grubb D.G., Wazne, M., and Jagupilla, S.C. 2011. “Leaching of immobilized Arsenic from steel slag fines,” Proceeding of the 12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, September 8-10, pp.8.
Grubb D.G., Wazne, M., and Jagupilla, S.C. 2010. “Metals immobilization using slag fines,” Protection & Restoration of the Environment X, Corfu, Greece, July 5-9, pp.8.
Grubb D.G., Wazne, M., Jagupilla, S.C., and Malasavage, N.E. 2010. “Arsenic immobilization using slag fines,” Protection & Restoration of the Environment X, Corfu, Greece, July 5-9, pp.8.
Karachalios, A., Wazne, M., Betancur, N. J., Jagupilla, S.C., Christodoulatos, C., Braida, W., and O'Connor, G. 2010. “Immobilization of Cu, Pb and W in mixed munitions firing range contaminated soils by various amendments”. GeoFlorida 2010: Advances in Analysis, Modeling and Design, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 199, D. Fratta, A.J. Puppala, and B. Muhunthan (eds.), ASCE.
Jagupilla, S.C., Wazne, M., Liu, X., Rabah, N., Lazar, B., Su, T-L., and Christodoulatos, C. 2009. “Comparative study of nano zero valent iron, micro zero valent iron and emulsified nano zero valent iron for the remediation of TCE and Cr(VI) contaminated groundwater”. Proceedings for the International conference on the environmental implication and application of nanotechnology. June 9- 11, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, pp. 37.
Wazne, M., Billapati, S. S., Christodoulatos, C., Jasinkiewicz, K. L.,. Hogrelius, K. E., Hespos, M., Haines., C. Environmentally Friendly replacement test for the mercurous nitrate test. The International Conference for the Protection and Restoration of the Environment VIII 3-7 July 2006, Chania, Greece. In-proceedings.
Poster Presentations:
Grubb, D.G., Wazne, M., and Jagupilla, S.C., Metals release and buffering capacity of steel slag fines. Protection and Restoration of the Environment X, PRE10, 2010, Corfu, Greece.
Jagupilla, S.C., Wazne, M., Rabah, N., Lazar, B., Su., T., and Christodoulatos, C., Remediation of hexavalent chromium and trichloroethylene contaminated groundwater. The 2nd Innovative Environmental Technology Conference, October, 2007, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ.
Jagupilla, S.C., Wazne, M., and Moon, D. H. 2015. Assessment of ferrous chloride and Portland cement for the remediation of chromite ore processing residue, Chemosphere. 136, Pages 95-101.
Grubb, D.G., Jagupilla, S.C., Cummings, R. and Wazne, M. 2014.The immobilization of lead, tungsten and phosphate by steel slag fines: metals thresholding and rate studies, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 18 (3), Pages 04014017.
Grubb, D.G., Wazne, M., Jagupilla, S.C., Malasavage, N.E., and Bradfield, W. B. 2012. Aging Effects in Field-Compacted Dredged Material - Steel Slag Fines Blends, Journal of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste. 17 (2), Pages 107-119.
Malasavage, N., Jagupilla, S.C., Grubb, D.G., Wazne, M., and Coon, W. 2012. Geotechnical Performance of Dredged Material - Steel Slag Fines Blends: Laboratory and Field Evaluation, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. 138 (8), Pages 981-991.
Grubb, D.G., Wazne, M., Jagupilla, S.C., and Malasavage, N.E. 2010. Beneficial use of steel slag fines to immobilize arsenite and arsenate: Slag characterization and metal thresholding studies, Journal of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste. 15(3), Pages 130-150.
Jagupilla, S. C., Moon, D. H., Wazne, M., Christodoulatos, C., and Kim, M. G. 2009. Effects of particle size and acid addition on the remediation of chromite ore processing residue using ferrous sulfate. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 168(1), Pages 121-128.
Wazne, M., Jagupilla, S.C., Moon, D. H., Christodoulatos, C., and Koutsospyros, A. 2008. Leaching Mechanisms of Cr(VI) from Chromite Ore Processing Residue. Journal of Environmental Quality. 37(6), Pages 2125-2134.
Moon, D. H., Wazne, M., Jagupilla, S.C., Christodoulatos, C., Kim, M. G., and Koutsospyros, A. 2008. Particle size and pH effects on remediation of chromite ore processing residue using calcium polysulfide (CaS5). Science of The Total Environment. 399(1-3), Pages 2-10.
Wazne,M., Jagupilla, S.C., Moon, D. H., Jagupilla, S., Christodoulatos, C., and Kim, M. G. 2007. Assessment of calcium polysulfide for the remediation of hexavalent chromium in chromite ore processing residue (COPR). Journal of Hazardous Materials. 143(3), Pages 620-628.
Wazne,M., Moon, D. H., Jagupilla, S.C., Jagupilla, S., Christodoulatos, C., Dermatas, D., and Chrysochoou, M. 2007. Remediation of chromite ore processing residue using ferrous sulfate and calcium polysulfide. Geosciences Journal. 11(2), Pages 105-110.
Peer reviewed Conference Proceedings:
Jagupilla, S.C., Grubb D.G., and Wazne, M. 2012. “Immobilization of Sb(III) and Sb(V) using Steel Slag Fines,” ASCE GeoCongress 2012, March 25-29, Oakland, CA.
Jagupilla, S.C., Grubb D.G., and Wazne, M. 2012. “Metals Immobilization and Removal Rates of Se(IV) and Se(VI) by Steel Slag Fines Media,” ASCE GeoCongress 2012, March 25-29, Oakland, CA.
Grubb D.G., Wazne, M., Jagupilla, S.C., and Roscoe, M.S. 2011. “Aging effects in dredged material steel slag fines (DM-SSF) blends,” in: E.A. Foote and A.K. Bullard (Conference Chairs), Remediation of Contaminated Sediments—2011, Sixth International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (New Orleans, LA; February 7–10, 2011), ISBN 978-0-9819730-3-6, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, OH, Paper C-91 (pp. 8).
Grubb D.G., Wazne, M., and Jagupilla, S.C. 2011. “Metals immobilization rates using slag fines,” Proceeding of the 12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, September 8-10, pp.8.
Grubb D.G., Wazne, M., and Jagupilla, S.C. 2011. “Leaching of immobilized Arsenic from steel slag fines,” Proceeding of the 12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, September 8-10, pp.8.
Grubb D.G., Wazne, M., and Jagupilla, S.C. 2010. “Metals immobilization using slag fines,” Protection & Restoration of the Environment X, Corfu, Greece, July 5-9, pp.8.
Grubb D.G., Wazne, M., Jagupilla, S.C., and Malasavage, N.E. 2010. “Arsenic immobilization using slag fines,” Protection & Restoration of the Environment X, Corfu, Greece, July 5-9, pp.8.
Karachalios, A., Wazne, M., Betancur, N. J., Jagupilla, S.C., Christodoulatos, C., Braida, W., and O'Connor, G. 2010. “Immobilization of Cu, Pb and W in mixed munitions firing range contaminated soils by various amendments”. GeoFlorida 2010: Advances in Analysis, Modeling and Design, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 199, D. Fratta, A.J. Puppala, and B. Muhunthan (eds.), ASCE.
Jagupilla, S.C., Wazne, M., Liu, X., Rabah, N., Lazar, B., Su, T-L., and Christodoulatos, C. 2009. “Comparative study of nano zero valent iron, micro zero valent iron and emulsified nano zero valent iron for the remediation of TCE and Cr(VI) contaminated groundwater”. Proceedings for the International conference on the environmental implication and application of nanotechnology. June 9- 11, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, pp. 37.
Wazne, M., Billapati, S. S., Christodoulatos, C., Jasinkiewicz, K. L.,. Hogrelius, K. E., Hespos, M., Haines., C. Environmentally Friendly replacement test for the mercurous nitrate test. The International Conference for the Protection and Restoration of the Environment VIII 3-7 July 2006, Chania, Greece. In-proceedings.
Poster Presentations:
Grubb, D.G., Wazne, M., and Jagupilla, S.C., Metals release and buffering capacity of steel slag fines. Protection and Restoration of the Environment X, PRE10, 2010, Corfu, Greece.
Jagupilla, S.C., Wazne, M., Rabah, N., Lazar, B., Su., T., and Christodoulatos, C., Remediation of hexavalent chromium and trichloroethylene contaminated groundwater. The 2nd Innovative Environmental Technology Conference, October, 2007, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ.
CE/EN 520 Soil Behavior and its Environmental Applications
CE 240 Introduction to Geosciences
CE 483 Geotechnical Engineering
EN 250 Quantitative Biology
EN 580 Modeling of Environmental Systems
EN 322 Engineering Design VI
CE 240 Introduction to Geosciences
CE 483 Geotechnical Engineering
EN 250 Quantitative Biology
EN 580 Modeling of Environmental Systems
EN 322 Engineering Design VI