Shang Wang
Assistant Professor
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Biomedical Engineering
- PhD (2014) University of Houston (Biomedical Engineering)
- BE (2010) Harbin Institute of Technology (Optoelectronic Information Engineering)
We develop optical imaging techniques to enable biological studies that are difficult or impossible to approach with traditional methods. Our technical development focuses on novel contrast, functional imaging, volumetric quantification, and live analysis. Applying these imaging tools, we pursue new understandings of biological process, dynamic interaction, and 4D physiology on tissue and cell levels.
For details, please visit our lab website: www.shangwanglab.org
***We have openings for postdoctoral researcher, research technician, and PhD student. Please contact Shang if interested.***
For details, please visit our lab website: www.shangwanglab.org
***We have openings for postdoctoral researcher, research technician, and PhD student. Please contact Shang if interested.***
General Information
Please visit www.shangwanglab.org for our lab information.
Institutional Service
- SES Dean's Advisory Committee Member
- First Year Exam Committee Member
- Faculty Meeting Scribe Member
- Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member
- CHI Steering Committee Member
- PhD Student Admission Committee Chair
- SES Doctoral Committee Member
- Vivarium Committee Member
- PhD Student Qualifying Exam Committee Member
- PhD Student Qualifying Exam Committee Chair
Professional Service
- IEEE Photonics Journal Associate Editor
- BMES Annual Conference Abstract Reviewer
- Frontiers in Physiology Review Editor
2019-present: Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology
2018-2019: Instructor, Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Baylor College of Medicine
2014-2018: Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Baylor College of Medicine
2018-2019: Instructor, Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Baylor College of Medicine
2014-2018: Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Baylor College of Medicine
Professional Societies
- BMES Member
Selected Publications
Please see www.shangwanglab.org/publications for a full list.
S. Wang and I. V. Larina, “In vivo dynamic 3D imaging of oocytes and embryos in the mouse oviduct”, Cell Reports, 36: 109382, 2021.
S. Wang and I. V. Larina, “Live mechanistic assessment of localized cardiac pumping in mammalian tubular embryonic heart”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 25: 086001, 2020. (Cover)
S. Wang, I. V. Larina, and K. V. Larin, “Label-free optical imaging in developmental biology”, Biomedical Optics Express, 11: 2017-2040, 2020.
S. Wang, R. Syed, O. A. Grishina, and I. V. Larina, “Prolonged in vivo functional assessment of the mouse oviduct using optical coherence tomography through a dorsal imaging window”, Journal of Biophotonics, 11: e201700316, 2018. (Back Cover and Editor's Choice)
S. Wang and I. V. Larina, “In vivo three-dimensional tracking of sperm behaviors in the mouse oviduct”, Development, 145: dev157685, 2018.
S. Wang and I. V. Larina, “In vivo dynamic 3D imaging of oocytes and embryos in the mouse oviduct”, Cell Reports, 36: 109382, 2021.
S. Wang and I. V. Larina, “Live mechanistic assessment of localized cardiac pumping in mammalian tubular embryonic heart”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 25: 086001, 2020. (Cover)
S. Wang, I. V. Larina, and K. V. Larin, “Label-free optical imaging in developmental biology”, Biomedical Optics Express, 11: 2017-2040, 2020.
S. Wang, R. Syed, O. A. Grishina, and I. V. Larina, “Prolonged in vivo functional assessment of the mouse oviduct using optical coherence tomography through a dorsal imaging window”, Journal of Biophotonics, 11: e201700316, 2018. (Back Cover and Editor's Choice)
S. Wang and I. V. Larina, “In vivo three-dimensional tracking of sperm behaviors in the mouse oviduct”, Development, 145: dev157685, 2018.