Weina Meng
Associate Professor
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering
- PhD (2017) Missouri University of Science and Technology (Civil Engineering)
Development of Advanced High-performance Construction Materials for Stainable and Resilient Civil Infrastructure
Multiscale Experimental Testing and Numerical Modeling
Physical and Chemical Analyses and Modeling
Development and Application of UHPC
Solid Wastes Utilization
CO2 Utilization by Cementitious Materials
Sea Water Concrete
Bio-inspired Engineering Materials
Machine Learning for Materials Optimization and Characterization
Multiscale Experimental Testing and Numerical Modeling
Physical and Chemical Analyses and Modeling
Development and Application of UHPC
Solid Wastes Utilization
CO2 Utilization by Cementitious Materials
Sea Water Concrete
Bio-inspired Engineering Materials
Machine Learning for Materials Optimization and Characterization
General Information
Please check the website of Advanced Concrete Technology (ACT) Laboratory for more information about my research.
Institutional Service
- Junior Faculty Board of Representatives Member
- Teaching - Learning Excellence Committee Member
- Search Committee for Teaching Assistant/Associate position in the CEOE Department Member
- Woman in STEM Panel Member
- CE Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member
- Strategic Plan Committee Member
- Search Committee for Farvardin Chair in the CEOE Department Member
- Stevens Member
- Review Committee for Associate Dean for Research Member
- Graduate Student Council Committee Member
- Construction Management Assistant Professor Search Committee Member
Professional Service
- Reviewer of NSF
- NSF Reviewer of NSF
- NSF Panel fellow in in the 2021 cohort of CMMI’s Game Changer Academies for Advancing Research Innovation (CGCA)
- NSF Panel
- DOT Proposal reviewer of of National University Transportation Centers (UTCs) sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
- ACI 239 Associate member
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering Stevens Institute of Technology, 08/2018-Present
Post-doc Fellow, Supervisor: Prof. Kamal H. Khayat, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 08/2018
Research Assistant, Supervisor: Prof. Kamal H. Khayat, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 01/2013-06/2017
Post-doc Fellow, Supervisor: Prof. Kamal H. Khayat, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 08/2018
Research Assistant, Supervisor: Prof. Kamal H. Khayat, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 01/2013-06/2017
Honors and Awards
“2020 Educator of the Year”, ASCE New Jersey Section
First Place in Competition of 2nd International Interactive Symposium on UHPC,06/2019, Advisor of Stevens team
Award of Transportation Research Best Poster, New Jersey Department of Transportation, 10/2018
Award of Best Poster, Student Competition of 1st International Interactive Symposium on UHPC, 07/2016
Women’s Transportation Seminar Helene M. Overly Memorial Scholarship, Missouri Department of Transportation, 05/2016
Honorary DJ Belarbi Graduate Scholarship, American Concrete Institute, Missouri Chapter, 04/2016
Graduate Research Fellowship, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 03/2016
First Place in Competition of 2nd International Interactive Symposium on UHPC,06/2019, Advisor of Stevens team
Award of Transportation Research Best Poster, New Jersey Department of Transportation, 10/2018
Award of Best Poster, Student Competition of 1st International Interactive Symposium on UHPC, 07/2016
Women’s Transportation Seminar Helene M. Overly Memorial Scholarship, Missouri Department of Transportation, 05/2016
Honorary DJ Belarbi Graduate Scholarship, American Concrete Institute, Missouri Chapter, 04/2016
Graduate Research Fellowship, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 03/2016
Professional Societies
- ACS Member
- ASME Member
- ACI Member
Grants, Contracts and Funds
CAREER: Consecutive Assembly-and-Mineralization Processed Calcium-Silicate-Hydrate Nacre with High Specific Flexural Strength and Fracture Toughness, NSF, 2021-2026
Development and Implementation of NJ UHPC, NJDOT, 2019-2023
Development of Seawater and Seasand Concrete, Stevens, 2019-2020
Development of Low Carbon UHPC, ceEntek, 2022
Net Zero and Resilience Programs - Industrial waste streams treatment to reduce or eliminate soluble and insoluble concentrations of energetic compounds, and explosive degradation products and toxicity assessment of untreated and treated waste streams, CCDC, 2022-2024
Development and Implementation of NJ UHPC, NJDOT, 2019-2023
Development of Seawater and Seasand Concrete, Stevens, 2019-2020
Development of Low Carbon UHPC, ceEntek, 2022
Net Zero and Resilience Programs - Industrial waste streams treatment to reduce or eliminate soluble and insoluble concentrations of energetic compounds, and explosive degradation products and toxicity assessment of untreated and treated waste streams, CCDC, 2022-2024
Selected Publications
• Y. Wang, S. Goodman, Y. Bao, W. Meng*, "Morphological, microstructural, and mechanical properties of highly-ordered C-S-H regulated by cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs)", Cement and Concrete Composite, 2023, p.105276. J. Du, Y. Wang, Y. Bao,
• J. Du, S. Mahjoubi, Y. Bao, N. Banthia, W. Meng*, “Modeling mixing kinetics for large-scale production of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete: effects of temperature, volume, and mixing method,” Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 397, p. 132439.
•P. Guo, W. Meng*, J. Du, B. Han, and Y. Bao, “ Lightweight ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) with expanded glass aggregate: Development, characterization, and life-cycle assessment”, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 371, p.130441.
•J. Du, P. Guo, Z. Liu, W. Meng*, “Effect of water-based nanoclay and ambient temperature on rheological properties of UHPC pastes”, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 370, p.130733.
•J. Du, P. Guo, Z. Liu, W. Meng*, “Highly thixotropic ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) as an overlay”, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 366, p.130130.
•Z. Liu, W. Meng*, J. Schelgel, K.H. Khayat, “Cement-based Materials with Solid-gel Phase Change Materials for Improving Energy Efficiency of Building Envelope,” ASCE Materials Journal, 2023, pending
•S. Mahjoubi, R. Barhemat, W. Meng, Y. Bao, “Deep learning from physicochemical information of concrete with an artificial language for property prediction and reaction discovery”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2023, 190, p.106870.
•S. Mahjoubi, R. Barhemat, W. Meng, Y. Bao, “Deep learning from physicochemical information of concrete with an artificial language for property prediction and reaction discovery”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2023, 190, p.106870.
•S. Mahjoubi, R. Barhemat, W. Meng, Y. Bao, “AI-guided auto-discovery of low-carbon cost-effective ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC)”, Resource, Conservation & Recycling, 2023, 189, p. 106741.
•H.N. Nguyễn, P.H. Nguyễn, Q.H. Luong, W.Meng, B.Y. Lee, “Mechanical and autogenenous healing properties of high-stregnth and ultra-ductility engineered geopolymer composties reinforced by PE-PVA hybrid fibers”, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2023.
•P. Guo, X. Meng, W. Meng, Yi. Bao, “Monitoring and automatic characterization of cracks in strain-hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) through intelligent interpretation of photos,” Composite Part B: Engineering, 2022, 242, 110096.
•Z. Liu, J. Du, W. Meng*, “Achieving low-carbon concrete using nano-CaCO3 produced by CO2 sequestration”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, p. 133546.
•Z. Liu, Q. Shi, X. Tan, W. Meng*, “Mitigating Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) of Cementitious Composite Prepared with Recycled Glass as Fine Aggregate by Carbonation Curing”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, p. 133545.
•J. Du, Z. Liu, C. Christodoulatos, M. Conway, Y. Bao, W. Meng*, “Utilization of off-specification fly ash in preparing Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC): Mixture design, characterization, and life-cycle assessment,” Resource, Conservation & Recycling, 2022, 180, p. 106136.
•P. Guo, J. Du, Y, Bao, W. Meng*. “Assessing Viscosity of Ultra-high-performance Concrete (UHPC) using a Video Taken During Mixing,” Measurement, 2022, 110809. •S. Mahjoubi, W. Meng, Y. Bao, “Auto-tune learning framework for prediction of flowability, mechanical properties, and porosity of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC),” Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 115, p.108182.
•X. Li, Y. Bao, W. Meng, “Upcycling of waste concrete in eco-friendly strain-hardening cementitious composites: mixture design, structural performance, and life-cycle assessment,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 330, p.129911.
•L. Fan, L. Teng, F. Tang, K. Khayat, G. Chen, W. Meng*, “Corrosion of steel rebar embedded in UHPC beams with cracked matrix,” Construction and Building Material, 2021, 313, p.125589.
•J. Du, W. Meng*, KH. Khayat, Y. Bao, P. Guo, Z. Lyu, A. Abu-obeidah, H. Nassif, H. Wang, “New development of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC),” Composites Part B: Engineering, 2021, 224, 109220. (Web of Science, 1% Highly Cited Paper, 0.1% Hot Paper)
•P. Guo, W. Meng, Y. Bao, “Automatic identification and quantification of dense microcracks in high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites through deep learning-based computer vision,” Cement and Concrete Research, 2021, 148, 106532.
•P. Guo, W. Meng, M. Xu, V. Li, Y. Bao, “Predicting mechanical properties of high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites by integrating micromechanics and machine learning,” Materials, 2021, 14, 3143.
•P. Guo, Y. Bao, and W. Meng*, “Review of using glass in high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites,” Cement and Concrete Composites, 2021, p.104032.
•Z. Liu, W. Meng*, “Fundamental understanding of carbonation curing and durability of carbonation-cured cement-based composite: a review,” Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2021, 101428.
•S. Mahjoubi, R. Barhemat, P. Guo, W. Meng, Y. Bao, “Prediction and multi-objective optimization of mechanical, economical, and environmental properties for strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) based on automated machine learning and metaheuristic Algorithms,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 329, p.129665. •Z. Lyu, A. Shen, W. Meng*, “Properties, Mechanism, and Optimization of Superabsorbent Polymers and Basalt Fibers Modified Cementitious Composites,” Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 276, 122212.
•L. Teng, W. Meng, K.H. Khayat, “Rheology Control of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Made with Different Fiber Contents,” Cement and Concrete Research, 2020,138,106222.
•K. Vallurupalli, W. Meng*, J. Liu, K.H. Khayat, “ Effect of Graphene Oxide on Rheology, Hydration, and Strength Development of Cement Paste,” Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 265, 120311.
•L. Fan, W. Meng*, L. Teng, K.H. Khayat, “Effects of Lightweight Sand and Steel Fiber Contents on the Corrosion Performance of Steel Rebar Embedded in UHPC,” Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 238, 117709.
•P. Guo, W. Meng, H. Nassif, H. Gou, Y. Bao, “New Perspectives on Recycling Waste Glass in Manufacturing Concrete for Sustainable Civil Infrastructure,” Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 257,119579.
•L. Fan, W. Meng *, L. Teng, K.H. Khayat, “Effect of Steel Fibers with Galvanized Coatings on Corrosion of Steel Bars Embedded in UHPC,” Composites Part B: Engineering, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 177, 107445.
•K.H. Khayat, W. Meng *, K. Vallurupalli, L.Teng, “ Rheological Properties of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete—An overview,” Cement and Concrete Research, 2019, 124, 105828.
•W. Meng, A. Kumar, K.H. Khayat, “Effect of Silica Fume and Slump-retaining Polycarboxylate-based Dispersant on the Development of Properties of Portland Cement Paste,” Cement and Concrete Composites. 2019, 99, 181-190.
• J. Du, S. Mahjoubi, Y. Bao, N. Banthia, W. Meng*, “Modeling mixing kinetics for large-scale production of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete: effects of temperature, volume, and mixing method,” Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 397, p. 132439.
•P. Guo, W. Meng*, J. Du, B. Han, and Y. Bao, “ Lightweight ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) with expanded glass aggregate: Development, characterization, and life-cycle assessment”, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 371, p.130441.
•J. Du, P. Guo, Z. Liu, W. Meng*, “Effect of water-based nanoclay and ambient temperature on rheological properties of UHPC pastes”, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 370, p.130733.
•J. Du, P. Guo, Z. Liu, W. Meng*, “Highly thixotropic ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) as an overlay”, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 366, p.130130.
•Z. Liu, W. Meng*, J. Schelgel, K.H. Khayat, “Cement-based Materials with Solid-gel Phase Change Materials for Improving Energy Efficiency of Building Envelope,” ASCE Materials Journal, 2023, pending
•S. Mahjoubi, R. Barhemat, W. Meng, Y. Bao, “Deep learning from physicochemical information of concrete with an artificial language for property prediction and reaction discovery”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2023, 190, p.106870.
•S. Mahjoubi, R. Barhemat, W. Meng, Y. Bao, “Deep learning from physicochemical information of concrete with an artificial language for property prediction and reaction discovery”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2023, 190, p.106870.
•S. Mahjoubi, R. Barhemat, W. Meng, Y. Bao, “AI-guided auto-discovery of low-carbon cost-effective ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC)”, Resource, Conservation & Recycling, 2023, 189, p. 106741.
•H.N. Nguyễn, P.H. Nguyễn, Q.H. Luong, W.Meng, B.Y. Lee, “Mechanical and autogenenous healing properties of high-stregnth and ultra-ductility engineered geopolymer composties reinforced by PE-PVA hybrid fibers”, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2023.
•P. Guo, X. Meng, W. Meng, Yi. Bao, “Monitoring and automatic characterization of cracks in strain-hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) through intelligent interpretation of photos,” Composite Part B: Engineering, 2022, 242, 110096.
•Z. Liu, J. Du, W. Meng*, “Achieving low-carbon concrete using nano-CaCO3 produced by CO2 sequestration”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, p. 133546.
•Z. Liu, Q. Shi, X. Tan, W. Meng*, “Mitigating Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) of Cementitious Composite Prepared with Recycled Glass as Fine Aggregate by Carbonation Curing”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, p. 133545.
•J. Du, Z. Liu, C. Christodoulatos, M. Conway, Y. Bao, W. Meng*, “Utilization of off-specification fly ash in preparing Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC): Mixture design, characterization, and life-cycle assessment,” Resource, Conservation & Recycling, 2022, 180, p. 106136.
•P. Guo, J. Du, Y, Bao, W. Meng*. “Assessing Viscosity of Ultra-high-performance Concrete (UHPC) using a Video Taken During Mixing,” Measurement, 2022, 110809. •S. Mahjoubi, W. Meng, Y. Bao, “Auto-tune learning framework for prediction of flowability, mechanical properties, and porosity of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC),” Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 115, p.108182.
•X. Li, Y. Bao, W. Meng, “Upcycling of waste concrete in eco-friendly strain-hardening cementitious composites: mixture design, structural performance, and life-cycle assessment,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 330, p.129911.
•L. Fan, L. Teng, F. Tang, K. Khayat, G. Chen, W. Meng*, “Corrosion of steel rebar embedded in UHPC beams with cracked matrix,” Construction and Building Material, 2021, 313, p.125589.
•J. Du, W. Meng*, KH. Khayat, Y. Bao, P. Guo, Z. Lyu, A. Abu-obeidah, H. Nassif, H. Wang, “New development of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC),” Composites Part B: Engineering, 2021, 224, 109220. (Web of Science, 1% Highly Cited Paper, 0.1% Hot Paper)
•P. Guo, W. Meng, Y. Bao, “Automatic identification and quantification of dense microcracks in high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites through deep learning-based computer vision,” Cement and Concrete Research, 2021, 148, 106532.
•P. Guo, W. Meng, M. Xu, V. Li, Y. Bao, “Predicting mechanical properties of high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites by integrating micromechanics and machine learning,” Materials, 2021, 14, 3143.
•P. Guo, Y. Bao, and W. Meng*, “Review of using glass in high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites,” Cement and Concrete Composites, 2021, p.104032.
•Z. Liu, W. Meng*, “Fundamental understanding of carbonation curing and durability of carbonation-cured cement-based composite: a review,” Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2021, 101428.
•S. Mahjoubi, R. Barhemat, P. Guo, W. Meng, Y. Bao, “Prediction and multi-objective optimization of mechanical, economical, and environmental properties for strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) based on automated machine learning and metaheuristic Algorithms,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 329, p.129665. •Z. Lyu, A. Shen, W. Meng*, “Properties, Mechanism, and Optimization of Superabsorbent Polymers and Basalt Fibers Modified Cementitious Composites,” Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 276, 122212.
•L. Teng, W. Meng, K.H. Khayat, “Rheology Control of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Made with Different Fiber Contents,” Cement and Concrete Research, 2020,138,106222.
•K. Vallurupalli, W. Meng*, J. Liu, K.H. Khayat, “ Effect of Graphene Oxide on Rheology, Hydration, and Strength Development of Cement Paste,” Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 265, 120311.
•L. Fan, W. Meng*, L. Teng, K.H. Khayat, “Effects of Lightweight Sand and Steel Fiber Contents on the Corrosion Performance of Steel Rebar Embedded in UHPC,” Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 238, 117709.
•P. Guo, W. Meng, H. Nassif, H. Gou, Y. Bao, “New Perspectives on Recycling Waste Glass in Manufacturing Concrete for Sustainable Civil Infrastructure,” Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 257,119579.
•L. Fan, W. Meng *, L. Teng, K.H. Khayat, “Effect of Steel Fibers with Galvanized Coatings on Corrosion of Steel Bars Embedded in UHPC,” Composites Part B: Engineering, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 177, 107445.
•K.H. Khayat, W. Meng *, K. Vallurupalli, L.Teng, “ Rheological Properties of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete—An overview,” Cement and Concrete Research, 2019, 124, 105828.
•W. Meng, A. Kumar, K.H. Khayat, “Effect of Silica Fume and Slump-retaining Polycarboxylate-based Dispersant on the Development of Properties of Portland Cement Paste,” Cement and Concrete Composites. 2019, 99, 181-190.
CE381 Civil Engineering Measurement Lab
CE484 Reinforced Concrete Structure Design
CE589 Advanced Concrete Technology
CE484 Reinforced Concrete Structure Design
CE589 Advanced Concrete Technology