Zhongyuan (Annie) Yu (zyu7)

Zhongyuan (Annie) Yu

Teaching Associate Professor

School of Systems and Enterprises


  • PhD (2014) Stevens Institute of Technology (System Engineering)
  • MS (2012) Georgia Institute of Technology (Operations Research)
  • MS (2010) Georgia Institute of Technology (Industrial Engineering)

General Information

Dr. Zhongyuan Yu is a Teaching Associate Professor and Software Engineering Program Director in the School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology and a member of the Center for Complex Systems and Enterprises.

Dr. Yu brings more than 10 years of extensive software prototype developing expertise, and her research crosses multiple disciplines including applied statistics, optimization, data visualization, simulation, natural language processing, network analysis, and socio-economics.

To date, Zhongyuan’s work has led her to build smart and interactive data-driven decision support systems. Her current research centers on understanding and managing complex systems in healthcare settings and defense acquisitions.


2015-2021 Research Assistant Professor
2021-now Teaching Associate professor
2022-now Software Engineering Program Director

Grants, Contracts and Funds

The Future of Managing Mega-Projects (2023- 2024). Department of Defense (DoD) DASD(SE). Role: Co-Principal Investigator.
Innovation Capstone (2023- 2024). Department of Defense (DoD) DASD(SE). Role: Co-Principal Investigator.
Printing the Future: Transforming Systems Research with Flexible Hybrid Electronics. (2024 - 2025). SSE Dean’s Research Incentive Award. Role: Co-Principal Investigator.
Transforming Systems Engineering through Model-Centric Engineering (2020 - 2021). Department of Defense (DoD) DASD(SE). Role: Co-Investigator.
Patients Perceptions of Electronic Health Record Use during Initial Oncology Outpatient Clinic Visits (2020 - 2021). National Institutes of Health (NIH). Role: Co-Principal Investigator.
Meshing Capability and Threat-based Science & Technology Resource Allocation. (2018 - 2020). Department of Defense (DoD) DASD(SE). Role: Co-Investigator.
Analyzing and Assessing Contracts for Embedded Risk (2019 - 2020). Department of Defense (DoD) DASD(SE). Role: Co-Investigator.
Resource Allocation Enterprise System-of-Systems Model for Digital-thread Enabled Acquisition. (2019). Department of Defense (DoD) DASD(SE). Role: Co-Investigator.
Helix: Developing an Understanding of Organizational Systems Engineering Effectiveness. (2019). Department of Defense (DoD) DASD(SE). Role: Co-Investigator.
The Use of Policy Simulation in Making Decisions to Implement the Transitional Care Model. (2015). Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Role: Co-Investigator.

Selected Publications

Elkourdi, F., Wei, C., Xiao, L., Yu, Z., Asan, O. (2024). Exploring Current Practices and Challenges of HIPAA Compliance in Software Engineering: Scoping Review. IEEE Open Journal of Systems Engineering.

Hoffenson, S., Philippe, C., Chen, Z., Barrientos, C., Yu, Z., Chell, B., & Blackburn, M. (2023). Graphical features of interactive dashboards have little influence on engineering students performing a design task. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 180, 103121.

Yan, X., Yang, H., Yu, Z., Zhang, S., & Zheng, X. (2023). Portfolio Optimization: A Return-on-Equity Network Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.

Dunbar, D., Hagedorn, T., Blackburn, M., Dzielski, J., Hespelt, S., Kruse, B., ... & Yu, Z. (2023). Driving digital engineering integration and interoperability through semantic integration of models with ontologies. Systems Engineering, 26(4), 365-378.

Yan, X., Yang, H., Yu, Z., & Zhang, S. (2021). A Network View of Portfolio Optimization Using Fundamental Information. Frontiers in Physics, 9, 721007.

Asan, O., Crotty, B., & Yu, Z. (2021). How clinician-patient communication affect trust in health information sources: longitudinal analysis from a national cross-sectional survey. PLOS ONE, vol. 16, no. 2, Feb. 2021, p. e0247583. PLoS Journals, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0247583.

Elkefi, S., Yu, Z., & Asan, O. (2021). Why patients avoid online medical record use: Findings from the Health Information National Trends Survey 2019. Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 23, no. 2, Feb. 2021. PubMed Central, doi:10.2196/24767.

Yu, Z., Tao, HYS., Xiao, Y., Burke P., & Hutchison, N. (Aug. 2020). Multi-Level Systems Engi- neering Analyzer Dashboard: A Semi-Automated Content Analysis for Interview Data. The 14th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SYSCON 2020), Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Rouse, W.B, Naylor, M., Yu, Z., Pennock, M. J., Hirschman, K., Pauly, M.V., & K.B., Pepe (2019). Policy Flight Simulators: Accelerating Decisions to Adopt Evidence-Based Health Interventions. Journal of Healthcare Management 64 (4), 231-241.

Rouse, W. B., and Pennock, M. J., Yu, Z., & Pepe, K. (2018). A Conceptual Platform for Understanding and Managing Complex Service Enterprises: Case Studies in the Transformation of Healthcare Delivery in Smedlund, A., Lindblom, A., & Mitronen, L. (Ed.), Collaborative Value Co-creation in the Platform Economy. Springer.


EM-600 Engineering Economics and Cost Analysis
EM-622 Data Analysis and Visualization
EM-624 Informatics for Engineering Management
SSW-555 Agile Methods for Software Development
SSW-695 Software Engineering Capstone Studio
SSW-810 Software Development Tools and Techniques