Students listening to lecture

Humanities Undecided

Program Details


Bachelor of Arts


On campus


Office of Undegraduate Admissions1.201.216.8348[email protected]

Students applying to the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences are invited to mark their major as "humanities undecided," allowing them to explore academic options throughout their first two years at Stevens.

This flexibility provides students the opportunity to explore diverse disciplines, build critical thinking skills and gain a strong foundation that aligns with the demands of today’s tech-driven world.

Tech-Powered Liberal Arts

The School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) is dedicated to interdisciplinary teaching, research and creativity. With its dynamic and varied programs, HASS is the perfect place for Stevens students to explore their intellectual curiosities before committing to a major.

In every classroom, students will engage in scholarly inquiry and practice, and the critical skills and ethical perspectives built within the "humanities undecided" program prepare students for future success, no matter their chosen major.

Humanities undecided students will take coursework that introduces them to disciplines within HASS. Together, students and advisors will devise a course of study that allows for both academic exploration and preparation for their future, chosen major.   

The Curriculum

Those who enroll at Stevens with their major marked as "humanities undecided" do not need to declare a major until the end of their sophomore year. These students will meet regularly with a faculty advisor to discuss their interests and develop an appropriate study plan.

An example of first-term coursework can be found below, and coursework for subsequent semesters will be decided through conversations with a student’s faculty advisor.

  • CAL 103: Writing and Communication Colloquium

  • HHS 130: History of Science and Technology

  • HST 120: Introduction to Science and Technology Studies

  • HHS 127: Political Science I - National Government

  • Computer Science Requirement: (Typically CS 105: Introduction to Scientific Computer OR CS 115 Introduction to Computer Science)