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Professional Engineer Degree

Program Details


Professional Engineer


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Graduate Admissions1.888.511.1306[email protected]
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Advance your post-graduate education – and your career – with a professional engineer degree.

The professional engineer degree advances the training and education received in a master's program and provides modern education for engineers who's degrees are not current.

How it Works

The professional engineer degree designates completion of a program of studies at the graduate level beyond the master's degree in scope, but with an overall objective. You will be required to apply the subject matter acquired in formal graduate courses to a problem more consistent with one you are likely to encounter as a practicing engineer. Work on this problem in the form of an independent project will constitute a substantial part of the overall program of study. It can be a design project, a process evaluation, or an engineering feasibility study involving economic, social, and managerial aspects.  

For more information about professional engineer degree programs, contact Graduate Admissions.

Professional Engineer Degrees

Stevens offers professional engineer degrees in the following areas:

Biomedical Engineer Professional Degree

Department: Biomedical Engineering

Degree: Engineer Degree

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Chemical Engineer Professional Degree

Department: Chemical Engineering & Materials Science 

Degree: Engineer Degree

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Computer Engineer Professional Degree

Department: Electrical & Computer Engineering

Degree: Engineer Degree

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Computer Science Engineer Professional Degree

Department: Computer Science

Degree: Engineer Degree

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Electrical Engineer Professional Degree

Department: Electrical & Computer Engineering

Degree: Engineer Degree

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Mechanical Engineer Professional Degree

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Degree: Engineer Degree

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Civil Engineer Professional Degree

Department: Civil, Environmental & Ocean Engineering

Degree: Engineer Degree

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