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Bachelor's Degree in Cybersecurity

Program Details


Bachelor of Science


On campus


Undergraduate Admissions1.201.216.5194[email protected]
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The Stevens bachelor's program in cybersecurity integrates the science, technology and management skills you need to design, create and apply the latest innovations in information assurance and computer security.

While cryptographers strive for the best possible solution to a security issue, the implementation of their work is too often restricted by technological limitations, cost restraints and human factors that were not considered as part of the original design process. For effective solutions to gain practical relevance, the end users must be willing and able to use the technology, and the solution must provide a significant economic benefit. The cybersecurity program at Stevens is one of the few undergraduate programs that address these issues.

Our unique program combines work in computer science and mathematics with a security-driven focus, creating the kind of interdisciplinary atmosphere that is essential to finding creative, effective solutions to issues of security and information assurance. Student seeking careers in this growing field will find the Stevens program offers a well-rounded range of courses that will prepare them for the evolving challenges they will confront in the field of cybersecurity.

A degree from Stevens will ensure that you will examine and participate in the full cycle of innovation. At Stevens, your research becomes reality through collaboration with faculty and industry partners as they bring new technologies to market.

The Stevens Advantage: Hands-On Learning, Real World Experience

At Stevens, you’ll learn to think like an engineer. Our design-focused curriculum features a hands-on course every semester that will instill you with broad, foundational knowledge, the complete fundamentals of engineering, and entrepreneurial thinking. Learn more about what makes an engineering education from Stevens a unique experience:

Student at multiple computer screens in Canavan Arena during 2023 Stevens Innovation Expo

  • The Design Spine: a unique, design-focused, hands-on course every semester that incorporates entrepreneurial thinking and experiential learning, culminating with Senior Design, a team capstone project working on prototypes for real business problems, potentially in collaboration with a real company

  • Innovation Expo: an exciting design and entrepreneurship competition where students showcase their senior design prototypes and pitch business ideas

  • Cooperative Education Program: nearly 30% of all engineering students participate in Stevens’ Cooperative Education Program where you get on-the-job experience working for real companies

  • Undergraduate Research Opportunities: our research-oriented curriculum gives you in-the-lab experience while you're still an undergraduate student

Image of individuals in a computer research labMore opportunities for Stevens undergraduate students include:

Double count undergraduate course credits toward a graduate degree and earn your master's faster – in just five years through Stevens' Accelerated Master's Program >

See what it's like to be a computer science student at Stevens by visiting the links below.

An NCAE-Validated Program

The Bachelor of Science program in Cybersecurity is validated through academic year 2027 by the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity,

Attila with male student at Career Fair Putting You on Track for Professional Success

The cybersecurity bachelor’s program develops in-demand knowledge and skills to put you on track for career success. Career opportunities include:

  • Security Engineer

  • Security Analyst

  • Information Security Analyst

  • Information Security Engineer

  • Network Security Engineer

  • Information Technology Security Analyst

  • Information Assurance Engineer

  • Senior IT Auditor

  • Security Administrator

Potential hiring organizations include companies like: National Security Agency, Goldman Sachs, Google, Federal Reserve, VISA, Lockheed Martin

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Bachelor's Degree in Cybersecurity

The Stevens bachelor's program in cybersecurity integrates the science, technology and management skills you need to design, create and apply the latest innovations in information assurance and computer security.