Pre-Health Advisory Program Committee
The Office of Undergraduate Academics (OUA) works closely with students who are interested in healthcare or law professions.
OUA helps students prepare for professional schools and guides them through the application process. The office partners with the HealthProfessions Advisory Committee (HPAC) for pre-health (medical, dental and pharmacy) studies and with the university's pre-law advisor.
Current students: Contact Dr. Patricia Muisener ([email protected]), or HPAC for pre-health to connect with any of the following faculty and staff members:
2024-2025 HPAC Committee Members
Patricia Muisener, Ph.D., (co-chair), Teaching Professor, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Sarah Oldham, M.S., (co-chair), Director of Pre-Health Advising
Donald Lombardi, Ph.D., Teaching Professor, School of Business
Lindsey Swindall, Ph.D., Teaching Assistant Professor, School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Samantha Muka, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Peter Popolo, Ph.D., Teaching Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Kenny Wong, Ph.D., Teaching Associate Professor, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Sesha Alluri, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Jeffrery Raab, Ph.D., Lecturer, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Anju Sharma, Ph.D., Teaching Associate Professor, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Kenneth Nilsen, Dean of Students
Jeffrey Lam, M.S.Ed., Academic Advisor, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Amy Mattare, M.Ed., Academic Advisor, Biomedical Engineering