Hardware Utility Design and Software Optimization Networking Laboratory

The Hardware Utility Design and Software Optimization Networking Lab (HUDSONLab) conducts research on future chip design, data science, and high-performance computing and graph algorithms that can be used to address global challenges.

HUDSONLab Members

Research Areas

  • High-Performance Spectral Methods for Numerical and Graph Problems

  • Hardware Acceleration of Numerical and CAD Algorithms

  • Integrated Circuits and Systems

  • VLSI Design and Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

  • Hardware and Software Co-Designed System for Graph Analytics and Machine Learning

  • Lower Level System (E.G. OS) Research, Cloud Computing, Numerical Simulation

  • Peformance- and Energy-Efficient Artificial Intelligence (AI) Training and Inference System Architectures

  • Cloud Computing (e.g., Serverless Computing) and High-Performance Computing (HPC) System Design

  • Robust and Trustworthy Distributed Machine Learning (ML) Algorithms and Systems

Current Projects

High-Performance Incremental Spectral Algorithms for Efficient Modeling and Simulation of Large-Scale Integrated Circuits

Zhuo Feng, Funded by NSF (2024-2027)

Co-optimizing Spectral Algorithms and Systems for High-Performance Graph Learning

Zhuo Feng, Funded by NSF (2022-2026)

Learning Circuit Networks from Measurements

Zhuo Feng, Funded by NSF (2022-2025)

Unlimited Sampling ADC Approaches for Radio Interferometers

Rod Kim, Funded by NSF SWIFT (2024-2027)

Energy-Efficient Millimeter-Wave Communications for Space Applications

Rod Kim, Funded by DARPA YFA (2022-2025)

Low-Power CMOS Ground Penetrating Radar for Planetary Sub-Surface Detection

Rod Kim, Funded by NASA APRA (2022-2025)

Towards the Resilient NextG Network Design for Federated Learning over Mobile Devices

Hao Wang, Funded by CISE/MSI/RDP/CNS (2025–2026)

Enhancing Energy Awareness for Efficient Federated Learning over Mobile AI Systems

Hao Wang, Funded by CSR/Core (2024–2028)

Advancing Model Forensics with Systematic Parsing, Injection Detection, and Model Provenance Attribution

Hao Wang, Funded by SaTC/Core (2024–2026)

Harvesting Idle Resources Safely and Timely for Large-scale AI Applications in High-Performance Computing System

Hao Wang, Funded by OAC/Core (2024–2027)

Critical Learning Periods Augmented Robust Federated Learning

Hao Wang, Funded by SaTC/Core (2023–2025)

High-Efficiency Serverless Computing Systems for Deep Learning: A Hybrid CPU/GPU Architecture

Hao Wang, Funded by OAC/CRII (2022–2025)

Past Projects

Spectral Reduction of Large Graph and Circuits Networks

Zhuo Feng, Funded by SHF/NSF (2019-2022)

Scalable Spectral Sparsification of Graph Laplacians and Integrated Circuits

Zhuo Feng, Funded by SHF/NSF (2016-2019)

Leveraging Heterogeneous Manycore Systems for Scalable Modeling, Simulation and Verification of Nanoscale Integrated Circuits

Zhuo Feng, Funded by CAREER/NSF (2014-2019)