Stevens Indicator
Spring 2024
Indicator cover, showing collage of woman's face with the letters "AI" as her eyes.
Stevens professors on AI’s perils and promise.

Feature Stories

Collage of face with the letters "AI" as the eyes

Brain ... Trust?

Stevens professors on AI’s perils and promise.

Illustration of two people in an aquarium looking at fish

[How To] Build an ‘Ethical’ Aquarium

Is it ever OK to keep animals in captivity? Marine science historian and professor Samantha Muka offers four key considerations.

Portrait of a student

Finding Their Place

Discover how student organizations helped six students from across Stevens nurture a sense of community on Castle Point.



Alumni Profiles

Matthew Ketschke, Stevens Class of 1995 and 1998, leans his right shoulder against the sill of a large window. Behind him, through the window, are bare trees and the gray expanse of the Hudson River.

Making the Grid a Two-Way Street

Matthew Ketschke ’95 M.M.S. ’98

A bird’s eye view of the Jersey City Skyline on a clear day. Toward the middle of the photo, more than a dozen of the city’s buildings are shaded in light blue to denote the properties that alumni Anthony Diaco’s company has built.

Builder of Dreams

Anthony Diaco ’73

Joan Marie Tubungbunua is wearing a bright pink blazer and smiling widely. She’s in the middle of a control room where many chairs and computer monitors are lined up in two rows.

Engineering Future History

Joan Marie Tubungbanua ’22

Alumni News

Two young men are in a canoe, one behind the other. The man in front is sitting, holding an oar in both hands over his head. The man in back is kneeling, also holding an oar in both hands over his head.

Alumni Logs Spring 2024