Welcome to the Office of the Provost

Dr. Jianmin Qu, the senior vice president for academic affairs and provost, serves as the chief academic officer of Stevens Institute of Technology and co-leads the university’s budget and budget process with the chief financial officer.

He is the university’s highest-ranking official after the president. Responsible for all academic departments, schools, colleges and research centers, the provost ensures that Stevens maintains the culture and deploys the human and physical infrastructure necessary to achieve its academic mission.

In consultation with academic deans and the faculty council, the provost also oversees and develops the research and entrepreneurship portfolios of the university, establishes all academic policies, oversees reviews of all academic units and leads and implements plans in line with the university's strategic goals.

The provost works with the chief financial officer, the vice president for finance and the treasurer to manage the university-wide budget process, working closely with the other vice presidents, the deans and the faculty, the staff and student leadership.

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