SSE Accelerated Master's Program

Choose the School of Systems and Enterprises for your Accelerated Master's Program (AMP)! 

Stevens' Accelerated Master's Program (AMP) provides high-achieving undergraduate students the opportunity to begin taking graduate-level courses during their undergraduate studies, enabling them to earn both a bachelor's and master's degree at an accelerated pace. Approximately 25% of Stevens engineering undergraduates who participate in AMP choose a master's program in the School of Systems and Enterprises.

In the School of Systems and Enterprises, one can choose to pursue a master's in any of the following areas:

Stevens undergraduate students need a 3.0 GPA to apply and typically apply to the AMP program in their sixth, seventh or eighth undergraduate semesters. For information about all the requirements and how to apply to the AMP program, click here.

To learn more about pursuing a master's via AMP in Software Engineering, please contact Dr. Annie Yu. To learn more about pursuing a master's via AMP in any other SSE masters program, please contact Stephanie De Paola or Dr. Kate Abel.

The AMP program is only available to current Stevens undergraduate students.