Engineering Core Curriculum


At Stevens, we strive to build well-rounded engineers, instilling them with a broad-base of foundational knowledge and a strong core engineering curriculum that emphasizes the complete fundamentals of engineering. In addition to the university's technology-centric core curriculum, engineering majors have their own unique set of core learning objections which includes:

  • The Design Spine: a unique, design-focused, hands-on course every semester

  • Flexibility through general electives

  • Math and science courses which exceeds accreditation requirements

  • Social sciences, arts, humanities and writing intensive courses

  • Innovation and entrepreneurial thinking courses that begin in the first year

  • Senior Design: experiential learning through a team capstone project working on real-world technical challenges, potentially in collaboration with an external copany or partner

Scroll down to learn all about the engineering core curriculum, or click below to explore Stevens' new core curriculum.

Students working on design spine projects

A Unique Core Curriculum

The Design Spine is a series of 12 core courses that teach you to synthesize, analyze and optimize solutions for open-ended and societally impactful problems. Design spine courses are taught by faculty with considerable industry experience and closely coupled to fundamental engineering courses like mechanics, circuits, and materials and the design projects are conducted in conjunction with lecture-based education.

Stevens Undergraduate Students in Design Spine Course

Engineering Core: The Design Spine

Design spine courses offer teamwork experiences each semester, preparing you to successfully collaborate in the workforce. These courses also develop skills in creative thinking, problem solving with software based simulations, economics of engineering, project management, communication skills, ethics, and environmental awareness which you'll need to be successful on the job.

Senior Design: Innovation And Entrepreneurial Thinking

The culmination of the engineering curriculum is the capstone course, also known as Senior Design.

In their Senior Design capstone course, students will work together as a team to design a project as a solution to a real-world problem that has significant societal value and present it at the annual Innovation Expo. Many of these projects are sponsored by real companies looking for solutions to real-world business problems.

Senior Design Projects: Solutions to Real Problems

Intellliveggie team working on their smart greenhouse senior design project in the ABS engineering center

Smart Greenhouse

Developed by a team of software and computer engineers, IntelliVeggie combines a smart sensor network with AI harvestability and disease-detection technology to support the small farmer.

Tyler Brunqell with his engineering project

Wave-Powered Autonomous Robot

Developed in partnership with Virginia Tech, the renewable energy-harvesting vessel will compete at the U.S. Department of Energy's Marine Energy Collegiate Competition.


Wireless Monitor for Military Working Dogs

Four Stevens students design wireless body temperature and stress monitoring device to help reduce health risks posed to military working dogs.

A photo of Ed Whittaker and Khalid Musa talking in front of a big screen with physics equations

Fiber-Optic Cable Enhancements

Stevens student’s senior design project focuses on amplifying the power of fiber-optic cable transmissions through optical engineering with rare-Earth metals.

The Black Mass Separation Team 2023 stand outside in front of the New York City skyline

Sustainable Recycling Process for EV Batteries

Chemical engineering seniors explore particle density separation as a sustainable way to recover precious metals from lithium-ion battery black mass.

New York City buildings as seen from the north as the sun begins to set

Energy Harvesting for City Subways

Nine seniors dedicated their capstone project to developing a sustainable plan for harvesting wasted thermal energy from the subway system to provide hot water to local buildings.

Students pose alongside their senior capstone project during Innovation Expo 2023 at Stevens.

The Innovation Expo: An Ingenuity Showcase

The Innovation Expo highlights the best of our students’ ingenuity each spring. Student teams show off their design prowess and compete for a $10,000 prize in the Ansary Entrepreneurship Competition where they pitch a startup business based on their Senior Design project.