Schaefer School Departments

Technology and advancement are at the core of the School’s interdisciplinary departments and academic programs.

Intensive departmental curricula foster a fundamental and comprehensive understanding of engineering that is amply supported by invaluable opportunities for original research and experiential learning in areas that reflect your particular interests.

In addition to our full-time professors who are globally recognized scholars and researchers, you will study and network with adjunct professors who are top professionals and acknowledged industry leaders in their fields. Uniquely designed courses let you create your own interdisciplinary concentration and explore your individual interests across the school.

We draw on the resources of a network of faculty members, advisors, alumni, fellow students, and Career Center professionals to foster and support student and post-graduate success. Students additionally enjoy the welcoming “home-away-from-home” environment and support of departmental graduate student societies.

Departments in the School of Engineering and Science

The Schaefer School houses engineering and science under one roof, offering unique opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration between our nine departments, and across the university at large.

Department of Biomedical Engineering

The Department of Biomedical Engineering amplifies broad-based education and hands-on research initiatives at the boundary between science and engineering.

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Antonia Zaferiou explaining her pitching research

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

The Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at Stevens harnesses the synergy between two impactful disciplines to drive discoveries and innovation that change industry – and society.

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Chemical Engineering student and faculty

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology

The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Stevens is known for its legacy of fostering and nurturing groundbreaking, world-class innovation.

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Student in lab looking through microscope

Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering

The Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering at Stevens was founded on the core principles of engineering that underpin the infrastructure which supports our economy and our society.

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Ocean engineering

Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science at Stevens is one of the leading computer science departments in the country, with globally-recognized experts in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer vision.

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A photo of a female student wearing a hijab working in a dimly lit computer lab with code on the screen in the background

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

As one of the first in the nation, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Stevens has a long legacy of innovation and discovery.

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computer engineering motherboard

Department of Mathematical Sciences

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Stevens is a leader in the field of algebraic cryptography.

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Mathematical equations overlapping each other

Department of Mechanical Engineering

As the founding department at Stevens and the home of its very first degree, the Department of Mechanical Engineering is the legacy of our university.

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student assessing robot in lab

Department of Physics

As one of the first departments established at Stevens Institute of Technology, the Department of Physics has been an active participant in the revolution of physics science and education for 150 years.

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A photo of a male student working in the quantum lab surrounded by wires and photonics equipment.