A robot created in the SMARTLab.

Sensing, Machine Learning, and Robotics Technologies Laboratory

The Sensing, Machine Learning, and Robotics Technologies Lab (SMARTLab) creates new knowledge and pursues engineering applications in signal processing, radiofrequency sensing, machine learning, robotics, and automation systems.

Research Areas

  • Machine Learning, Signal Processing, and Control Theories and Methods

  • Computer Perception and Visual Understanding

  • Signal Processing for Next-Generation Wireless and Data Storage Systems

  • Distributed Sensing, Estimation, and Optimization

  • Medical Imaging, Brain-Computer Interface, and Assistive Technology

  • Autonomous Robotic Systems

  • Radar, Sonar, and Remote Sensing

  • Analysis and Design of Complex Networked Systems

  • Cyber-Physical Systems, Network Systems, Control, Optimization, and Artificial Intelligence

Current Projects