School Of Business Strategic Plan

Our current strategic plan is structured around six priority areas, which are aimed at leveraging the school’s identity and potential to become a leader in an age of constant change and digital innovation. While the challenges facing the business world and business schools generally are daunting, Stevens is extremely well equipped to lead in a digital environment defined by disruption.

Plan Highlights

  • Increase the size of the student body, with an emphasis on attracting top-quality applications.

  • Update program curricula to reflect technology-driven changes in the workplace.

  • Increase the size of our corporate programs by increasing flexibility and modularity.

  • Further improve student placement.

  • Improve the student experience, personally, professionally and culturally.

  • Further improve research impact through focused scholarship and the hiring of top candidates.

  • Improve graduate rankings and retention.

students around a computer
Undergraduate Studies and Experience

By continuing to reimagine the undergraduate business curriculum and experience, we will ensure our students are ready for a future change is a constant in the workplace.


  • Improve the size, diversity and academic strength of the student body.

  • Improve retention and six-year graduation rates.

  • Refine curriculum offerings to reflect tech-driven changes in industry. 

  • Improve rankings.

  • Maintain exceptional career placement rate at above-average salaries.

  • Enhance student experience. 

Graduate Studies and Experience

By leveraging our industry ties and location, we will continue to improve the student experience while emphasizing academically accomplished students from a more diverse applicant pool.


  • Enrich the curriculum offerings to accommodate changing market needs.

  • Diversify graduate enrollments.

  • Increase corporate online enrollment while improving the student experience. 

  • Rationalize underperforming programs to allow resources for new opportunities. 

  • Improve outcomes and student experience.

  • Improve rankings.

People in front of research posters
Research and Scholarship

Our research will continue to focus on the emerging opportunities and threats technology offers in business, while also advancing knowledge in crucial disciplines in this fast-changing world. 


  • Continue to grow the number and quality of impactful publications.

  • Continue to grow research funding. 

  • Increase the impact and visibility of our research.

  • Continue to grow distinctions and awards. 

  • Continue to grow the Ph.D. program.

  • Position the Hanlon Financial Systems Center as a research powerhouse in the areas of finance and analytics.

Kevin Ryan and students
Faculty and Staff

We will build on a foundation of scholastic excellence by continuing to identify areas where we can continue to advance thought leadership in disciplines of greatest need.


  • Continue the aggressive hiring of high-quality, research-active faculty and provide support for continued growth of academic scholarship.

  • Emphasize the hiring of senior faculty, and develop junior and senior chairs. 

  • Develop the organizational structure, staff and processes to achieve maximum effectiveness. 

Culture and Governance

We aspire to create a professional environment that empowers the success of faculty and staff through the strategic tenants guiding the overall growth of the institution.  


  • Provide faculty with an environment that nurtures success.

  • Develop an organizational structure that will lead to a departmental structure.

  • Promote the ADVANCE principles outlined by NSF.

  • Promote the guiding principles of the Stevens culture. 

  • Implement a career ladder for staff.

  • Promote ethics as the foundation of our culture. 

Professor pointing
Internal and External Bridges

We will improve our engagement with alumni, industry, peer institutions and the Stevens community, to ensure we meet our placement, funding and enrollment targets. 


  • Achieve re-accreditation from AACSB. 

  • Develop collaborative programs and research. 

  • Maintain the quality and relevance of programs, processes, and organizational charts. 

  • Engage alumni and grow fundraising. 

  • Improve reputation among peers and employers. 

  • Improve relationships with corporations.

  • Implement RCM for growth and impact.

AACSB Accreditation

The School of Business is accredited by AACSB International, considered the gold standard among business schools. AACSB International is the world's largest business education alliance; less than 5 percent of business schools worldwide are accredited by this prestigious organization.

AACSB Accredited