Two girls sit at a table assembling small towers from engineering supplies kits

STEM Outreach at the Schaefer School


The Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science is dedicated to science, technology, engineering, and math education and enrichment at all levels, not just the collegiate level.

Our passionate faculty have developed numerous STEM outreach and education programs to instill a love of science and technology in both teachers and students from Kindergarten to Seniors in high school throughout the New York and New Jersey area, and beyond.

Discover all the ways Stevens faculty are reaching out to enrich the lives and expand the educational horizons of students in Hoboken, Jersey City, and the surrounding area.

A student on the left plays a purple electric guitar and is guided by a teacher who helps her press the correct guitar buttons of  the Haptic Hero game. Photos provided by Haptic Hero team

Community Collaborations and Projects

Students at the Schaefer School have worked with local organizations and nonprofits in the community on a variety of service-oriented projects, such as the "Haptic Hero" senior capstone team who used the popular Guitar Hero console to design a user-friendly game for the visually impaired students at St. Joseph's School for the Blind. Read the story >

Visit our sponsored projects page to learn how your organization can partner with Stevens students.

STEM Programs and Educational Initiatives

In addition to one-day events hosted in collaboration with local schools, Stevens hosts large-scale, STEM-inspired competitions on campus and offers coordinated outreach programs to local schools across New Jersey and New York.

Students testing at the 2019 math olympiad

Mathematical Olympiad

The Stevens Mathematical Olympiad is an annual competition where local students solve mathematical and logical problems. Hosted by the Department of Mathematical Sciences, the free competition introduces important math concepts that help strengthen mathematical intuition and inspire creativity among students in grades three through twelve.

A young student concentrates as she works on a math problem

Math Circle Initiative

The Stevens Math Circle Initiative is an enrichment program for elementary and middle school students intended to inspire and nurture a love for mathematics, and to teach critical reasoning skills.

Two high school students examine information on a laptop while visiting Stevens.

Physics Olympiad

The inaugural Stevens Physics Olympiad invites local students in grades 9 through 12 to flex their skills. This free competition, hosted by the Department of Physics, aims to promote passion and exposure to different areas of physics.

Photo of a man holding up a measuring tape to a tower while four students surround him looking up

Partner with the Schaefer School

Are you interested in bringing your students to Stevens or having representatives from the School of Engineering and Science present to your class? Let's make it happen!

Contact Us

Rekha Manohar
Associate Director of External Relations
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Greg Townsend
Senior Director of Corporate, Government & Community Relations
University Relations