
a shot of the UCC and midtown NYC along the Hudson River

Doctoral Student Researcher Positions 

The EH Yang Group explores 2D material growth and establishes collaborations with top-tier research groups around the world. For more info: google "EH Yang Research Group" for our website. We are looking for Ph.D. candidates in the area of nanotechnology and nanomaterials. The candidates will investigate fundamentals, nanofabrication and characterization of nano and 2D materials and devices.

Interested individuals should send C.V., official transcript and TOEFL/GRE scores to [email protected]. When applying to the graduate program (Department of Mechanical Engineering) at Stevens Institute of Technology, also indicate your desire to work with Professor EH Yang.

Master's Student Researcher Position

We are also looking for master’s students who are interested in participating in research opportunities. This volunteering position is intended for master's students who are interested in learning and pursuing an edge research opportunity. The candidates will get trained on chemical vapor depositions of 2D materials or similar nanomaterials and will contribute to growth, nanofabrication, and characterization.


  • Current 1st year master's students

  • Willing to make significant time commitment and actively learn research methods

  • Willing to pursue a Ph.D.

For more information on this immediate opportunity, click here.

Undergraduate Research Positions

Stevens’ undergraduate students are strongly encouraged to participate in research opportunities. Typically, undergraduate researchers participate in summer programs, in which the student focuses on a research project, notably with the option to continue his/her research into the academic year. Interested individuals may contact Professor Yang ([email protected]).

Expectations and Responsibilities of Research Students

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure continued progress of their academic program and thesis research. Students have a responsibility for the following aspects of their program:

  • Students are expected to devote their time in the lab to perform theoretical and experimental work during workdays (exception: classes and exams).

  • Students are expected to work on their class homework/projects outside of work hours and weekends.

  • Students are expected to maintain the integrity and ethical standards in all aspects of the student’s work.

  • Students are expected to maintain detailed, organized, and accurate laboratory notebooks and records. When a student leaves a lab, the notebook and all research data remain the property of the laboratory.

  • Students are expected to promote collegiality and a welcoming environment in all aspects of the student’s program, ensuring that all are treated with respect.

  • Students are expected to help maintain clean and safe laboratory and common spaces.