Below you will find answers to some of the frequently asked questions about the iSTEM@Stevens program.
For Prospective Students
Do I need to bring an idea I want to pursue to this program?
No, you do not. Students receive active support and guidance to assist them in developing ideas and finding their passion.
Do iSTEM students have to maintain a minimum GPA?
All Stevens students must remain in good academic standing (not on academic probation) and make progress toward their degree. If you receive scholarships or financial aid, there are academic progress requirements to retain your awards. We provide personal tutors for all your courses if needed to help balance coursework with entrepreneurial pursuits.
Am I required to start a company?
No. You can develop one product, a nonprofit, or a company. Some participants have chosen to start companies and raise money to continue running their enterprises after graduation.
Am I allowed to work on different ideas at the same time?
In the first two stages of the program, we encourage you to try different things. We expect you to commit to one big pursuit in the later stages so you can focus.
What if I change the idea that I am pursuing?
This happens all the time. Most work on a series of pet projects before deciding on the one big thing to pursue. Even beyond that, it is not uncommon to pivot or pick a new idea.
What if my idea starts to fail? Will I be removed from the program?
Turning ideas into something viable is difficult. We've come to understand that there is no such thing as true failure — you just fail enough times until you succeed. Your turnaround time with each successive iteration will actually be much faster than the prior run.
Must an invention be patentable? What if it is not?
Inventions must embody an improvement to the state-of-the-art, but not all inventions are technological. Improving the state-of-the-art can sometimes be non-patentable (e.g., superior customer service or operations). Take Starbucks for example, a multi-billion-dollar company with zero patents.
What gets me removed from the program?
We do not believe in giving up on you, and neither should you. We understand the need to take breaks, and that life happens. Barring genuine reasons, a long period (6+ months) of non-involvement in your endeavor can lead us to freeze funding for your project. We offer support to help cope with burnout, and you are free to resume your pursuits when ready.
Will this program interfere with other pursuits at Stevens, such as Co-op, varsity or accelerated Masters?
This program fits seamlessly with the Stevens curriculum and does not affect any other pursuit. Our prior participants have been part of varsity teams, Co-op programs and/or accelerated master's programs.