Web and Digital Governance Committee

In 2021, the Division of University Relations and Division of Information Technology formed the Web and Digital Governance Committee to provide strategic oversight of Stevens’ public-facing web and digital presence.


The purpose of the Web and Digital Governance Committee is to ensure all official websites, social media and other digital assets are aligned with the mission, goals and compliance standards established by the university.

Objectives of the Web and Digital Governance Committee

Objective include:

  • clarifying processes, roles and responsibilities for website and social media owners, managers and contributors

  • promoting the development and maintenance of accurate, timely and effective digital content that complies with usability, accessibility, security and privacy guidelines

  • reviewing requests and suggestions for large scale changes to Stevens.edu and other digital properties

  • exploring and adopting new initiatives, strategies and technologies

Committee Sponsors, Chairs and Members

The Committee is sponsored by Beth McGrath, Vice President for University Relations and Chief of Staff and Tej Patel, Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer.

The Committee is co-chaired by Lisa Zahorchak, Director of Web and Digital Strategy in the Division of University Relations, and Lex Watson, Team Lead for Platform Integrations and Automation in the Division of Information Technology.

Membership includes website, social media and marketing contributors representing partner units across the university.