Neuron cells system.

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Certifications

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) logo.

As a worldwide authority for Systems Engineering, the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) has approved Academic Equivalency for two Stevens graduate courses:

  • SYS 625 Fundamentals of Systems Engineering

  • EM 612 Project Management of Complex Systems

This means that students who take these two courses, and pass with a B+ have demonstrated that they meet the knowledge requirements for the highly-valued ASEP (Associate Systems Engineering Professional) and CSEP (Certified Systems Engineering Professional) certifications and therefore do not have to take the required INCOSE knowledge examination.

Who can take these courses?

  • Graduate students pursuing the Master's in Systems Engineering

  • Graduate students pursing our Graduate Certificate in Systems Engineering

  • Non-matriculated students who are pursuing the Academic Equivalence that comes with these two courses

SYS 625 Fundamentals of Systems Engineering and EM 612 Project Management of Complex Systems are offered online each Fall, Spring or Summer semester. You will earn three graduate credits for each course. Learn more about the application process and these programs below:


Step 1: Apply for INCOSE Membership

If students wish to attain the ASEP or CSEP, they must be members of INCOSE. Student membership for $50 is available if currently enrolled in Stevens courses.

Step 2: Apply for the ASEP or CSEP Certification

A student will also have to apply for either the ASEP or CSEP Certification. ASEP is for beginners in the field with less than five years of experience. while the CSEP requires at least five years of experience.

Most students are eligible for the ASEP. There are other requirements involved, as well as an application fee.

Step 3: Verification of SYS 625 and EM 612 Grades

Upon the request of the student, Stevens Institute of Technology will verify that the student has taken the courses SYS 625 and EM 612 after 8/31/2023 and has attained a B+ in each courses.

Please send an email to our INCOSE liaison Carol Ruiz and indicate the following:

  • First and Last name

  • Email address

  • INCOSE ID number

  • Semester and grade for SYS 625

  • Semester and grade for EM 612

The INCOSE submission form will be completed with this information and send to INCOSE. Candidates do not need to send their transcripts to INCOSE, as verification must come from the School of Engineering and Science office.

In one to two weeks, INCOSE will directly inform the student about the awarding of the ASEP or CSEP certification.

business school graduate students

Companies and Organizations

Are you interested in having these courses offered to cohorts of your employees? The Stevens School of Engineering and Science's Corporate Education Program provides the option to have these courses offered to cohorts of 12 to 25 students, made up exclusively of your employees. There are a variety of scheduling options.

Instructor teaches small class in front of immersion wall of data

About Stevens and INCOSE

Stevens Institute of Technology and the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) have reached an agreement in which certain courses offered by Stevens will allow students to meet credential requirements for both the Associate Systems Engineering Professional (ASEP) and Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) certifications.

Contact Us

Carol Ruiz
Carol Ruiz
Associate Director of Corporate Education